View Full Version : Controlled Adrenaline

Big Wides
10-28-10, 6:21 am
Most of us are used to the notion of having controlled aggression while going through either daily routines or while training. This is a good thing to have but it is not the most important, that would be the ability to control your adrenaline. Whether its a normal training session, the morning of a big meet, or those few seconds before stepping on stage, each time if you are human, your adrenaline is running high. What the key is, taking that initial burst of it and stretching it out to last. Like many others, I have fallen victim to blowing the adrenaline load early on and being worthless from that point out. You'll often see sometimes those dudes at meets/comps that are sitting off by themselves, are they focused? Determined? Yes they are but take a closer look at them and notice that right before they go to lift, a switch is thrown in their head and like Dr. Jekyll they are moving weight like it aint shit, then after its done, going back to a relaxed state before the next.

The ability that that athelete shows to control the adrenaline that comes with big lifts and big occasions allows them to stay in the meet for the long haul and obtain the results they want. If you think I am bullshitting you, give it a try and see how it works

10-28-10, 8:38 am
I like it, Wides. I'm no powerlifter, but I can relate. I've been doing the 5/3/1. Before my big set comes, I'm calm and relaxed, yet focused on the lifts. Once its time to lift that main set, I block out everything. Nothing matters once you flip, what I like to call, the 'psycho switch'. Once the set is over, its back to normal ... until the next set ..

11-01-10, 1:50 pm
Sounds good Wides. I like your POVs on many things.

J Wong
11-01-10, 9:44 pm
Very good thread, and it's very true. In my April meet, I had an adrenaline dump right after squats and I felt horrible for the rest of the day. In my next meet, I made sure not to this mistake again and had a great meet.

11-03-10, 11:04 am
That is why thinking of the thing that makes you extremely angry or like you're feeling in danger helps you lift heavier. It's the adrenaline. And it works.

It's amazing what you can gain once you've mastered your own mind.