View Full Version : Horse Jaw And Face Fat

10-18-09, 1:18 pm
i have been melting away the fat thru dieting and doing my 30-40 min of cardio everyday and working out 3 days a week with weights .....im very close to a full six pack and im more vascular looking now

the problem is im losing to much around my jaw and face area to the point i look sick or anorexic ... my question is....after i get down to my specific weight that im pleased with....and i switch my calories to maintenance mode...well my face most likely go back to normal?

10-18-09, 1:44 pm
once your weight gets back up a bit, yeah it should.

like once you stop cutting, you'll start holding some more water and that should take care of it.

10-18-09, 2:06 pm
oo okay so it doesnt matter ...maintence or bulk will bring the water level slightly back up..and my face will go back to normal
so i dont have to have a higher fat level is what ur sayin ,to get it back to normal....i can stay lean but not super lean...with a six pack showing still

10-18-09, 2:20 pm
most likely, I mean i can't make any guarantees, but in my experience the gaunt look fades pretty quickly

10-18-09, 11:09 pm
i have the opposite problem, iam on a bulk and iam getting excess face fat n a bigger jaw helpppppppppp

10-18-09, 11:24 pm
i have the opposite problem, iam on a bulk and iam getting excess face fat n a bigger jaw helpppppppppp

in that case you're just s.o.l. until you cut