Hey gang, after more than four years here, I am finally starting my journey! My goals have changed several times over the years but the one thing that has been constant since day one is, I love training. Having said that, let me get into a little background.
I first started off lifting in gym class my freshman year of high school. My form most certainly sucked on most movements (especially bench) but I developed a seemingly lifelong desire to feel that brutal muscle soreness that only comes from a great session in the gym. I lifted occasionally for the next few years with my big brother Joe (Joey9mm) here on the forvm. When I was 19 I joined Fitworks in Forest Park, Ohio and began training consistently. I have missed weeks, and even months with injuries but nothing serious enough to undergo surgery (ppheww). For a long time I trained mainly for bodybuilding. I wanted to look like Arnold. One day I realized I'd never be tall enough so I changed my goal to resemble Larry Scott. That diet thing is hard though lol. Even though I have never stuck to a strict diet for long, I have certainly stuck to my training.
I always wanted to be strong but was ok with the concept of looking stronger than I was. Every time I would start to climb for heavier weight on an exercise, I'd get hurt. Through my 20s, I felt like VinnyG. It would be awesome to do what those guys do but when I lift heavy I get hurt (He said something close to this at The Cage last year). I have found so far, I can train heavy and be healthy as long as my form is in check. With this bit of self discovery I have now settled in to powerlifting.
My powerlifting experiment actually started around January of 2012. I think I was following Aggression's journey and saw him and some others talking about the 5/3/1 program. What a concept! You train heavy but you're not trying to break new ground every week by adding more weight all the time. With some advice and knowledge from Aggression, Higamonster, Powerswitch, Big Ben, Seath308 and COUNTLESS others, I got started. If I can track down my max lifts for my first 5/3/1 cycle I'll post them. I have about 4 or 5 years of lifting journals. Since then I have done different stuff here and there but the foundation of my training now always centers around squats, o/h press, deads and bench. I now have my sights set on competing for the first time this summer and this journey needs to start! Thanks to all of you here I have been able to call a friend for your support in the past as well as into the future.