View Full Version : The Pro Deadlift Workout In The Cage!
Sgt Rock
11-21-08, 9:01 pm
Ok bros, I cant even contain myself so I had to start a new thread! I am SURE that Lad will be with us on this back workout although I havent got confirmation, so barring injury count him WAY IN! Big Al, myself....and the newest member to the PRO BACK WORKOUT IN THE CAGE.....
Semper Fi
I`m there mate, hotel booked, currently looking into flights.
Giant Killer
11-22-08, 10:25 am
Shit just got real. (serious)
eric downey
11-23-08, 5:54 pm
Rock Dont Be Surprised To See Big Ezy In The House As Well. You Know I Love That Shit.
11-23-08, 5:56 pm
Damn that's gonna be awesome!
Please make videos guys!
i'll be joining in for an awesome back workout
11-24-08, 2:33 am
hmmm, entertainment at the arnold this year!
happy ill be there
Sgt Rock
12-03-08, 9:03 pm
My tentative plan is this, I am going to dl up to a big number, then Machine, Vinny and Al are going to join in. SLDL with the hook for me, off a 100 plate heavy, six wheels plus on each side raw, then rows with four wheels plus no straps, then db rows with the heaviest dbs that we have, all done back to back. I also have a SPECIAL plan in the works that I am working on with Eric....a FIRST ever in the Cage....stay tuned, I PROMISE you wont be dissapointed!
Semper Fi
My tentative plan is this, I am going to dl up to a big number, then Machine, Vinny and Al are going to join in. SLDL with the hook for me, off a 100 plate heavy, six wheels plus on each side raw, then rows with four wheels plus no straps, then db rows with the heaviest dbs that we have, all done back to back. I also have a SPECIAL plan in the works that I am working on with Eric....a FIRST ever in the Cage....stay tuned, I PROMISE you wont be dissapointed!
Semper Fi
Are those other guys going to be working up to a big number like you or are they just doing their normal routine?
Sgt Rock
12-03-08, 11:54 pm
Are those other guys going to be working up to a big number like you or are they just doing their normal routine?
It would take forever if we all deadlifted, and none of those guys incorporate heavy DLs in their training to my knowledge, so its going to be an extreme back workout worth watching!
Semper Fi
Are those other guys going to be working up to a big number like you or are they just doing their normal routine?
if i tried to hang with Sgt, i'd break in i think Big Ant is stronger than me....and i know for a fact that machine is stronger than me.
so my big is smaller than their big.....wait, that didn't sound know what i
I remember last year Rock was telling me about the bloody sock story... and then at the ABC watching Machine BO Row 405 like it was nothing... and now this.
Hotels been booked and I wouldn't miss it.
if i tried to hang with Sgt, i'd break in i think Big Ant is stronger than me....and i know for a fact that machine is stronger than me.
so my big is smaller than their big.....wait, that didn't sound know what i
Someone has to commentate mate :)
Vinny G
12-04-08, 10:04 am
Someone has to commentate mate :)
i'll MC as i rep out 225 for 20
Sgt Rock
12-04-08, 11:19 pm
Latest info on the workout, I will lead it off with some heavy DLs, then Vinny, Machine and Big Al are going to kick the shit out of me with some heavy BB stuff....I cannot wait.
Semper Fi
12-04-08, 11:27 pm
You are just making it worse for me now! I can't go as I'll be a new father and while the Cage kicks ass, it's not exactly a good environment for a newborn. Somebody had better record the whole damn thing and send me a DVD.
Latest info on the workout, I will lead it off with some heavy DLs, then Vinny, Machine and Big Al are going to kick the shit out of me with some heavy BB stuff....I cannot wait.
Semper Fi
should be awesome...Big Al is slowly on the comeback from his injury....
12-05-08, 11:46 am
As usual, Rock has come up with yet another great way to give back to our little iron community. I am not surprised by this because I know what most people dont know about Sgt. Rock. The man is truly driven to reach people, and he is on a whole other level in terms of appreciation to the fans of our game. He is a gentleman, a warrior, and I'm proud to say he's my frieind and yours too. Anything that Rock comes up with...I'm a down motherfucker! Thanks for being who you are Rock...and I'll see you in cage brother!
Sgt Rock
12-05-08, 4:43 pm
As usual, Rock has come up with yet another great way to give back to our little iron community. I am not surprised by this because I know what most people dont know about Sgt. Rock. The man is truly driven to reach people, and he is on a whole other level in terms of appreciation to the fans of our game. He is a gentleman, a warrior, and I'm proud to say he's my frieind and yours too. Anything that Rock comes up with...I'm a down motherfucker! Thanks for being who you are Rock...and I'll see you in cage brother!
Im looking forward to it more than you know my brother! Can't wait to hang with you and the fellas again!
Semper Fi
G Diesel
12-05-08, 4:50 pm
Promises to be some mind blowing shit, Rock... Always inspiring to see you sling the iron. Your back workouts are the thing of legend. Hope all is well in Vegas bro. Peace, G
Sgt Rock
12-05-08, 4:54 pm
Thanks G! It will be great to see you again, I hope our favorite buffet has tables big enough to seat all of us....we will all be bigger and hungrier this year lol!
Semper Fi
12-05-08, 7:14 pm
I will be there, vid camera in hand.....I HOPE it will not be during my grappling tournament...but if it is, I will stop over immediately after I get done.....then I can EAT like a mother!! no more weight to make this year after the Arnold.....looking forward to meeting alot of new people....
12-05-08, 7:51 pm
man, wish i was able to come to the cage
Sgt Rock
12-17-08, 4:18 am
I have a surprise in store for the Cage, something that has NEVER been done before. I am working with my boy E at corporate, slowly and surely it is going to come together, shhhh...don't tell anyone.
Semper Fi
eric downey
12-26-08, 8:50 pm
My tentative plan is this, I am going to dl up to a big number, then Machine, Vinny and Al are going to join in. SLDL with the hook for me, off a 100 plate heavy, six wheels plus on each side raw, then rows with four wheels plus no straps, then db rows with the heaviest dbs that we have, all done back to back. I also have a SPECIAL plan in the works that I am working on with Eric....a FIRST ever in the Cage....stay tuned, I PROMISE you wont be dissapointed!
Semper Fi
By the way rock i talked to the powers at be and he said there can diffently be something done. Im still working on travel plans.
Sgt Rock
12-29-08, 10:16 pm
Everything is on schedule.
Semper Fi
12-30-08, 8:47 am
this year i will do my best to show up
hey PHIL i need a ride!