View Full Version : HIT (High Intensity Training) v.s. HRT (Hell Raiser Training)

09-20-10, 11:03 am
Hey animals need some guidance.
Been doing Mike Mentzer's high intensity training for quite sometime and it has been effective. However, I feel that my gains are slowing. I've read up on Rage's HRT and it has some HIT qualities. Wondering if anyone has done both and if so could you compare and contrast the two for me.

09-20-10, 5:57 pm
Post the routine!

09-20-10, 7:34 pm
Okay the current high intensity split is each exersize is done one set to failure. 3 sec negative 3 sec static hold and 3 sec positive no rest between exersizes.

Monday-Chest and back

Thursday-Hams and Calves




Thursday-Hams and Calves

**Then the cycles starts over.

I have gained in reps or weight every single workout.
I know it seems very unorthodox but as you know Mike Mentzer was very successful in his day. Dorian Yates also trains high intensity but slightly variated.
To see some modern day, look up thenaturalone on body space.

In Flames
09-20-10, 11:15 pm
I wouldn't rest that much yet, your body might not need that much. Yes thenaturalone does around that much rest but if you read his story he started like everyone else on a basic 4-5 day week split. As time passed he kept adding more rest days between the workouts until only hitting each muscle group around 1-2 times a month and working out only 2 times a week. He wanted to see how much rest he could give his muscles to keep making progress.

I would follow Dorian's split and see how you do for a month or 2 and if you feel you could use more rest between workouts to keep your gains going then start adding a day or 2 or more off after every workout. Keep the same exact exercises you're doing now though.

Monday - Delts, Traps, Triceps, Abs
Tuesday - Back and Rear Delts
Wednesday - Off
Thursday - Chest, Biceps, Abs
Friday - Off
Saturday - Quads, Hams, Calves
Sunday - Off