View Full Version : Fuck ordinary.

06-10-14, 10:39 am
My journey on the iron path started way back when I was just 16. Never took it too seriously, just knew I wanted to look stronger but had no idea what I was doing.

My only equipment was a pair of York dumbbells with the plastic sand filled weights that my stepdad left when he took off. Humble beginnings but I was hooked.

I'll admit I first started training to get attention of girls, but realised later on that it was mainly for self esteem. I knew that I didn't want to fit in with the crowd, I want to be above average and look impressive.

I'm now 27 years old and have been doing this 11 years, I feel like I'm making the best progress of my life in recent months, everything else has just been laying the foundations for where I'm at now, but where I'm at now is not where I should be, I have probably spent at least some of the last 4 years not training as hard as I should and doing what I enjoy more than what I should just do.

Over the years I've tried alsorts of training, like you do when you don't really know what works and listen to the BS in the magazines. Best results came from doing "Stronglifts" and then moving on to bodypart splits.

I should probably go back to a strength program but I love doing my current bodypart split, at the end of the day you do what you love and it's motivating when you enjoy what you do.

I've got Jim Wendlers 5/3/1 program and might start doing this sometime soon but mentally I need to get myself off what I'm doing currently.