Hey Evan,

This is great of you to be doing this for us and we REALLY appreciate it.

Here's my spiel. I'm in a fuckin bind man. I've gone back on a bulking diet this summer before I go off to school. In the last year and 8 or 9 months I've gone from 140 lbs. to 175-178 lbs., while staying lean (around 10% BF). I've got Torrent in my mix now and I don't like the stomach discomfort it gives me... I thought it wasn't supposed to do that? I have two totally solid food meals before my workout, so Torrent is my first shake of the day. I mix it with 16 oz. water, and then about 30 mins. later I have some solid carbs and protein to finish the meal. My stomach feels like a volcano for about 4 hours after Torrent. I'm pissed because it's an awesome supplement... but I really can't tolerate that shit day after day, it's horrible. Do I just HAVE to put up with it? Or is there a reason it happens that I can change?

By the way, I'm consuming about 3200 cals on training days (first week of the bulk...) and around 2800-2900 on non-training days (all in a 40/40/20 ratio). Any help is appreciated and thanks again.