View Full Version : anyone going to the arnold classic???
10-16-08, 2:03 pm
is anyone from here besides myself going to the arnold classic this year????
10-16-08, 2:10 pm
I wouldn't miss it. I think you'll find plenty of people from the Animal crew there. We are also going to have a huge, national ABC event during the weekend. Come and rock the Cage.
Is this your first time?
I will be there again this year. Had a blast last year.
10-19-08, 1:10 am
I wouldn't miss it. I think you'll find plenty of people from the Animal crew there. We are also going to have a huge, national ABC event during the weekend. Come and rock the Cage.
Is this your first time?
yep, arnold classic and cage virgin right here!
10-19-08, 2:50 pm
Lol, don't worry bro, it's my first time going too. Me and ForearmFreak will be up there for sure for all 3 days
10-19-08, 2:54 pm
Lol, don't worry bro, it's my first time going too. Me and ForearmFreak will be up there for sure for all 3 days
me too man, sweet!
10-19-08, 10:14 pm
Im goin hopefully... Been there the past 4 years? just need to get a hotel and people to go with..
Im goin hopefully... Been there the past 4 years? just need to get a hotel and people to go with..
better get your hotel soon bro! i got mine a few weeks ago and most of them were sold out!
Italian meat
10-19-08, 10:44 pm
Im headin there. Won't miss it for the world. Hanging next to the animsl cage. Best thing going on of today for hardcore training!
10-20-08, 4:57 pm
yeah... Im tryin to get people to go with.. Whered you get your hotel?
Italian meat
10-20-08, 5:00 pm
My cousin lives near columbus. I usually stay there
10-21-08, 6:04 am
I will be there....I am grappling in the sub tournament there.....I am not sure of the exact schedule yet, but I will post it when I know for sure.
10-21-08, 11:43 am
I will be there....I am grappling in the sub tournament there.....I am not sure of the exact schedule yet, but I will post it when I know for sure.
10-21-08, 12:08 pm
is anyone from here besides myself going to the arnold classic this year????
I am so there
10-21-08, 5:21 pm
I am so there
so you there then!
10-21-08, 8:44 pm
100 percent will be there with out a doubt, cannot wait
10-21-08, 8:50 pm
Cage round II... CAN'T WAIT!!!
10-21-08, 8:53 pm
Better believe it.... Booked my room today!!!!
10-22-08, 8:33 am
psh... more like is anyone NOT gunna be there! wouldnt miss the arnold for anything! but then again its only a 5 minute bus ride down high street for me...
Big Wides
10-22-08, 8:52 am
I'll be there lumbering around....hitting up the cage and when I get hungry sampling the goodies at the other booths
10-22-08, 8:55 am
I'll be there lumbering around....hitting up the cage and when I get hungry sampling the goodies at the other booths
I heard Big Wides is having a mud wrestling match with two of the girls from BSN and I'm the special guest referee
Last year i posted about everyone wearing their yellow shirts, and seeing a sea of yellow.
it would be real cool if you guys organized for everyone to be in their YELLOW animal shirts and meet AT THE SAME TIME by the doors of the EXPO.
I'm sure you guys can pull this off.
if you dont have a yellow animal shirt, you have plenty of time to jump on this.
Big Wides
10-22-08, 9:56 am
I heard Big Wides is having a mud wrestling match with two of the girls from BSN and I'm the special guest referee
As long as I don't end up like John Candy in "Stripes" then yes its on
10-22-08, 10:03 am
As long as I don't end up like John Candy in "Stripes" then yes its on
Hahahhahahah that is exactly what I was thinking
Last year i posted about everyone wearing their yellow shirts, and seeing a sea of yellow.
it would be real cool if you guys organized for everyone to be in their YELLOW animal shirts and meet AT THE SAME TIME by the doors of the EXPO.
I'm sure you guys can pull this off.
if you dont have a yellow animal shirt, you have plenty of time to jump on this.
10-22-08, 3:10 pm
Last year i posted about everyone wearing their yellow shirts, and seeing a sea of yellow.
it would be real cool if you guys organized for everyone to be in their YELLOW animal shirts and meet AT THE SAME TIME by the doors of the EXPO.
I'm sure you guys can pull this off.
if you dont have a yellow animal shirt, you have plenty of time to jump on this.
A new "theme" is being worked out as we speak. Stay tuned.....
10-22-08, 3:26 pm
A new "theme" is being worked out as we speak. Stay tuned.....
thanks cool. maybe a ANIMAL tie-die. go hippie on the
10-22-08, 5:38 pm
I heard Big Wides is having a mud wrestling match with two of the girls from BSN and I'm the special guest referee
im his tag teammate then
10-22-08, 5:52 pm
havent seen that since last years arnold haha
A new "theme" is being worked out as we speak. Stay tuned.....
A new "theme" is being worked out as we speak. Stay tuned.....
How long are ya gonna keep us in suspence on this one mate? Lol
10-23-08, 5:06 pm
I'll be there lumbering around....hitting up the cage and when I get hungry sampling the goodies at the other booths
Sounds pretty similar to my plan... It's like cattle grazing on protein bars and shakes in that place!
I heard Big Wides is having a mud wrestling match with two of the girls from BSN and I'm the special guest referee
As long as I don't end up like John Candy in "Stripes" then yes its on
Hahahhahahah that is exactly what I was thinking
Oh lord guys! I'm in for this... Can we make it a tag team match?
I can't wait to see what this years theme is going to be!
10-24-08, 5:43 pm
can we wear the red shirts? so much nicer then yellow! plus i already have one lol
11-07-08, 12:45 am
I'll be at the arnold again this upcoming year on saturday. This will be my 4th consecutive time out for the arnold... It helps a ton when my sister in law lives 15mins from the convention center
11-13-08, 8:14 am
Sounds pretty similar to my plan... It's like cattle grazing on protein bars and shakes in that place!
Oh lord guys! I'm in for this... Can we make it a tag team match?
I can't wait to see what this years theme is going to be!
Over the past 24 hours I have decided to go for sure. I am fired up. Been there twice before but not for the past 4 years.
I'll be there lumbering around....hitting up the cage and when I get hungry sampling the goodies at the other booths
and I will be right behind ya! LOL
11-14-08, 3:59 pm
so im not the only one whos goin lol!!!
11-14-08, 5:43 pm
Me and my girl are definately going. STOKED!
11-15-08, 9:05 am
Due to finances, I may or may not be grappling at the Classic...but I will be there for sure!!
Mc Buffin
11-26-08, 10:22 pm
I hope to attend this year.
11-26-08, 10:24 pm
have any of you guys at universal given any more thought to my idea of a barbeque grill in the cage so we can have hot grilled chicken steaks etc?
also if we could get baked potatos or even rice like in those buffet trays?
have any of you guys at universal given any more thought to my idea of a barbeque grill in the cage so we can have hot grilled chicken steaks etc?
also if we could get baked potatos or even rice like in those buffet trays?
Not sure if the expo would go for it, safety issue or something, permits........yada yada...........But I still love it.