View Full Version : Gaining muscle?

08-08-10, 5:25 pm
Heres the deal i just got out of a chat with this guy who was telling me thats its naturally impossible to gain more that 5lbs of muscle per year! needless to say he tells me my lifestyle of bulking and cutting is a joke. He claims this guy who runs this place called www.scoobysworkshop.com is like the god of natty building... and yes this guy is a skinny little bonehead with no real mass to him. whats your opinion on all this im curious?

08-08-10, 8:08 pm
Pretty sure most can agree that a solid gain of 10 pounds or more in a few months or less is plenty possible.

08-08-10, 8:37 pm
Heres the deal i just got out of a chat with this guy who was telling me thats its naturally impossible to gain more that 5lbs of muscle per year! needless to say he tells me my lifestyle of bulking and cutting is a joke. He claims this guy who runs this place called www.scoobysworkshop.com is like the god of natty building... and yes this guy is a skinny little bonehead with no real mass to him. whats your opinion on all this im curious?

Don't believe everything you read and hear. I know for a fact you can put on more than 5 lbs of muscle in a year. Notice he is a skinny little bonehead like you said, so learn to turn the other cheek. Do your research and read things from people who know and understand the game.

Best thing you can do, PROVE HIM WRONG. Work your ass off and gain weight, then show him whats up, he'll shut his mouth pretty quick.

08-09-10, 1:56 am
There are people who will say anything to get you to pay attention to him. You want to talk about natural muscle gain, talk to C.Coronato, Stolzenator, or scals17 here on the board -- both are natural athletes who I -know- have done more than that, and place well in competitions.

08-09-10, 3:44 am
Here's my two cents because before I found this place, I found Scooby. The gentleman has latched on to pieces of what Scooby teaches. Scooby teaches, like every serious bodybuilder, that perfect nutrition and perfect form in the gym are required to even hope at having good results. He also points out that bodybuilding takes a long time, many years, and that the "average" person can hope to put on about 5 lbs of dry muscle in a year, but does admit there are people out there who can manage 10 or more pounds.
That said, he is not a proponent of supplements, or bulking and cutting (he is of the school of thought that if you eat right you can gain muscle and keep the fat off.)

My opinion on all this? I'm a middle of the road kind of guy. Hardcore, middle of the road. I think that perfect nutrition and excellent form in the gym with intensity are the key aspects of bodybuilding. I'm not big into bulk/cut cycles, but I do believe that supplementation has its place.

Scooby has excellent information out there for folks trying to *loose weight* and get ripped. Different source, slightly different info. I think we should all remember that everyone to an extent has selective hearing, and in many cases reading.

08-09-10, 12:41 pm
Heres the deal i just got out of a chat with this guy who was telling me thats its naturally impossible to gain more that 5lbs of muscle per year! needless to say he tells me my lifestyle of bulking and cutting is a joke. He claims this guy who runs this place called www.scoobysworkshop.com is like the god of natty building... and yes this guy is a skinny little bonehead with no real mass to him. whats your opinion on all this im curious?

Sounds like a complete moron... and a pussy... my 2 cents. If you don't think it's possible... it will never happen. Sounds like someone who doesnt want to cut, or to bulk and sacrifice and work and train... just wants to do what he wants and claim to be a genius.. world is full of false prophets bro..


08-09-10, 1:27 pm
Heres the deal i just got out of a chat with this guy who was telling me thats its naturally impossible to gain more that 5lbs of muscle per year! needless to say he tells me my lifestyle of bulking and cutting is a joke. He claims this guy who runs this place called www.scoobysworkshop.com is like the god of natty building... and yes this guy is a skinny little bonehead with no real mass to him. whats your opinion on all this im curious?

Can be easily done, but don't think about it. Don't count the ounces and pounds each day. just put your head down, eat a ton, and lift heavy and smart day in and day out. Give yourself six months of this and you tell me how much a natty can gain bro.

08-09-10, 1:30 pm
I know a bunch of natural competitors that grow each year and do well, myself included. No one can give every single body a limit, every one is different, and everyone responds different. As Tony said, eat big, put your head down, and continue through with your plans. Then look at the scale and say that you didnt grow. Dont put limits on yourself, just goals brother.

08-10-10, 8:30 pm
I increased more than 5lbs of lean, dry muscle in a year using just an old knackered multigym, 2 dumbells and a barbell in leaky old garage with a single strip light & virtually no nutritional knowledge. All natural, I'd been at it for a few months before I even started on protein shakes.

It's been suggested above that the guy who made the original claim may have had his comments/advice taken out of context but if that is actually what he said, he's wrong. I know, because I've been there and done it myself.