TRAINING-- Powerlifting gives me purpose. To become stronger than I was yesterday. Gravity doesn't change. It will remain constant today and tomorrow. I either get stronger or I improve my technique... But gravity never changes. This journey is about overcoming obstacles. I've had my fair share of injuries and setbacks. I've pushed that boulder up the mountain to only have it roll back down again as soon as I hit an injury. But my character never builds. You've all been there before. This is my journey and even when I make it to the top of my mountain that mountain will only gain more height and I must push this heavy boulder further...climb higher. The key to realize is that I enjoy pushing that boulder up this wretched unforgiving mountain...that weight on my shoulders..I don't wish that this rock were to get lighter..i wish to endure gives my training purpose.
"The struggle itself toward the heights is enough to fill a man's heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy."
Normally, I have a Bulgarian mentality when it comes to training. I like to lift heavy and lift often. High frequency and high intensity. In the last year I have learned to be more patient and to bring down the intensity. This is due to injuries.
My split for the last 4 years:
Mon-Upper body press
Tues-Front Squat/Back squat
Wed-Upper body press
Thurs- Deadlift
Fri-Upper body press
Sat- Squat
Sun- Rest
Upper body days consist of any of the following: bench press, close grip bench press, feet up flared elbows bench press, floor press, standing overhead
I do hundreds of pull ups a week. Anywhere from 400-600.
I like to follow up all lower body days with box jumps. ( I have only started doing this again because my injuries are all healed up).
My next competition is Raw Unity Meet 7 ( RUM 7) in February 2014 and I will be starting my peaking cycle in November.
I will start posting my training here.