View Full Version : Animal Test FAQ #2: Why is Animal Test Recommended for 21 and Older?
Animal Rep
10-04-07, 3:46 pm
Why are you recommending that only those 21 years and older take Animal Test?
Being the most potent product in the Animal line and being one most directly targeted for enhanced testosterone production, we feel Test should only be used by those 21 yrs of age or older. In your teens and developmental years supplement use should be limited, especially the use of testosterone specific formulas considering that endogenous hormone levels are at their peak during this period.
Hi, one question. Why is it that Animal Test says that it is intended for people 21 years and up, and when reading the Stak FAQs it says that Stak is for 25 and up? Isn't Test supposed to be much more potent? I am 20 and a half, and would like to know this, to see whether I can use Stak, or just buy M-stak, I want to know whether taking Stak or Test at my age would mess up with my system/test leves/or do any harm.
Thanks Guys
02-26-08, 12:10 am
Hi, one question. Why is it that Animal Test says that it is intended for people 21 years and up, and when reading the Stak FAQs it says that Stak is for 25 and up? Isn't Test supposed to be much more potent? I am 20 and a half, and would like to know this, to see whether I can use Stak, or just buy M-stak, I want to know whether taking Stak or Test at my age would mess up with my system/test leves/or do any harm.
Thanks Guys
At your age bro, you can wait a little while longer to take Test. Just follow the recommendations. M-Stak is plenty good to keep you satisfied until then. Stak is a pretty potent product too, but a little bit different than Test. It increases naturally occuring hormones within your system, such as test and growth hormone. Now imagine the test levels that are running through your system right now versus what they will be like in 5 or 6 years. Your body's production will tend to slow down a little and maintain a steady level. With that being said, take the already high test levels and add that to something that will increase them even more. Your body is forced to compensate a little more than it's used to by kicking out another substance at an even greater capacity. Estrogen is something that will basically try and block your increase from Stak, making it much less effective. Although Stak contains ingrediants to help prevent this, at the 15-24 year old age range it becomes much harder. That's why it's a product best used for when your a little older. In short, stick with M-Stak for now. Then move on to Test.
At your age bro, you can wait a little while longer to take Test. Just follow the recommendations. M-Stak is plenty good to keep you satisfied until then. Stak is a pretty potent product too, but a little bit different than Test. It increases naturally occuring hormones within your system, such as test and growth hormone. Now imagine the test levels that are running through your system right now versus what they will be like in 5 or 6 years. Your body's production will tend to slow down a little and maintain a steady level. With that being said, take the already high test levels and add that to something that will increase them even more. Your body is forced to compensate a little more than it's used to by kicking out another substance at an even greater capacity. Estrogen is something that will basically try and block your increase from Stak, making it much less effective. Although Stak contains ingrediants to help prevent this, at the 15-24 year old age range it becomes much harder. That's why it's a product best used for when your a little older. In short, stick with M-Stak for now. Then move on to Test.
Thank you so much Norrim,
You know? That's the thing I like best about this forvm, whenever one asks a question, you get a straight answer, no bullshit, no "oh well... yeah, that's what it says, but I'll tell you what you wanna hear just so you buy my whole line of products" nonsense that most (if not all) other companies tell you.
Again, thanks for the info, and for your time.
02-27-08, 12:08 am
Thank you so much Norrim,
You know? That's the thing I like best about this forvm, whenever one asks a question, you get a straight answer, no bullshit, no "oh well... yeah, that's what it says, but I'll tell you what you wanna hear just so you buy my whole line of products" nonsense that most (if not all) other companies tell you.
Again, thanks for the info, and for your time.
Anytime bro, that's what I'm here for. If you have any other questions don't hesitate to ask.
At your age bro, you can wait a little while longer to take Test. Just follow the recommendations. M-Stak is plenty good to keep you satisfied until then. Stak is a pretty potent product too, but a little bit different than Test. It increases naturally occuring hormones within your system, such as test and growth hormone. Now imagine the test levels that are running through your system right now versus what they will be like in 5 or 6 years. Your body's production will tend to slow down a little and maintain a steady level. With that being said, take the already high test levels and add that to something that will increase them even more. Your body is forced to compensate a little more than it's used to by kicking out another substance at an even greater capacity. Estrogen is something that will basically try and block your increase from Stak, making it much less effective. Although Stak contains ingrediants to help prevent this, at the 15-24 year old age range it becomes much harder. That's why it's a product best used for when your a little older. In short, stick with M-Stak for now. Then move on to Test.
Hi, this may sound a little bit dumb but, the last sentence got me a little bit confused... so, in short, I should stick to M-stak for now and move on to Stak and Test later... right?
Thanks bro
03-03-08, 10:38 pm
Hi, this may sound a little bit dumb but, the last sentence got me a little bit confused... so, in short, I should stick to M-stak for now and move on to Stak and Test later... right?
Thanks bro
Yeah, just stick to M-Stak for now. Haha...when you turn 21 get yourself some Test and give it a shot bro.
Haha, will keep that in mind, and so, at what time(or age) is Stak recommended for me to try?
Thanks Again Bro, really appreciate your time helping me.
I've been lifting weights for a couple of years now, but I just started to get serious about it a couple of months ago, so I "know" some of the basics when it comes to exercises, nutrition and supplements, but I emphasize the "" in KNOW cause all of it comes from reading tons of sites and magazines about, though I know that a lot of the stuff that I've read really doesn't compare to actually having a Forvm like this where I can ask an actual Pro about all of these.
05-19-08, 12:09 pm
Ok I am 17 years old and i was wondering if I could take Test? Just one cycle would that do my body damage?????????
06-17-08, 11:22 am
Ok I am 17 years old and i was wondering if I could take Test? Just one cycle would that do my body damage?????????
Bro you DO NOT need Animal Test at your age. You need a shit load of good quality food, hard but smart training, a basic whey shake, and a dialy multi and you are set. You are so young, don't go jumping the gun with supplements bro. Do it the right way and you will get the results you are lookign for.
So, it says 21 and older, am I to assume that the farther from 21 in age the better this would be working? I'm almost 23 right now. Still gaining, getting stronger. I'd like to give this a try, but if I'm only going to get the same gains from creatine then I'd rather wait. Should I wait until 25-27? Or just give it a run now?
Iv been thinking of taking test. im not sure if its the right time tho. Does taking test early have any bad side effects later down the road or is it just the point that it will be more effective the older you are?
04-16-09, 3:33 pm
Bro stick to what the posts before are saying. 21 and up. Its not suggested for anyone younger. Nor is it going to benefit you.
Well i just turned 21 recently. I just didnt know if that was cutting it close and what the difference from taking it now and waiting a couples years be, in the gains i would make. Im really just searching the best animal product that i will benefit from. Thats a whole other topic tho. But thanks for the advice man.
Ran Tromp
03-21-10, 12:48 pm
Ok so now i'm a bit confused because i actually thought that stack is for younger and test is like more advanced.I'm 24 turning 25 in about a month.
I took a cycle of stak and it was nice, some gains,i wonder if the test would be better for me at my age.That is my conclusion according to this forum.
Need some advice here.
05-20-10, 2:31 pm
Ok so now i'm a bit confused because i actually thought that stack is for younger and test is like more advanced.I'm 24 turning 25 in about a month.
I took a cycle of stak and it was nice, some gains,i wonder if the test would be better for me at my age.That is my conclusion according to this forum.
Need some advice here.
At your age, either would be fine.
02-01-11, 12:01 pm
So if I am 21 I can do 2 cycles of test back to back then m-stak right?
02-01-11, 12:31 pm
So if I am 21 I can do 2 cycles of test back to back then m-stak right?
Yes. As long as you're 21, you can run it for 6 weeks followed by M-stak. Be sure to eat right and train hard. Otherwise its pointless to take these supplements.
02-01-11, 12:34 pm
So if I am 21 I can do 2 cycles of test back to back then m-stak right?
Yes, that would be a solid stack.
02-01-11, 12:39 pm
Hell yeah! I’ll be adding this to my current pak-nitro-storm stack as soon as I can. Hope to see some big gains from this stack. Thanks a lot for the info!
Animal Rep
02-03-11, 9:44 am
Hell yeah! I’ll be adding this to my current pak-nitro-storm stack as soon as I can. Hope to see some big gains from this stack. Thanks a lot for the info!
Good luck brother.
So if I am 21 I can do 2 cycles of test back to back then m-stak right?
The point is, at 21 your test levels are going to be higher than someone who's 32, just like someone who's 54 is going to have lower test levels than that 32 year old. Technically, you ARE old enough to take Test, Stak, etc...but the point everyone's trying to make is that even though you CAN take them, there's a high possibility that they aren't really going to do you much good,'d be wasting a considerable amount of money that could be better utilized elsewhere. I'm 35, and i've run stak a few times and felt the difference (inside and outside the I'm about to run the Test/Stak/M-stak stack and trust me brother, It AINT cheap. I'd hate to see you waste your money on something that's probably not going to do you much good. Go M-stak...and eat a TON.
Good Luck!
02-14-11, 6:41 pm
No doubt I run that plus food, protein, animal flex, pump bcaa's and eaa's. It can get a lil pricey. I know everyone has there own spot to get shit a lil cheaper, but I use Dps Nutritioin. I can get a can of test for 59.00 compared to 99.00 that helps alot.