Quote Originally Posted by Zieben Check Out Post
Is there a specific reason that the carb-to-protein ratio is always in favor of the carbs? I've been at this seriously for only about 3 months, and I bounce back and forth deciding whether or not I should consume more carbs than proteins, or less-to-none. I'm being informed by several friends, magazine exposure, and random posts on here. Can anyone please help clarify, or is this more under the general umbrella of "it all depends on your body"?
depends on what you're trying to accomplish. My feeling is that SOME carbs are always good. It works for me anyway. If you are trying to bulk up obviously you want more carbs, cut down.. you want less. I just started HRT and am following the HRT diet (1.5-2g protein per lb of body weight [minus fat], 2g carbs per pound of body weight [minus fat]) and this puts me at about 41% protein, 46% carbs, and 13% fat. The fat comes completely from the ground beef, chicken, and ground turkey I am eating, and I feel like this is a good balance. This is my first time really eating to bulk so we'll see. When I start to cut I am going to cycle between 50,100, and 150g per day of carbs and maintain protein intake. Best piece of advice I can offer is to figure out what you are trying to accomplish (gain vs. lose) then start reading the articles in the diet section. They've been a huge help for me.