View Full Version : How to Stacking Animal Cuts and Animal Stak

FB Cool J
06-06-14, 6:21 am
Hey guys,

Long time follower of the forum but finally decided to create an account and ask you guys a question. If I missed out some basic info please let me know and I will be sure to provide it! So here it goes:

I am 26 I have been working out regularly for almost 2 years now and sticking to a high protein diet. I was initially aiming to not drop my fat content but to put on muscle and my diet and training regime were tailored with that goal. About 3 months ago, I decided to try to shed some fat because while I was noticing huge improvement in my ability to work out at the gym, I wasn't really looking any better because all the muscle I was building was under a layer of fat (I had always been a 'big' child and that layer of fat stuck with me). So I bumped up the cardio (hugely), altered my diet to still eat high protein but at a calorie deficit, and started stacking Cuts and Stak. I have already completed the first cycle with pretty good results, dropped my weight from 84.9 Kgs to 81.3Kgs. I am now onto my second cycle. Having said that, I really don't think I am taking Cuts and Stak in the best way because it ends up with me having Lunch far too late in the day: This is how I stacked them on the first cycle:
9:00 - Wake Up
9:05 - Take Animal Cuts
9:30 - Have Breakfast
11:00 - Snack
13:30 - Take Animal Cuts and Animal Stak together
14:00 - Work Out
15:00 - Protein Shake
16:00 - Lunch

Essentially I am asking two questions:
1: Is it okay/ideal to take both Animal Cuts and Animal Stak directly prior to my workout? Or should I alter my schedule to this:
9:00 - Wake Up
9:05 - Take Animal Cuts
9:30 - Have Breakfast
11:30 - Take Animal Stak
12:00 - Work Out
13:00 - Protein Shake
14:00 - Take Animal Cuts
14:05 - Lunch

2: Do you have any ideas how I should alter my current schedule to improve the results of taking the supplements?

Thanks in advance!

G Diesel
06-06-14, 9:51 am
I dig the Cuts and Stak together right before you train bro. The only reason I see to push Cuts back would be if you wanted to take a preworkout with Stak.

Otherwise, it looks good. Maybe consider making the 11am "snack" a little more calorically dense so as to be more of a complete meal, even if smaller than your standard 3 squares.

Peace, G