My body fat level is currently % and it will not budge. I know whats happened at this point, in both my body and my mind but im gonna be honest with you all because we are brothers... I don't know wtf is happening now! Right now. My body feels like its all over the place but the strange thing is that on the scales,
my weight is steady. I'm losing my mind lol Which isn't unheard of when trying to drop below 8%. I mean people have literally lost there mind. They have ended uo going insane. Seriously. When your trying to drop into single digits, you become a different person, a different athlete. You start (If you haven't already ) to become obsessed. In a horrible selfish way. For some, nothing and no one exists, and if they do, then they won't matter. There gonna share second thought. Maybe even third or fourth.

My trainer O, says not to worry that I have plenty of time to drop weight before the next shows that I'm doing in 2018. The Sugar Classic 's etc. O said that level is already very low and that most competitors weight at this point would normally be 8-9%. Maybe even 10% if they know there body and how to deit. Then he said to me to spend a little time researching. And I'm thinking, "What? I haven't got time for that I need to diet."

But then he humbled me and I got what he meant because he asked me a question and I didn't know be answer. Which is the reason for this post lol (He vets there finally) I use put you lot to sleep lol.

He said, "What's the Leptin like in your body at the moment?"

I didn't know what the hell he was talking about lol sooooo... please help me. Rex, Chris or Lazybones if you hear me help me out guys I've been on the laptop for hours.

What is Leptin?

I know its a hormone released from fat tissue and that it plays a key role in regulating hunger and feelings of satiety. Tbh it seems to have many functions in the body, the main function is to control or regulate fat-cell size. I think once leptin is released from fat cells, its sort of sends a signal to the brain that the body has received adequate food—and that it's time to put the fork down.

Ok, so i know now (or i think i do lol) that leptin is good for the body and that their are certain key factors that can influence leptin levels, both negatively and positively. You know like fasting etc.

I just need help lol O is a genius that never went to university. When it comes to bodybuilding he knows his stuff and if he has asked me what Leptin is and to check out, ts for a reason. Is the secret to me dropping below 5% really to with this Leptin hormone?
