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Joseph V
12-15-13, 2:00 pm
Around 90 minutes before working out I like to have a simple whey protein shake in which I will wait 1 hour until its digested pretty good then 30 minutes before my workout I'll have my preworkout whether its just caffeine tabs, or maybe when I can "Shock therapy". In my head I have dreams yet to be accomplished like competing, but thats all fuel to the fire with all the training and eating and discipline I gain throughout time.

This is small meal i take, preworkout and what i think about before working out. How do you guys go about it?

G Diesel
12-16-13, 11:49 am
I usually have a full meal about 90 minutes pre. Then I like a bowl of oats and/or some fruit like 45 mins before training, finally I have Rage XL about 15 minutes preworkout.

I try to make sure I'm well-hydrated in the hours before training as well.

Peace, G

12-16-13, 12:35 pm
I like to have a solid meal finished around 60mins before hitting either a scoop of Rage or Shock, then training around 30mins after that.

12-16-13, 10:04 pm
60 minutes before workout a 30g pro and 50g carb meal. 10 mins before 50g karbolyn and shock therapy