I assume that we all have our preferred methods of training that we use regularly in the gym, at least I do. But there are times when it's good to just completely switch it up and train in a way your body isn't used to. This is great for "shocking" the muscles and forcing them to do what it isn't used to. You've seen my "Five Pillars To Weight Training," which is my usual choice style training. But some days, you just "grip it and rip it!" If you're used to time under tension, constant tension, and slower, hard contractions with machines when lifting.. maybe choose to do free weights and up the weight (grip it and rip it!). And vise versa.. those who like to bang the heavy weights day in day out... try controlling the weight for a longer, harder squeeze and tell me that your muscles don't lite up! Whatever you normally do.. I challenge you guys to do the opposite for a week and see how your body responds in a month. Kick the idea of a plateau and just do the work! Time to be a champ.