View Full Version : change of diet for strength training?

Carpe Diem P.T
10-13-10, 11:11 pm
Wasnt sure if this is a diet question or training.

Im looking to drop the 8-12 reps down to 5-6 reps for a while. time to ease up on the beach muscles and build some strength.

My current Diet looks like this:
7.15 8 egg whites and ½ cup oats
9.05 protein bar 30gm
10.05 protein shake 30gm
10.30 1 cup chicken and rice
12.30 steak burger
3.30 1/2 cup Rice and protein shake
5.30 pasta w/ chicken
9.30 protein shake 45gm
10.30 chicken breast and oats

current pic - http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs189.ash2/45236_436596502712_691572712_5009354_3108322_n.jpg

Should I change this for Strength Training?

10-13-10, 11:13 pm
Add carbs with every meal, like a cup of rice and you should be good.

10-14-10, 12:03 am
I agree with Spanky. More carbs. Drink a ton of water. I would add some good fat sources too like avocado and nat pb. I personally like more whole food cause i feel fuller and harder. Just my thoughts man. Good luck with the program bro!

10-14-10, 3:21 am
i actually like it alot.

for meal 1 though, can you make them whole eggs? or do 4 whole 4 whites?

your protien looks very good. if you need more cals, you will know by looking at the scale. add in some peanuts and some carbs intra workout. wont even realise your eating more.

Chosen One
10-19-10, 5:05 pm
Carbs will definitely help you recover and put on some strength with that routine, happy hunting