View Full Version : Stacking Test , Stak and PM

06-01-10, 10:16 am
im a huge animal fan , i only like using test for a testbooster the other shit doesnt work on me. im just wondering if puting together test stak and pm is a good mix or not

06-01-10, 10:20 am
As long as you're around 25yrs of age and up, yes, you can stack Test, Stak, and PM. The Test/Stak combo is a recommended stack on our site and PM can be stacked with any and all other Animal products. But how do you know that the 'rest of the shit' doesn't work? Test is a very solid, complex formula. How do you know it was only the 'test boosters' that worked?

06-01-10, 10:38 am
Hows your diet? Nothing is going to work if you dont eat correctly.

06-01-10, 10:50 am
Hows your diet? Nothing is going to work if you dont eat correctly.

That is 100% truth right there diet is way more important than supplements!!

06-01-10, 11:46 am
In my opinion thats the perfect stack. You cover all your test throught the whole day, morning, noon, and mkost importantly night when you recover the most.

06-01-10, 4:32 pm
sounds like some major testie going on prepare to be one aggressive s.o.b lol but deadly stack up post your results and gains...wanna hear more.

06-01-10, 4:44 pm
Just my opinion on this bro but; why don't you run stak with pm and after a couple weeks or as reccomended on the can run test with pm and then wait 4 weeks or as reccomended and run both together with pm.

I have ran test, stak, mstack all seperately combined with the pak along with massive amounts of food and saw results so I don't see why you shouldn't.

Enjoy the ride bro.