View Full Version : EDT Generic Program?

12-27-11, 4:33 pm
Heres just another typical "generic program". I remember a while back Chris Coronato said that everyone nowa days has their own program. Thats so true.

Just wanted to see your guy's thoughts on this one. Link is below

http://www.t-nation.com/free_online_article/sports_body_training_performance/escalating_density_training;jsessionid=C35EE1C7906 4E70D65F226F7F5E32504-mcd01.hydra

12-27-11, 8:31 pm
Wow that one doesn't have a ******* supplement program attached to it! They do have some good articles on there, I'll say that. I mostly go there for inspiration found on the bottom of their homepage though...

12-27-11, 8:33 pm
Wow that one doesn't have a ******* supplement program attached to it! They do have some good articles on there, I'll say that. I mostly go there for inspiration found on the bottom of their homepage though...

Wow animal starred out my brand I called out! After so many times I read people asking if x brand is good geez! That's cool though, guess it weeds those posts out!

12-28-11, 12:08 am
Wow animal starred out my brand I called out! After so many times I read people asking if x brand is good geez! That's cool though, guess it weeds those posts out!

Huh? What tnation was calling animal out?

12-28-11, 12:11 am
Heres just another typical "generic program". I remember a while back Chris Coronato said that everyone nowa days has their own program. Thats so true.

Just wanted to see your guy's thoughts on this one. Link is below

http://www.t-nation.com/free_online_article/sports_body_training_performance/escalating_density_training;jsessionid=C35EE1C7906 4E70D65F226F7F5E32504-mcd01.hydra

firstly, i wouldn't call it a program - it's rather a philosophy or an approach to same principle of 'PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD'. you do agree that progression doesn't mean progression in weights only? though it might be the most effective way to cause hypertrophy / strength gains.

Secondly, how is it generic? ...it's as customizable as can be, you can group any 2 body parts for PR Zone you want, hack you can chose exercises you think better hit those body parts.

i have done in past a few sessions EDT style, and i felt good. really not for the faint hearted. also a good change from heavy lifting. the only problem though was keeping the equipment for you only for a 15 min PR zone can be difficult in commercial gym..lolz.

i aint saying increasing density / reps would result in as much hypertrophy as increasing poundage would but still its an approach to look at same principal - PROGRESSION.

12-28-11, 7:42 am
Huh? What tnation was calling animal out?

No, I typed in their supplement company in my previous post and it automatically went to ********* 's when I posted it. They didn't call out this company.

12-28-11, 9:25 am
Very interesting lol. I think we should all get together as a group and try each program for a few weeks and give them fair assessments of them.

12-28-11, 9:29 am
Very interesting lol. I think we should all get together as a group and try each program for a few weeks and give them fair assessments of them.

I'm down for that, can't knock it till you try it.