View Full Version : muscle belly?

Joseph V
04-29-10, 7:26 pm
i dont quite know the exact definition of muscle belly, and if im correct is it related to how long or wide a muscle is?..and if thats the case can you "significantly" increase muscle bellys?

04-30-10, 1:36 am
i dont quite know the exact definition of muscle belly, and if im correct is it related to how long or wide a muscle is?..and if thats the case can you "significantly" increase muscle bellys?

muscle tendon
muscle fascia
muscle belly

those are what muscles are made of. tendonds attach the muscles to the joint, the fascia keeps all the muscle fiberss held together and the muscle belly is the actual muscle itself

04-30-10, 1:40 am
hm ill try to explain the best i can... smallest unit of muscle is muscle fibers. A group of muscle fibers = Fasiculus. A group of Fasiculus = Muscle belly. A muscle belly is a complete muscle like a bicep head, tricep head, lats etc.. Each of them, muscle fibers, faciculus and the muscle belly itself is surrounded by different layers of fascia.

So by getting muscle fibers bigger will make everything bigger.

Joseph V
04-30-10, 4:58 pm
ok ok ..very intresting no doubt because after i graduate high school im heading towards being a personal trainer and the little things like what you guys mentioned i have to know because what if somebody in the futre asks me of muscle belly lol..thanks for the info guys=)

Brick By Brick
04-30-10, 5:15 pm
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