View Full Version : Animal PM vs. TP Sleep-aid?

07-12-10, 6:19 pm
What's going on boys and girls. I'm now almost 3 months into my cut and with advice from a lot of you I'm down 35 pounds with the fat just melting off. I supplement with TP cold-filtered isolate, some BCAA boost and a little waxy maize to top it off. I also use Animal Pak, Animal Cuts, and Animal Flex... in accordance with a top notch diet ;-).

Just a quick question: do any of you have experience with either of these sleep aids and do you find it beneficial? I used TP's sleep-aid in the past and loved it (years ago actually). Lately however I find myself waking up earlier and/or easier if you know what I mean? I don't feel tired though. It's odd. I'd like to get a solid sleeping ritual down and am curious if either of these are as beneficial as they sound!

07-13-10, 9:25 am
Here is a full section on PM my man:
