View Full Version : Powering through the Hard Times

01-22-12, 10:56 pm
This weekend was a hellish nightmare in my books. I planned arm day and a rest day but this is not how it went by any means. It all started Friday night at work. I work at Walmart due to the fact I live in a college town and there is not much in the way of employment. I am also a full time student. I was forced to push carts all night in freezing rain and ice alone and expected to get all the carts in by end of shift...all i can say its a good thing I lift. The next day I came in and was told my work wasn't good enough and I needed to have it checked before I left...what makes me angry is im the only person in the department and I work the weekend...so im expected to have my dept perfect yet no one else is held accountable for it but me. Im left to fix everyone else's fuck ups and id be damned BC i work the hardest in the store and take the most shit in the store but I keep moving forward no matter what. Next my phone just ups and quits charging so im stuck with out a phone all weekend. This meant no communication all weekend for school and loved ones and im a CS nerd so it was difficult but it didn't stop me from moving forward. Then on top of all my school work get to work today and had to push carts for 8 hours with a broken cart pusher...the blows keep coming but u cant stop moving forward. Finally i get home and do my hw and call my family only to find out they have no faith in me...Now dont get me wrong I have had my fuck ups in the past but id be dammed if my family let the past be the past...Everytime i call home i get bitched at for causing the same fight when im calling home to be nice bc i know my mother misses me but when i do call all she wants to do is bitch at me. Life is rough and always beating and throwing punches at me but i just tell myself that i have power beyond measure and I keep pushing forward, I will show them all one day how great I am...we all can show them how great we are bc life is a game of inches and i will always keep fighting to move forward on inch at time bc when you pay ur dues no one has the right to tell you no....we all know what we are worth so push forward and get what ur worth even if its a inch at a time.

01-24-12, 3:18 pm
Everyone encounters their own struggle one way, or another. Getting up and getting past it is what makes you a greater man. Keep pushing brother, you are in a good place.

01-26-12, 1:58 pm
Fuck the bullshit, drive on brother.