View Full Version : Any tips

01-14-10, 1:31 pm
for knockin out elbow tendonitis. I know it just has to run its course, but i was wondering if anyone knew some tricks to shorten the time it takes.

G Diesel
01-14-10, 1:41 pm
Not saying any of this is a cure, but...

A combo of proper warm-ups, ceasing triceps exercises with an extreme stretch and extension of the elbows, the addition of neoprene sleeves for your elbows and consistent daily use of Animal Flex can make the problem more manageable.

Peace, G

01-14-10, 1:50 pm
Proper omega and fat intake to keep the joints lubricated, proper warmup during exercise before hitting your heavier sets, i always begin workouts in a heavy hoody to get a sweat going and to somewhat "heatup" the areas being trained before heading into my heavier sets.

Animal flex will help, and using a neoprene sleeve like G said will help reduce the pain. Proper rest and diet are also key, as well as removing some of the exercises that induce the pain from your workout, or working around them in different ways such as preexhaussting target areas

just some ideas to try to help

01-14-10, 2:00 pm
Looks like I'll be buyin sleeves because i already do the other suggestions. Thanks guys.
I know i was warmed up because i did shoulders before arms, lots of presses. I consistently use fish oil supps and just started 2 days ago on flex. Elbow sleeves will definitely be a future purchase. Thanks again.

01-14-10, 2:12 pm
sleeves + icy hot ontop of what your doing should improve were u are. also icing your elbows after you workout will help reduce the swelling of the tendons.

01-14-10, 3:51 pm
I had to rest it...couldn't do anything for two months...any movement I tried it would irritate it so I just rested and came back when i felt it was ready. It drove me crazy but I just focused on legs, legs and legs...and some abs!!!