View Full Version : vascularity?

02-14-14, 9:57 am
hope this is the right forum for this i checked faq and nothing, how does a guy get vescularity in his legs? ive been training for years and zero veins popping in my legs im pretty lean about 12 percent bf now my arms are vascular as well as delts and traps just wondering thanks!

02-17-14, 9:44 pm
hope this is the right forum for this i checked faq and nothing, how does a guy get vescularity in his legs? ive been training for years and zero veins popping in my legs im pretty lean about 12 percent bf now my arms are vascular as well as delts and traps just wondering thanks!

could a couple of things:
mainly genetics. this plays a major role at what % someone will see their vascularity, how much vascularity and where will the location of the vascularity....

other big factors: body fat%. Do you tend to hold more weight in your legs than in an other body part? If you do then that could be the last place you get vascularity so maybe 10 or 8% fat for you? who knows?

also the more muscle you have = the more transports for nutrients to those muscles which means more veins to carry oxygen/blood.

02-19-14, 4:18 pm
hope this is the right forum for this i checked faq and nothing, how does a guy get vescularity in his legs? ive been training for years and zero veins popping in my legs im pretty lean about 12 percent bf now my arms are vascular as well as delts and traps just wondering thanks!

bodyfat. i had to get down to like 9-10% before i even barely started to see in the legs.

02-19-14, 4:31 pm
Not what you want to hear, but for vascularity in your legs... You need huge legs and VERY low BF%. Size has a lot to do with it. I know guys who are damn near stage ready, but their legs just aren't big enough to push them veins through the skin.

02-20-14, 9:46 am
thanks fellas i was kind of thinking the same thing just wanted to get your opinions, i will keep training those legs hard, this is really the first year in many years that i actually do a leg training vs a couple sets of squats and call it good. i have a long way to go!

Jay Nera
02-21-14, 12:24 am
Genetics most definitely play a role in this.

As a person with pretty decent leg vascularity, i've noticed that slight shifts in my bf% can change the vascularity A LOT…we're talking 232 crazy….237 50% less…..When I have a six pack..veins for days ..when I have a pillow pack..much less…When I'm lean, If i train legs and then eat a ton of carbs(usually low carb) then they pop out like a road map... also, I have big legs ranging from 28-29.5 depending on how heavy i am… I think everyone is pretty much saying the same thing..but really..if you are already lean then ultimately, your best bet is to get your squat on.