View Full Version : achieving a smaller waist

11-30-08, 4:46 pm
hey guys, im starting to improve in my arm size since i last posted on the forum and i got some great advice. i was thinking though although im getting bigger as a whole i have quite a large waist (something which should be kept smaller). i keep getting told to train my shoulders more so my waist appears smaller but im alot smaller then the likes of frank mcgrath in terms of shoulders but im told he has a 28 inch waist where mine measures at 33 inch. also im told that i should take up cardio on a regular basis but to be honest i have no motivation towards actually doing it so any tips on how to bring myself to cardio would be great. do abdominal exercises such as crunches and leg raises help at all? any help will be much appreiciated. thanks.

redskin 344
11-30-08, 5:22 pm
What really helps to achieve a smaller waist is doing stomach vaccums. You basically tense your midsection and let every ounce of air out of you then hold the position and suck your stomach in.

11-30-08, 5:42 pm
Vacuums definitely help. Bob Chicherillo suggests always wearing a belt when working out to shrink the waist (kinda like a corset). Crunches and other ab work build the ab muscles but don't burn fat. That's why you need cardio if you're serious about getting a smaller waist.

11-30-08, 5:58 pm
There's no such thing as spot reduction.

If your goal is to lose inches off your waist, you have to lose weight.

11-30-08, 6:08 pm
Agreed with MVP.
There is no such thing as spot reduction, you can not magically lose fat in just one area.
You have to lose bodyfat overall to notice drops in the area you want. Doing this means you have to cut calories, and put your body in a calorie deficient state so it looks for fat to burn for energy. I got idea to get on track is find your maintenance amount of calories and subtract 500 from there. Its trial and error from there if 500 less doesnt work try a different number. There is no magic here.

Stay dedicated, lift hard, diet smart brother!

12-01-08, 1:55 pm
what you need is a v shape. i don't do cardio, or crunches but my waist still looks smaller because of my shoulders and back. work your lats(do loads of chins, lat pulldowns etc..)and work your shoulders(do loads of raises like lateral, front etc...)

Mike Honcho
12-01-08, 5:48 pm
Agreed with MVP.
I got idea to get on track is find your maintenance amount of calories and subtract 500 from there. Its trial and error from there if 500 less doesnt work try a different number. There is no magic here.

Stay dedicated, lift hard, diet smart brother!

So here is my question.....How do you find your maintenance amount of calories? This is good advice and I'd like to try it, but I don't know for sure how to do it. I'm trying to burn some fat as well.