View Full Version : PROMO: "Train With The Pros" in The Cage
01-07-09, 5:20 pm
If you are attending the Arnold this year. You have an opportunity to train with your favorite Animal pro. We did this last year and some lucky guys got to train with their favorite Animal. Here is a testimonial:
Here's the deal. Tell us which pro you would want to train with (Ox, House, Wrath, Vinny, BigAl, BigAnt, Machine, G Diesel, The Freak,) and why. The pros will pick the best entries.
This will go down on the Friday night of the Arnold weekend (March 6th) so you gotta be there to qualify.
Post your entries right here in this thread.
Mr. Dead
01-07-09, 5:22 pm
I am soooo jealous!!! I remember when this happened last year, and reading about the awesome experience the winners had... If you're going to be there, definitely put an entry in!!!
01-07-09, 5:28 pm
I want to train with The Freak. After seeing the vids of Freak training legs, I thought, hmmm that's a guy that could probably give me a few pointers. The more I train legs the more I love em and want them to grow and testing that with a pro would be a real treat.
Thanks for the consideration Freak and thanks to Animalpak for giving us this great opportunity.
01-07-09, 6:23 pm
The Animal I would pick to train with would be none other than "THE HOUSE". He has been my favorite competitor way before he even made the pros. He is a true inspiration to me not only is he an awesome bodybuilder but he's one hell of a family man as well. I have been following his career for a few years now and this would be a huge opportunity that I'd hate to miss out on.
01-07-09, 6:28 pm
I would also pick "THE HOUSE". I am somewhat new to lifting and would like all the help I can get! I met House once and got the opportunity to watch him lift. I was unable to lift that day, and have regreted it since. This would be a great start to an awesome weekend called the Arnold!!!!
G Diesel
01-08-09, 9:01 am
If you are attending the Arnold this year. You have an opportunity to train with your favorite Animal pro. We did this last year and some lucky guys got to train with their favorite Animal. Here is a testimonial:
Here's the deal. Tell us which pro you would want to train with (Ox, House, Wrath, Vinny, BigAl, BigAnt, Machine, G Diesel, The Freak,) and why. The pros will pick the best entries.
This will go down on the Friday night of the Arnold weekend (March 6th) so you gotta be there to qualify.
Post your entries right here in this thread.
Speaking from experience, last year was a blast for House, Ox, Machine and I... The opportunity to mix it up with the hungry, dedicated members of the board and the chance to put a face and real name to the screen names was time very well spent. Besides, you know we're gonna be in there training any damn way, so we might as well make a community event out of it. Haha. Peace, G
I wanna train with G Diesel,I need some benchpress tips.
Plus he is one pretty dude.LOL
All kidding aside,this is a great chance for everyone to learn and feed off each other.
I would love to train with Ox. Ever since I first saw him in MD back when he won the Junior Nationals he has been a huge inspiration to me. Last year at the Arnold I was training at Metrofitness and he came right up to me and started bullshittin with me just like he was one of my friends. Talk about a down to earth dude...It made my weekend. After watching the other guys training with the pros there it made me regret being such a pussy and not entering this promo lol! It would be a HUGE honor to train with my favorite pro bodybuilder. A big thanks out to ANIMAL for giving us this great opportunity...
01-08-09, 11:27 am
I met freak for the first time at one of our ABC's back on 1/3/9. As soon as i saw him step out of his truck I could tell on his face that he was all business when it came to the Iron. I got to speak Freak briefly before the we started lifting and he was very humble and welcoming to me as well as the others to his stomping grounds. We then shortly headed over to the leg area where the FREAK put his name to use. the amount of weight he used shocked me and how hard he trained. He is a very dedicated and knowledgeable in this sport. His passion shoots out his eyes when ever you ask him a question. Then I had to opportunity to have lunch with him and during this lunch he answered more of my questions with a sincere interest and not just blowing smoke. He takes pride in his sport as well as the friends in makes while on his journey. I would love the honor to be able to have a training session with him and just soak everything up like a sponge. Training with Freak would be a lifetime memory that one could never forget!!!!!
Vinny G
01-08-09, 12:02 pm
This is a great promo, training on Friday night and the abc on sat night.... A great weekend for the fans.
The Freak
01-08-09, 12:18 pm
shortstack, inked,
im honored you guys picked me , if i have it my way , i'd take you both... inked you nailed me , im passionate as hell about the iron , the gym is my home, i could talk shop for hours [ which i do often] and never get sick of it ...
it'll be a great time for sure!!!!!!!!! good luck guys!
01-08-09, 12:26 pm
DAMMIT!!! I would give my left testicle...ok, maybe not, to be a part of this. I was planning on being there but just got laid job equals no money. The ones that wins this better enjoy the hell out of it. I got to lift with G before guys...unfortanetly he was recovering from an injury but still put everything he had into it. Awesome promo Animal....
01-08-09, 12:33 pm
if i could i would train with ant or al, i want to get my bench checked, however i am not good writing so i doubt i will win, good luck bros
The Freak
01-08-09, 1:13 pm
its not about how you write , its your heart that u put in it ...... give it a shot , you'll be surprised how it comes out .....
if i could i would train with ant or al, i want to get my bench checked, however i am not good writing so i doubt i will win, good luck bros
of all people....put your heart into it.
01-08-09, 4:50 pm
shortstack, inked,
im honored you guys picked me , if i have it my way , i'd take you both... inked you nailed me , im passionate as hell about the iron , the gym is my home, i could talk shop for hours [ which i do often] and never get sick of it ...
it'll be a great time for sure!!!!!!!!! good luck guys!
Like i said in my post. Just the lil experience I had with you at the ABC was awesome. Your knowledge your passion your enthusiasm and the will to help others is bar none. I hope I get picked it would be a tremendous HONOR!!
01-08-09, 5:52 pm
Hey InkdMuscle
No sucking up for points bro, don't make me have to send The Freak a care package with some Real Gains or a Can of Test or something.
Man I can't leave this place for a second without getting out done on compliments. hahaha
Just messin with ya bro.... Good luck to ya
01-08-09, 5:59 pm
Hey InkdMuscle
No sucking up for points bro, don't make me have to send The Freak a care package with some Real Gains or a Can of Test or something.
Man I can't leave this place for a second without getting out done on compliments. hahaha
Just messin with ya bro.... Good luck to ya
HAHA. If thats the Case I will travel to San Diego which is only two hours for me and take Freak out for Dinner and Dancing. LMAO!!!!!!!!!
01-08-09, 6:01 pm
HAHA. If thats the Case I will travel to San Diego which is only two hours for me and take Freak out for Dinner and Dancing. LMAO!!!!!!!!!
As much as I'm ABSOLUTELY DYING TO TRAIN WITH FREAK, you got me beat on proximity bro. Deathmatch in the convention center parking lot. hahaha Funny Bro..
01-08-09, 6:04 pm
As much as I'm ABSOLUTELY DYING TO TRAIN WITH FREAK, you got me beat on proximity bro. Deathmatch in the convention center parking lot. hahaha Funny Bro..
Bring the mouth pieces!!!! U dont wanna die with no teeth. LOL
01-08-09, 6:53 pm
well wats up fellas. im new to the board but id figured id give this a shot as my first post. it would be a dream to train with the wrath mcgrath. his dvds are really inspirtaional. as a matter of fact the animal brand and team is pretty damn insiprtational. i wish i could train with all of you guys to be honest! wrath seems to be pretty laidback and chill and somewhat on the quiet side but he seems to get real serious in the gym real quick. his form is damn near perfect plus i could always use some tips on building up bis and tris haha. soo thats about it. mcgrath is my pic. Let me know frank!
Ok, I'm gonna put my name in the hat. I pick House...he;s been kind enough to help me with my show prep this past year, and meeting him at the Europa made me feel giddy like a school girl...yeah, yeah, let the jokes begin. Erik has been more than just a bodybuilder he's inspirational to me showing me that you can still be a family man and have this kind of life, which is my desire. My girl just told me that she'll pay for me to go just for this oppurtunity as an early birthday present. I belong there with the boy's reguardless if I win or not I will be there.
HAHA. If thats the Case I will travel to San Diego which is only two hours for me and take Freak out for Dinner and Dancing. LMAO!!!!!!!!!
i think FREAK will train with you...not DANCE....LOL
The Freak
01-09-09, 12:32 pm
ah yea vinnie's right train yes dance no..... you'll never see me on one of those dancing with the stars gigs..... more like the dancing fool
01-09-09, 12:42 pm
I would like the opportunity to train with non other than G Diesel. G is an inspiration, not only with his training but also with his words. G is my definition of Animal. Thanks and good luck to all who enter.
No doubt about it, I wanna train with G Diesel. A man whose articles got me started in this game a few years back, would be nothing short of amazing to train with. His drive, desire, and all out no nosense training is something that I would love to experience in the flesh. I respect each and every one of the Animals that I could choose in this, but G has lived such a similar life to mine, I would like nothing better than to train with him.
01-09-09, 3:13 pm
i think FREAK will train with you...not DANCE....LOL
ah yea vinnie's right train yes dance no..... you'll never see me on one of those dancing with the stars gigs..... more like the dancing fool
I never said dance with me. Im sure Freaks Lady would take care of that job =D. But getting them there and dinner would b just a lil incentive to train with him. LOL
I have the utmost respect for all the Pros and all Animals and can`t wait to meet them all but Vinny is the man I am looking forward to meeting most of all, I think Vinny is the pro of the pros, without a doubt he is my number 1 choice to train with.
I`ve had some excellent advice from Tiny and from Ox in the past, I`m really looking forward to meeting them both too.
Vinny is the biggest inspiration on this forum for me, I love Vinnys no bullshit approach, the way he writes and the way he carries himself here on the forum and on Universal, a true gent and a postive attitude.
I`d be honoured to train with you Vinny, it would make my first trip to the states more special, the icing on the cake.
01-09-09, 10:42 pm
If you know me at all, youd already know whod id pick. the house is an inspiration and the hat that he signed for me, and his quote "one more rep" has pushed me to crank out regaurdless of how shitty i feel at the end. one of his MD covers (the legpress one) got me to appreciate having gargantuan legs, now i embrace having pants that dont fit anymore.
above all, his quote, you are your maker, inspires me to work harder every day, not just in the weightroom, but in the classroom, at work, in my music, and everything that i do.
id also love to get tips on improving my calves, yes they are a very genetically inclined muscle i understand, but im not giving up, and if there is anyone in the world who knows a thing or two about calves, it has to be the house!
House, G, BigAl, Freak, Ox, Wrath, Machine, VinnyG...All train balls to the wall intense, just a glimpse what happened last year...
We where all at the Gym/Metro Fitness in Columbus OH, formely World Gym...I was training legs with a bunch of young forum members on Saturday. Friday, the night before...JDawg, myself and another Animal crew did over a 500 rep arm workout in less than 45 minutes---Anyway back to the leg workkout...We where on the leg press, and running out of plates, Machne was doing barbell rows next to the leg press, one Animal forum member thought Machine was done his sets and grabbed plates off his bar...The look on Machine's face was priceless! So the night comes to a close, group pictures are being taken, the gym lights go off and the gym is closing. Machine is still doing barbell rows with over 500lbs...IN THE DARK, HOODIE ON, JUST ROWING AWAY!
01-10-09, 12:45 am
Awesome promo....
My pick would be to hit Arms with HOUSE! This guys guns are AWESOME! I got to meet Erik at the Akron ABC last year, and beyond being just a great bodybuilder (and definately an up and coming IFBB champ), he also is a very laid back and down to earth guy. I also got to go to dinner after with House and his wife.. among others after the workout. It was a great evening.
Vinny G
01-10-09, 10:09 am
I have the utmost respect for all the Pros and all Animals and can`t wait to meet them all but Vinny is the man I am looking forward to meeting most of all, I think Vinny is the pro of the pros, without a doubt he is my number 1 choice to train with.
I`ve had some excellent advice from Tiny and from Ox in the past, I`m really looking forward to meeting them both too.
Vinny is the biggest inspiration on this forum for me, I love Vinnys no bullshit approach, the way he writes and the way he carries himself here on the forum and on Universal, a true gent and a postive attitude.
I`d be honoured to train with you Vinny, it would make my first trip to the states more special, the icing on the cake.
thank you for the props
01-10-09, 11:12 am
House, G, BigAl, Freak, Ox, Wrath, Machine, VinnyG...All train balls to the wall intense, just a glimpse what happened last year...
We where all at the Gym/Metro Fitness in Columbus OH, formely World Gym...I was training legs with a bunch of young forum members on Saturday. Friday, the night before...JDawg, myself and another Animal crew did over a 500 rep arm workout in less than 45 minutes---Anyway back to the leg workkout...We where on the leg press, and running out of plates, Machne was doing barbell rows next to the leg press, one Animal forum member thought Machine was done his sets and grabbed plates off his bar...The look on Machine's face was priceless! So the night comes to a close, group pictures are being taken, the gym lights go off and the gym is closing. Machine is still doing barbell rows with over 500lbs...IN THE DARK, HOODIE ON, JUST ROWING AWAY!
I remember standing near where he was working right before we took the group picture. He turned to the ones of us right there by his set up and said. "if you guys will excuse me I'm going to pick this up off the floor a few times" Pulled some serious deads with all of us standing there in awe!!!
I can't wait for the fun this year!
01-11-09, 12:15 am
I'd like to train with G Diesel. In my short time on the Forvm, his articles have been put to great motivational use, and to have the opportunity to train not only with fellow Animals, but G Diesel himself would be a welcome break from the environment of my usual gym. Also, I think it would be great to get to take some time to talk to G, because it seems that he, like myself, can take the no-bullshit, go hard or go home discipline in the gym, and translate that into an easy-to-talk-to, straight shooting guy outside of the gym. Having this TRUE Animal experience would make the Arnold weekend just that much better.
Vinny G
01-11-09, 10:07 am
I have the utmost respect for all the Pros and all Animals and can`t wait to meet them all but Vinny is the man I am looking forward to meeting most of all, I think Vinny is the pro of the pros, without a doubt he is my number 1 choice to train with.
I`ve had some excellent advice from Tiny and from Ox in the past, I`m really looking forward to meeting them both too.
Vinny is the biggest inspiration on this forum for me, I love Vinnys no bullshit approach, the way he writes and the way he carries himself here on the forum and on Universal, a true gent and a postive attitude.
I`d be honoured to train with you Vinny, it would make my first trip to the states more special, the icing on the cake.
i will make flying across the POND a well worth while trip.
you pick the body part....and i'll crush it ANIMAL style.
Excellent stuff.
Got to be legs then eh? Lol
Excellent stuff.
Got to be legs then eh? Lol
ok bring it on
01-11-09, 5:14 pm
First like many others I have to say what a great promo to run and shows that the folks here are well ahead of the curve. While it would be informational and inspirational to train with any of them I would have to choose BigAl. Having a large frame (6'5" 330) I have never had the size to go on that frame and have finally decided at age 41 I am going to make it happen. After watching and reading about BigAl moving the weight I would really like to sit and learn the basics of building mass off a powerlifting base. Regardless whether I am chosen I still look forward to meeting everyone from the boards.
Thanks Fatback,I love that name.LOL
No matter what we'll sit down sometime over the weekend and talk shop.
And all you guys got to come up to us in the cage and let us know who you are.
We might forget some names,damn last year I ment a ton of you guys.
It's great to get us all together.
BigAl, good point. Whether or not we get to "train with a pro," we should all be aware of the fact that the Animal guys are coming for us, to talk to us and train with us. Every brother and sister who calls themselves an Animal has a vested interest in every other Animal.
Thanks Fatback,I love that name.LOL
No matter what we'll sit down sometime over the weekend and talk shop.
And all you guys got to come up to us in the cage and let us know who you are.
We might forget some names,damn last year I ment a ton of you guys.
It's great to get us all together.
Big Al is right, dont be shy....we love talking shop, and teaching what we know.
No matter what we'll sit down sometime over the weekend and talk shop.
And all you guys got to come up to us in the cage and let us know who you are.
We might forget some names,damn last year I ment a ton of you guys.
It's great to get us all together.
Damn skippy bro...I wouldn't pass up a chance to meet you guys and to get to learn a trick or two from some of the best in the game.
ok bring it on
Or arms would be intersting too, lets see how we feel on the day, I`m up for anyrthing.
Or arms would be intersting too, lets see how we feel on the day, I`m up for anyrthing.'s legs
hahahahahaha, no problem, 100 rep leg presses?
This is a great opportunity. Everyone needs to jump on this.
hahahahahaha, no problem, 100 rep leg presses?
naaaa....i have something special for you
This is a great opportunity. Everyone needs to jump on this.
maybe we have some shy animals....
naaaa....i have something special for you
Lol, I can smell the pain!
maybe we have some shy animals....
Maybe people think they are going to look stupid using far less weight than the pros, trust me on this I will be one of those and I don`t care, as long as I give it my all then I know I`ll be in the same ball park.
01-12-09, 10:25 am
Maybe people think they are going to look stupid using far less weight than the pros, trust me on this I will be one of those and I don`t care, as long as I give it my all then I know I`ll be in the same ball park.
I agree. It doesn't matter how much you lift or how much you know, you're there to learn from the pros. That's why this is called "Train With The Pros".
01-12-09, 10:45 am
If you are attending the Arnold this year. You have an opportunity to train with your favorite Animal pro. We did this last year and some lucky guys got to train with their favorite Animal. Here is a testimonial:
Here's the deal. Tell us which pro you would want to train with (Ox, House, Wrath, Vinny, BigAl, BigAnt, Machine, G Diesel, The Freak,) and why. The pros will pick the best entries.
This will go down on the Friday night of the Arnold weekend (March 6th) so you gotta be there to qualify.
Post your entries right here in this thread.
I'd love the opportunity to train with Wrath. I'd never forget being an Animal for one night, stepping in the cage, and lifting iron with the face of Animal Pak. It'd be a sight to see his intensity in up close and in person, and feed off it or myself to push me and carry me through all my workouts well past Colombus!!!! Amidst all the b.s. and fakeness of the Arnold Classic, the most real thing would be stepping in the cage with Wrath and just lifting 100%...pure and simple!!! Plus, I could get some leg pointers from him and he could get some arm pointers from me, ha ha ha!!!
I agree. It doesn't matter how much you lift or how much you know, you're there to learn from the pros. That's why this is called "Train With The Pros".
Yeah and most of all I want to enjoy myself not fret that I`m squatting too heavy for Vinny or the fact that he can`t keep up with the 100 rep leg presses, hahahahahaha
01-12-09, 12:12 pm
I never said dance with me. Im sure Freaks Lady would take care of that job =D. But getting them there and dinner would b just a lil incentive to train with him. LOL
I'm not lucky enough to be anywhere near a pro, so here's my incentive for the freak to show me how it's done...check my Monday Legs entry
If I'm going to miss out again this year on training with a pro, I'm going to go down fighting.
You better bring it InkdMucle, I know I will.
01-12-09, 1:08 pm
maybe we have some shy animals....
will have something up later!
01-12-09, 1:49 pm
I'm not lucky enough to be anywhere near a pro, so here's my incentive for the freak to show me how it's done...check my Monday Legs entry
If I'm going to miss out again this year on training with a pro, I'm going to go down fighting.
You better bring it InkdMucle, I know I will.
Ok well as you can see Freak me and shortstack are gonna pull all stops to see who can get to train with you. As Shortstack submitted in the previous post i to have attached my post on my leg work out.
How u like them #'s Shortstack. =D hahaha
Yeah and most of all I want to enjoy myself not fret that I`m squatting too heavy for Vinny or the fact that he can`t keep up with the 100 rep leg presses, hahahahahaha
01-12-09, 2:32 pm
Ok well as you can see Freak me and shortstack are gonna pull all stops to see who can get to train with you. As Shortstack submitted in the previous post i to have attached my post on my leg work out.
How u like them #'s Shortstack. =D hahaha
I like what I see brother. Looks like next monday I'm going to have to step it up again.
I have 7 more leg w/o's before the classic so let's see what kind of PR's we can push between now and then.
01-12-09, 2:36 pm
I like what I see brother. Looks like next monday I'm going to have to step it up again.
I have 7 more leg w/o's before the classic so let's see what kind of PR's we can push between now and then.
Lets go brotha. Lets see PR's across the board. Either way we both will get some serious work done.
Think it will be the other way round, lol.
I best be quiet now or I`m gonna suffer a lot come training day.
Joking aside, it is all about training with the pros, learning form them and being part of it all, we are indeed very lucky to have this opportunity.
N. Motta
01-12-09, 7:18 pm
Really glad I saw this thread, as I was considering asking where/when some Animal's were training during their stay in Columbus. Come to think of it, I'm not sure how I would react if I got the chance to train with some of the family from Animal. Carb up and bring the fuckin ruckus, that's what I would do! Haha.
Seriously though, I have been sitting here thinking which pro I would rather train with, cannot really say. Tend to think of Animal as a family in iron. Just to have the chance to sweat and bleed with some people that I admire and look up to not only physique-wise, but for their moral's, camaraderie and zest for life. With that in mind I would be so pumped. No honored. Shit I don't know the words, ecstatic might be it.
The writings and feedback from the pro's, rep's and member's of this forum have given me more than I ever thought possible from an online community. Everyone's goals, struggles and victories give me motivation and a genuine respect for everyone that genuinely lives the Animal lifestyle. The bedrock of the lifestyle is toiling in iron, in a gym of some sort. So to train with the founding fathers of this place; bet your ass I will be hell bent on punishing the iron in that place. Fightin tooth and nail, last breathe in my lungs style. Unleashing the kind of intensity that can only exist in an Animal.
I know the criteria of the promo is to state which pro you would like to train with and why. Just let me rep my Animal shirt at the gym the same time as the family and I will train like it's the last day, last set, last rep of my life.
01-12-09, 7:30 pm
nicely put.
01-12-09, 11:16 pm
Deffinately would be interested in training with house! He is one of my favorite BBs ever!
I have met him many times and he is a first class guy. I also had the opportunity to see him guest pose at the upper ohio valley show that my best friend competed in. Training with him would be a dream come true!!!
01-12-09, 11:26 pm
The Pro I'd love to train with would be The House. I've followed his career and he's one of my fav bodybuilders. He's a down to earth guy that keeps it real. And a mass monster at that and there's alot I could learn from him.
Pick me house! Pick me!
People need not be shy or afraid of going for this, its a great opportunity, some people may well be nervous but there will be no riducule or anything about getting ya arse whipped, its expected, lol. I train high reps due to joint pain and theres no way I`ll be squatting more than 225lb, but reps will be 20+ and arse to grass, I`m not a strong guy but it will be to failure and all I can do.
Everyone should go for it, to train with a pro is the icing on the cake IMO.
Mr. Aestheticz
01-13-09, 9:20 am
This is def one great promo!
I look forward to meeting and seein gall the ANIMAL's at the Arnold but mainly look forward to hitting the iron and pushing some serious weight with everyone!
I have the opportunity to lift and eat one on one with a pro, so I know how exciting this is!
Good Luck To All The Entries!
Once again I look forward to meeting and seeing you all there!
01-13-09, 10:45 pm
When do the pros pick there work out partners???
This thread should be 100 pages by now...
N. Motta
01-14-09, 1:44 am
When do the pros pick there work out partners???
Sounds like they are going to announce it at the Cage on Friday...
..."This will go down on the Friday night of the Arnold weekend (March 6th) so you gotta be there to qualify"
Ok well seeing as how I got called out I am going to throw my name into the ring for this promo too. I would def. 100% want to train with OX...I mean damn..who wouldn't. I have most recently read his newest article in the Feb. issue of MD and I have seen how the man has bettered himself and progressed in the ways of the Iron. He is a true Icon of this sport and is going to run the show when he does decide to step back into the lime light. I saw him last year at MetroFitness in C-Bus training with a few of the young guns who won this promo (or something like it) and the look and feeling of intensity coming from him was not only somewhat scary, but motivating and made me want to push myself that much more. Looking at his pistures now shows me he hasn't lost a step or even lost a spark of that fire he showed me one year ago....I hope I get to sling Iron with this giant and have the honor to say I bettered myself by putting myself on his chopping block so to speak....It will be tough, and it will be insane...but I will be better because of it...Plus, hehe, people tell me I am going to be the next OX so why not get going now!
In Iron and good luck to all the forum faithful who entered!
01-14-09, 11:21 am
Sounds like they are going to announce it at the Cage on Friday...
..."This will go down on the Friday night of the Arnold weekend (March 6th) so you gotta be there to qualify"
Already got my plane ticket. but the earliest i could arrive in Ohio is 350pm. so i was hoping they would post the picks. that way if i cant get to the cage to listen to the winners i would know and still head to the training session if i won.
Sounds like they are going to announce it at the Cage on Friday...
..."This will go down on the Friday night of the Arnold weekend (March 6th) so you gotta be there to qualify"
I think they mean that the actual training session with the pro will be Friday night after the expo. If you check this thread from last year, they posted the winners in the thread on the 27th, which woulda been like the Wed. before the Arnold weekend...I could be wrong, but thats what I took from it.
01-14-09, 2:30 pm
I think they mean that the actual training session with the pro will be Friday night after the expo. If you check this thread from last year, they posted the winners in the thread on the 27th, which woulda been like the Wed. before the Arnold weekend...I could be wrong, but thats what I took from it.
I hope they do something along those same lines.
Don't worry fellas, the winners will be taken care of.
I imagine the winners will be chosen a few days before the Friday of the Arnold.
OX would be my choice. I've been following him for a couple years through MD and he's always seemed like a great guy. The training tips I've saw from him through various sources(MD magazine, FORVM, In The Trenches videos) are always worth taking notes on. Seems like he knows a ton and I could benefit just by talking with him. If we were to train and got to choose what body part, I'd say Arms or Back. Both are strong points on OX and I'd like to get a ton of pointers on them.
01-15-09, 10:58 pm
Don't worry fellas, the winners will be taken care of.
I imagine the winners will be chosen a few days before the Friday of the Arnold.
LOL! Talk about last minute plan changes! No way anyone would want to miss this!
Really glad I saw this thread, as I was considering asking where/when some Animal's were training during their stay in Columbus. Come to think of it, I'm not sure how I would react if I got the chance to train with some of the family from Animal. Carb up and bring the fuckin ruckus, that's what I would do! Haha.
Seriously though, I have been sitting here thinking which pro I would rather train with, cannot really say. Tend to think of Animal as a family in iron. Just to have the chance to sweat and bleed with some people that I admire and look up to not only physique-wise, but for their moral's, camaraderie and zest for life. With that in mind I would be so pumped. No honored. Shit I don't know the words, ecstatic might be it.
The writings and feedback from the pro's, rep's and member's of this forum have given me more than I ever thought possible from an online community. Everyone's goals, struggles and victories give me motivation and a genuine respect for everyone that genuinely lives the Animal lifestyle. The bedrock of the lifestyle is toiling in iron, in a gym of some sort. So to train with the founding fathers of this place; bet your ass I will be hell bent on punishing the iron in that place. Fightin tooth and nail, last breathe in my lungs style. Unleashing the kind of intensity that can only exist in an Animal.
I know the criteria of the promo is to state which pro you would like to train with and why. Just let me rep my Animal shirt at the gym the same time as the family and I will train like it's the last day, last set, last rep of my life.
Very cool and sincere words...A bunch of us are arriving on Thursday, gotta train Thursday night! And there is always Friday and Saturday night as well...Like Big Al said "don't be shy" introduce yourself to us, we met tons of people last year and are looking forward to meeting the same people and meeting-starting new friendships as well!
Bah, i wish i was going this year!
Honestly my pick is one on one shoulder training with BigAl. Last year when i got to hang around i think i talked with Al more then anyone else. I just remeber that he had the sleeves tore off of his jersey, and i still remeber that tattoo on his shoulders. Then for 45 minutes him and my dad talked shop, while i just stood there laughing at Als story of the time he cramped up from a leg day and couldnt get off his bar stool.
Really think shoulder training would be the funnest to train, but would have loved to throw down with a back workout as well.
Alas, maybe i will get to come back next year.
this thread should be 20 pages long by now.
I am very lucky and get to train with one of our Pro’s on a daily basis and damn near every training day there is a lesson learned, a story told or something said that makes it all “click”. This is an opportunity to train with some of the guys we all look up to, who have been in our shoes, been on the grind and still grinding with the same passion as their first day in the gym. They are some of the baddest dudes you’ll see in the gym but probably some of the nicest people you’ll ever meet. It doesn’t matter how big you are or what you can lift….it’s about having some passion and heart….that’s all you need….
Don’t let this one pass fellas
01-16-09, 11:51 am
My vote is still in for FREAK... Like i said many times in not so many words. The man is a genius and a monster. I hope(crossing fingers) I get this opp.
01-16-09, 12:15 pm
it would be an honor to train with any of the animals but i would have to pick Ox if i could choose just one, his interviews in MD are freaking awesome, and he focuses a lot of his attention on diet, which i feel i could learn at ton from, not that the other animals don't focus on diet but i think he takes it to another level.
01-17-09, 1:20 am
I think they mean that the actual training session with the pro will be Friday night after the expo. If you check this thread from last year, they posted the winners in the thread on the 27th, which woulda been like the Wed. before the Arnold weekend...I could be wrong, but thats what I took from it.
Don't worry fellas, the winners will be taken care of.
I imagine the winners will be chosen a few days before the Friday of the Arnold.
Yeah, that's how it went down last year. As for the specifics, we ironed those out in person at the Cage on Friday...plans changed slightly a few times, but nothing major. I would assume that they will do things in a similar fashion this year.
And guys and gals, I strongly advise those of you that haven't done so as of yet to enter this is truly the experience of a lifetime.
01-19-09, 11:02 am
That's right bro, it was leg day again.
225 for 85 reps(2 sets of 20 reps and 3 sets @ 15 reps) and another 15 at 195.
Come on bro don't let me down, let me know what you hitting on that leg press know it just gets me more fired up. hahaha Another 6 wks of this and well get to "encourage" each other face to face.
See ya soon bro.
01-19-09, 11:09 am
That's right bro, it was leg day again.
225 for 85 reps(2 sets of 20 reps and 3 sets @ 15 reps) and another 15 at 195.
Come on bro don't let me down, let me know what you hitting on that leg press know it just gets me more fired up. hahaha Another 6 wks of this and well get to "encourage" each other face to face.
See ya soon bro.
You know it brotha. Chest today leg tomorrow. So ill will post up the press'n. I cant wait now. Nothing like this to get ya fired up.
Yeah, that's how it went down last year. As for the specifics, we ironed those out in person at the Cage on Friday...plans changed slightly a few times, but nothing major. I would assume that they will do things in a similar fashion this year.
And guys and gals, I strongly advise those of you that haven't done so as of yet to enter this is truly the experience of a lifetime.
Agreed. Found my write up from last years:
The Freak
01-19-09, 2:38 pm
not sure if this is done at the cage or whereever but , anyone who wants to talk nutrition at the cage or after the abc club i'm up for it , it can be a scheduled event or just a pow wow with a few guys ......
maybe rage or natural guy can have input in this .... as far as where when it could take place....
For those who have not been privy to share in the knowledge The Freak has to offer, this would be invaluable. Derik can easily do a seminar for hours with no prep. He is a wealth of knowledge for all of us to learn from.
NG..if you can put something together..make it happen for all of us.
01-19-09, 3:40 pm
not sure if this is done at the cage or whereever but , anyone who wants to talk nutrition at the cage or after the abc club i'm up for it , it can be a scheduled event or just a pow wow with a few guys ......
maybe rage or natural guy can have input in this .... as far as where when it could take place....
I thinking shooting the shit and picking ur brain would b priceless. I am game for anything. Either the pow wow or a seminar. So what ever ANIMAL has happen i will b there.
not sure if this is done at the cage or whereever but , anyone who wants to talk nutrition at the cage or after the abc club i'm up for it , it can be a scheduled event or just a pow wow with a few guys ......
maybe rage or natural guy can have input in this .... as far as where when it could take place....
I'm up for either...I's never pass p a chance to pick your brain.
01-19-09, 4:16 pm
it would be an honor to train with any of the animals but i would have to pick Ox if i could choose just one, his interviews in MD are freaking awesome, and he focuses a lot of his attention on diet, which i feel i could learn at ton from, not that the other animals don't focus on diet but i think he takes it to another level.
I think Ox may be giving a seminar at the Cage on dieting/nutrition.
I think Ox may be giving a seminar at the Cage on dieting/nutrition.
If this is the case, and also seeing as how he is going to be dieting for the NY Pro and may not be down for some training with us fellas'...can I change my vote hehe! I want to train with a pro to see where I stack up...seeing as how it is only a matter of time until I become one myself...
The Freak
01-20-09, 11:36 am
if ox is preparing for the the ny pro, he'll be in full force come march, hang with a pro ?, i'd be afraid to train with a pro come contest time, his intensity is turned up all cylinders are firing right...... for pro to allow you to train with him during contest prep is a truly great gesture.......
01-20-09, 10:02 pm
As ya'll can see me and shortstack are competeing to train with FREAK!! and just a lil friendly competition. =D
Heres my leg press numbers brotha.
900lbs 2x50(yeah I cant walk right as we speak)...
Shortstack check out my journey for a lil surprise.
if ox is preparing for the the ny pro, he'll be in full force come march, hang with a pro ?, i'd be afraid to train with a pro come contest time, his intensity is turned up all cylinders are firing right...... for pro to allow you to train with him during contest prep is a truly great gesture.......
This is true bro...but I just don't want to be in his way if he doesnt want someone attatched to his hip...I know I WONT slow him down in his routine or in his training...but just making sure. Thanks for your input make a very good point!
01-21-09, 5:38 pm
This is a great promo, training on Friday night and the abc on sat night.... A great weekend for the fans.
Vinny, having followed your career, and knowing what you're doing with my own trainer, Rage, I'd be eager to workout with you -- you have the, (ahem) long experience and breadth of knowledge I'd like to tap into, and an awareness of the needs of the, um, more seasoned bodybuilder <grin>.
At 54, and coming back from back surgery, I've made a lot of progress working with Rage these past few months, and we're only going onward and upward from here, but I'd love the chance to see what you can add to the mix, especially since I know you're working with him.
This will be my first Arnold -- I'm coming in Thursday night, just to make sure I catch it all, and I hope to be hanging around the Cage a lot! I'm looking forward to the chance to meet all of you, but you're the one I want to train with.
01-21-09, 6:57 pm
That's right bro, it was leg day again.
225 for 85 reps(2 sets of 20 reps and 3 sets @ 15 reps) and another 15 at 195.
Come on bro don't let me down, let me know what you hitting on that leg press know it just gets me more fired up. hahaha Another 6 wks of this and well get to "encourage" each other face to face.
See ya soon bro.
Gee Shortstack, I just found this thread ::waves at InkdMuscle:: . . . this old man, who 10 weeks ago couldn't hit 150 pounds on leg press, did 255x50, 295x50 and 335x50 yesterday . . . and I'm 54 years old . . . whaddaya think I can get by the Cage?
Now, I assume you're talkin' squat numbers, but my money's on my "little brother."
01-21-09, 8:15 pm
I would prob cut off my left leg to train with Wrath. Guy is just a legend where Im from. I got his pics on my walls, if anyone comments on how weird it is, they get a shot to the teeth.. Most wont, by now they understand what drives me. Lifting is what seperates me from my peers, I think the only time Im at peace is in the weight room. Everything just makes sense there. Its why at 21 Im in a gym on a friday night, instead of at campus bar. Its why I get people giving me funny looks, asking the same questions. Why do it? Why do anything? People often get confused, as if I bodybuild for attention or some shit. If i really gave a fuck about what other people thought i would sit my ass around 160 pounds and throw on some A&F polo and tell tales about how wasted I got the night before. Nah, I am not a sheep, and fucking empty shell of a clone. I think Ill stick the the game plan, keep doing what I know. Fuck the under armor, fuck the fancy exercises, fuck the hype. If anything working out with Wrath will show me what being an animal is really like, but no matter, im going to keep doing what im doing.
Heavy respect from the Maritimes,
Alex M.
Mr. Aestheticz
01-22-09, 10:31 am
not sure if this is done at the cage or whereever but , anyone who wants to talk nutrition at the cage or after the abc club i'm up for it , it can be a scheduled event or just a pow wow with a few guys ......
maybe rage or natural guy can have input in this .... as far as where when it could take place....
For those who have not been privy to share in the knowledge The Freak has to offer, this would be invaluable. Derik can easily do a seminar for hours with no prep. He is a wealth of knowledge for all of us to learn from.
NG..if you can put something together..make it happen for all of us.
I would def love to speak to the both of you in regards to nutrition and other aspects!
Derik I know you have been a natural pro for years and have been in TREMENDOUS amounts of work, and being a natural in the OCB getting ready for my next show in a year and a half I would love your feedbakc and input!
Mr. Aestheticz
01-22-09, 10:35 am
if ox is preparing for the the ny pro, he'll be in full force come march, hang with a pro ?, i'd be afraid to train with a pro come contest time, his intensity is turned up all cylinders are firing right...... for pro to allow you to train with him during contest prep is a truly great gesture.......
01-22-09, 11:05 am
DAMN!!! That is going to be one hell of experience for you Mr.A. Soak it all up and hell video tape it as well. LOL
To me he is the best all around pro out there. After i read the "Journey" I was impressed with his ethics and style. I felt the same way he did while in the gym. People come up to you and start talking to you and start asking questions or someone you know... wanting to chat. Trying to strive to make the best out of your workout, and someone is slowing you down. Not Intentionaly,but still... I don't want to stop! We are in animal mode and focused.
So it's not just that he looks awesome, but he has a strong mind to go with it.
TY for the insperation.
That would've been nice to know a couple weeks ago...Congrats tho.
The House
01-25-09, 8:14 pm
bro this is a great thread... i have been reading it since day one... i just want to thank everyone for wanting to train with us. thanks.... the arnold is going to be a great time..
01-25-09, 9:14 pm
That would've been nice to know a couple weeks ago...Congrats tho.
01-29-09, 1:41 pm
We got Canadians wanting to train with Wrath to keep it Canadian, so why the hell not a West "By God" Virginian with another West Virginian. I have had the pleasure to meet and train in the same gym as one of, if not my favorite pro in the IFBB today Erik "The House" Frankhouser. Now sure as shit he is a big strong dude, but others who know much about The House know that he is a down to earth, family comes first, humble kind of guy. Those attributes go further than any 24+" calves do in my book (those calves are crazy amazing though dont get me wrong). Erik sets a solid example to the younger crowd of how to balance family, work and bodybuilding. In my few times around him I have never heard him toot his own horn, make crazy statements about "he is going to do this or that". He just goes about his business and ensures the job gets done. He walks the walk! An excellent ambassador of our home state and the great sport of bodybuilding.
Chosen or not, just figured I'd throw my hat in the ring and show some respect for a fellow WV boy I look up to.
Best of luck to everyone esle that enters! Which surprises me there arent more entries. Where is the love for Big Al, Big Ant, Machine? The sad thing is we have to choose just one... Get them in people!
Yeah....uhm...well...again if OX is taken....I will fight a damn army in order to get the chance to train with HOUSE!
We got Canadians wanting to train with Wrath to keep it Canadian, so why the hell not a West "By God" Virginian with another West Virginian. I have had the pleasure to meet and train in the same gym as one of, if not my favorite pro in the IFBB today Erik "The House" Frankhouser. Now sure as shit he is a big strong dude, but others who know much about The House know that he is a down to earth, family comes first, humble kind of guy. Those attributes go further than any 24+" calves do in my book (those calves are crazy amazing though dont get me wrong). Erik sets a solid example to the younger crowd of how to balance family, work and bodybuilding. In my few times around him I have never heard him toot his own horn, make crazy statements about "he is going to do this or that". He just goes about his business and ensures the job gets done. He walks the walk! An excellent ambassador of our home state and the great sport of bodybuilding.
Chosen or not, just figured I'd throw my hat in the ring and show some respect for a fellow WV boy I look up to.
Best of luck to everyone esle that enters! Which surprises me there arent more entries. Where is the love for Big Al, Big Ant, Machine? The sad thing is we have to choose just one... Get them in people!
Thanks for the cool words...
Vinny, having followed your career, and knowing what you're doing with my own trainer, Rage, I'd be eager to workout with you -- you have the, (ahem) long experience and breadth of knowledge I'd like to tap into, and an awareness of the needs of the, um, more seasoned bodybuilder <grin>.
At 54, and coming back from back surgery, I've made a lot of progress working with Rage these past few months, and we're only going onward and upward from here, but I'd love the chance to see what you can add to the mix, especially since I know you're working with him.
This will be my first Arnold -- I'm coming in Thursday night, just to make sure I catch it all, and I hope to be hanging around the Cage a lot! I'm looking forward to the chance to meet all of you, but you're the one I want to train with.
thank you for the kind words.
01-30-09, 1:41 pm
Thanks for the cool words...
You're welcome. Its easy to show respect and have admiration for those who have earned it.
01-30-09, 6:05 pm
Got word today I will not have to get surgery on the knee so the prep work continues for hopefully getting that call to talk shop and workout with BigAl. This is going to be on great weekend I will never forget meeting all the fellow Animals.
01-30-09, 7:55 pm
I guess I picked up this thread too late, because I was wondering why I'd never heard at least a comment about me wanting to work with Vinny, and now I scroll back and see he's already lined up with Sanga, and planning something special to destroy his legs.
As much as I like and respect Sanga (and Vinny), I can't argue with the fact that he got there first.
Or, am I mis-reading this?
Curious. . .
01-30-09, 9:45 pm
just to let u know big ant-i picked u last year but didnt win!!!!
I guess I picked up this thread too late, because I was wondering why I'd never heard at least a comment about me wanting to work with Vinny, and now I scroll back and see he's already lined up with Sanga, and planning something special to destroy his legs.
As much as I like and respect Sanga (and Vinny), I can't argue with the fact that he got there first.
Or, am I mis-reading this?
Curious. . .
firedrake, since i was told that i pick the winner....since sanga and i are blasting legs, a 3some would be fine.
please join us.
01-31-09, 9:55 am
Best of luck to everyone esle that enters! Which surprises me there arent more entries. Where is the love for Big Al, Big Ant, Machine? The sad thing is we have to choose just one... Get them in people![/QUOTE]
I threw my hat in the ring for BigAl the first day/first page so the love is out there. I think some folks might be put off by having to be in front of so many people and not moving that much weight. I don't care because after I take what I learned and put a year into it then the new and improved version will be on display at the Cage in 2010!
01-31-09, 11:00 am
just to let u know big ant-i picked u last year but didnt win!!!!
Throw one in again Grant! Would be sweet to see you and Big Ant giving it hell at Metro Fitness after a nice Friday at The Cage. Cool thing is they are reading and selecting. So pour your heart and soul into it.
Best of luck to everyone esle that enters! Which surprises me there arent more entries. Where is the love for Big Al, Big Ant, Machine? The sad thing is we have to choose just one... Get them in people!
I threw my hat in the ring for BigAl the first day/first page so the love is out there. I think some folks might be put off by having to be in front of so many people and not moving that much weight. I don't care because after I take what I learned and put a year into it then the new and improved version will be on display at the Cage in 2010![/QUOTE]
I know you had it in early. I was just drumming up more. This thing should be 200 pages long.
As for being affraid of not moving a lot of weight. Everyone mentioned in this thread to train with is a Professional. They know that everyone is at different leves in the game and they usually just want to see/help us get where we are going. The training is done or was last year outside of The Cage at a gym down the street that evening. So there is no need to be intemidated.
I hope Al selects you, if he hasn't already. He is a huge guy and from all his post on here and witnessing him at The Cage last year he loves what he does and you will definatley grow more than just in the gym that weekend. To be honest I had never seen a human that size in real life until I met him. I was confused as to whether he was a Immense individual or a shaved gorilla!!! (not meant in a bad way Big Al please do not throw a 45 at me like a frisbee!)
firedrake, since i was told that i pick the winner....since sanga and i are blasting legs, a 3some would be fine.
please join us.
Looking forward to it Drake, the leg training that is, not the threesome, not sure what Vinny has in mind there, but count me out of anything like that, lol
Looking forward to it Drake, the leg training that is, not the threesome, not sure what Vinny has in mind there, but count me out of anything like that, lol
damn, i set my self up with that
01-31-09, 3:35 pm
HA HA HA... Ouch, you gotta watch yourself there
Hey, just throwing THIS out there... I'm going to be there... I would love the opportunity to jump in anywhere... I had the pleasure of training with Big Ant in Jersey (THANKS for helping me and not minding changing the and would love to be a sponge and pick up pointers across the board...
Or, if not, I could just lurk and
If you are attending the Arnold this year. You have an opportunity to train with your favorite Animal pro. We did this last year and some lucky guys got to train with their favorite Animal. Here is a testimonial:
Here's the deal. Tell us which pro you would want to train with (Ox, House, Wrath, Vinny, BigAl, BigAnt, Machine, G Diesel, The Freak,) and why. The pros will pick the best entries.
This will go down on the Friday night of the Arnold weekend (March 6th) so you gotta be there to qualify.
Post your entries right here in this thread.
I have a question for you NG. In that testimonial he said that he picked a friend to train with last year when he trained with G. Is this the same for this year as well?
i still have my vote in for big G Deez. See if he can hang with my back workout lol
just to let u know big ant-i picked u last year but didnt win!!!!
Very cool...thanks, but we will have time to talk-eat-hang out and train...
This is a great thread...!
02-02-09, 1:28 pm
How do you get into the 'Arnold'?
I've been wanting to go to an event, anywhere, anytime and meet one of the Animals. I think it would be great inspiration for myself to further myself and accomplish the goals I lay out. I find that every single post I read by G Diesel inspires me and launch's me into this state where I just want to train as hard as I can, forget and drop everything else and just leave it to the training to get me to where I wanna be.
This was his most recent article:
I read that this morning and now I'm just itchin' to get downstairs and train. Fuck, I gotta hand it to the Animals, if it wasn't for any of you or this site being in existance right now I'd be one fat lazy son of a bitch sitting on my bed playing XBOX 360 all day.
If I can get to the Arnold, which I'm going to try to get too, it would be a dream come true getting in the cage and training with G Diesel. It would deffinitly catapult me into a good long mind-set of the need for quality training and I would probably have much better success. I know I can learn things from him, I know it!
Either way, G Diesel, I got to hand it to you bro your probably one of the most respectable guys I know (Well, yeah I only know you online but your posts are logical, they make me think further into almost anything I do).
The other thing I got to say is since I joined Animal Fovum, my life has improved vastly. I'm doing the best I have in school in 3 years, I'm loosing weight and slowly packing on muscle, I'm just a lot happier and more succesful with my life since I have joined.
Either way, G Diesel, I got to hand it to you bro your probably one of the most respectable guys I know (Well, yeah I only know you online but your posts are logical, they make me think further into almost anything I do).
The other thing I got to say is since I joined Animal Fovum, my life has improved vastly. I'm doing the best I have in school in 3 years, I'm loosing weight and slowly packing on muscle, I'm just a lot happier and more succesful with my life since I have joined.
Good post, good to see you have improved in school too as this is vitally important, stick with it, all the best to you.
Excellent stuff.
Got to be legs then eh? Lol
ok bring it on
I was lucky enough to train legs with Vinny last year at our Jan ABC in columbus. The man doesnt play around. I did not sleep that night and had cramps and pain for days..........I loved every minute haha.
02-02-09, 4:54 pm
Get in on this guys, it was a great experience training with evan last year. Hopefully I can meet up with some of the forvm or animal crew thursday or friday and train, because at that point I will be 8 weeks out (i think) from my first show, and could use an intensity checkup.
The Landlord
02-03-09, 12:35 am
HA HA HA... Ouch, you gotta watch yourself there
Hey, just throwing THIS out there... I'm going to be there... I would love the opportunity to jump in anywhere... I had the pleasure of training with Big Ant in Jersey (THANKS for helping me and not minding changing the and would love to be a sponge and pick up pointers across the board...
Or, if not, I could just lurk and
Your supposed to say you wanna train with The
02-03-09, 12:37 am
Your supposed to say you wanna train with The
Girl, you know I'm all about it!!! I can't wait to see ya... It better be BEFORE the Cage too, since we're only 10 minutes away!!!
The Landlord
02-03-09, 12:44 am
Girl, you know I'm all about it!!! I can't wait to see ya... It better be BEFORE the Cage too, since we're only 10 minutes away!!!
Girl you know I would love to train with ya...but the only weight I am gonna be pushing around for a while is this fat prego butt lol....Its hibernating season..dont ya and visit anytime!
02-03-09, 12:51 am
Girl you know I would love to train with ya...but the only weight I am gonna be pushing around for a while is this fat prego butt lol....Its hibernating season..dont ya and visit anytime!
Ahhhhh... Push that belly bean baby.... Your beautiful preggo butt better be at the gym with us
I will be over to see ya...
I'm so excited for you guys...
02-04-09, 12:33 am
THis is one hell pf a promo and looking forward to seeing everyone there reguardless.
02-04-09, 11:48 am
Mr. Aesthetics already got dibs since hes the first place promo winner but I'd love to train with Ox. I feel like me and Ox have alot in common, from being overweight as kids to not loving sports like every other person does. I've watched his "In the Trenches" training videos a dozen times. Seems like a very down to earth guy with alot of intensity in the gym.
The House
02-06-09, 12:24 am
I choose dannynb..... I would be honored to work out with you. I feel that we share the same values. I met him in Texas at the Europa ABC and he is a good guy. He always hits me up on my thread and I appreciate it. So instead of talking about workouts we will finally get one in. See you in Columbus bro.
THis is one hell pf a promo and looking forward to seeing everyone there reguardless.
Congrats bro!!
02-06-09, 1:06 am
I choose dannynb..... I would be honored to work out with you. I feel that we share the same values. I met him in Texas at the Europa ABC and he is a good guy. He always hits me up on my thread and I appreciate it. So instead of talking about workouts we will finally get one in. See you in Columbus bro.
Congrats Dannynb. This will def. b an amazing experience for you.
02-06-09, 1:16 am
firedrake, since i was told that i pick the winner....since sanga and i are blasting legs, a 3some would be fine.
please join us.
Thanks! I'm looking forward to it! I'll be sure to bring my "convict" knee sleeves {{grin}}
02-06-09, 1:24 am
Thanks! I'm looking forward to it! I'll be sure to bring my "convict" knee sleeves {{grin}}
Congrats gramps Vinny will sure learn ya. LOL. So now i expect monsterous lifts when we hit our ABC's. The ARNOLD is going to be this years place to be.
I choose dannynb..... I would be honored to work out with you. I feel that we share the same values. I met him in Texas at the Europa ABC and he is a good guy. He always hits me up on my thread and I appreciate it. So instead of talking about workouts we will finally get one in. See you in Columbus bro.
Wow....Erik....I'm speechless. I honestly never thought I would get picked for this. This is def an honor! I do feel like we share the same values and that is why i have always looked to you for advice. I'm gonna go try to get some sleep (yeah right). Thanks brother and I will see you in Columbus.
Congrats Dannynb. This will def. b an amazing experience for you.
Man, getting to lift with G and NG at the Europa and just meeting House was one hell of an experience and to actually get to pick his brain and get a workout in with him this time just blows me away!
I was lucky enough to train legs with Vinny last year at our Jan ABC in columbus. The man doesnt play around. I did not sleep that night and had cramps and pain for days..........I loved every minute haha.
Cheers lol, I have a couple of secret weapons ready for the pain, I mean session.
Mr. Aestheticz
02-06-09, 8:02 am
Congrats Bro That Is A Huge Priz To Win, Def Be Sure To Post Up How It Went And Let Us All Know!
02-06-09, 9:10 am
Man, getting to lift with G and NG at the Europa and just meeting House was one hell of an experience and to actually get to pick his brain and get a workout in with him this time just blows me away!
Congrats danny, this is a great opportunity.
02-06-09, 9:23 am
I choose dannynb..... I would be honored to work out with you. I feel that we share the same values. I met him in Texas at the Europa ABC and he is a good guy. He always hits me up on my thread and I appreciate it. So instead of talking about workouts we will finally get one in. See you in Columbus bro.
Congrats DannyB... House is a hell of a guy as you already know. This will be an experience you will remember forever!
Congrats danny, this is a great opportunity.
An opportunity I am honored to have.....def looking forward to this. Thanks to Animal for allowing this chance and thanks again to House for picking me. Looking forward to seeing everyone's gonna be one hell of a family reunion.
02-17-09, 1:42 pm
Cheers lol, I have a couple of secret weapons ready for the pain, I mean session.
I keep pushing my PRs on legs here so I won't shame the SoCal crew when I'm there . . .
02-17-09, 3:17 pm
I keep pushing my PRs on legs here so I won't shame the SoCal crew when I'm there . . .
Doing your best would never shame us gramps. Keep hitt'n it.
Man they should pick the wieners oops winners already. LOL
02-19-09, 1:02 pm
umm...seriously this thread isnt 20 pages I just read every post in the matter of 10 minutes. People should be clawing and fighting over a chance to train with a pro from animal seriously. I have had the pleasure of training with House a few times at ABC's around the pittsburgh area and it was great sure we joke around but thats how we roll,.... last year I trained with Vinny and pizzalamp saturday night after the cage still using the tips I got form the man of many years. seriously its getting close you guys need to step it up and put your muslces where your typing is, Instead of PMing and asking questions in thread you have the chance to ACTUALLY TRAIN with they guys you look to for motovation and advice.
I have already won a promo for the cage so I will not be heartbroken if I dont win this but if possible I would love to train with Wrath, I met the guy last year we bullshited about alot of training and alot of other stuff my brother had a simalar arm injury (just had surgery) when Frank jacked his arm up so we had alot to talk about....but if still available i would love a chance to train with the "Journey guy" haha
umm...seriously this thread isnt 20 pages I just read every post in the matter of 10 minutes. People should be clawing and fighting over a chance to train with a pro from animal seriously. I have had the pleasure of training with House a few times at ABC's around the pittsburgh area and it was great sure we joke around but thats how we roll,.... last year I trained with Vinny and pizzalamp saturday night after the cage still using the tips I got form the man of many years. seriously its getting close you guys need to step it up and put your muslces where your typing is, Instead of PMing and asking questions in thread you have the chance to ACTUALLY TRAIN with they guys you look to for motovation and advice.
I have already won a promo for the cage so I will not be heartbroken if I dont win this but if possible I would love to train with Wrath, I met the guy last year we bullshited about alot of training and alot of other stuff my brother had a simalar arm injury (just had surgery) when Frank jacked his arm up so we had alot to talk about....but if still available i would love a chance to train with the "Journey guy" haha
I agree....I can't believe more people haven't entered this. This is an opportunity of a lifetime!!!
02-19-09, 5:29 pm
umm...seriously this thread isnt 20 pages I just read every post in the matter of 10 minutes. People should be clawing and fighting over a chance to train with a pro from animal seriously. I have had the pleasure of training with House a few times at ABC's around the pittsburgh area and it was great sure we joke around but thats how we roll,.... last year I trained with Vinny and pizzalamp saturday night after the cage still using the tips I got form the man of many years. seriously its getting close you guys need to step it up and put your muslces where your typing is, Instead of PMing and asking questions in thread you have the chance to ACTUALLY TRAIN with they guys you look to for motovation and advice.
I have already won a promo for the cage so I will not be heartbroken if I dont win this but if possible I would love to train with Wrath, I met the guy last year we bullshited about alot of training and alot of other stuff my brother had a simalar arm injury (just had surgery) when Frank jacked his arm up so we had alot to talk about....but if still available i would love a chance to train with the "Journey guy" haha
I agree... I threw one in for The House, but I have trained with him before and in the same gym many times. I'm excited he picked dannyb! Seems like a great pick...
I figured this thing would be forever long and have many entries. I dont know that I have read any for Machine! Unless I missed them. People scared of him. Sure he choked me when I met him last year but he is by far one of the most honest and striaght up guys you will meet. He loves what he does, better yet he is passionate about it. Whoever would throw in something worth him reading and really wanted to train with him would gain many years worth of complex knowledge of this game over just one session. The guy is a FREAK because he practices what he preaches. So someone throw some in. I have won a promo for The Cage already so come on people get them in.
There are more pros to train with...
02-20-09, 8:26 am
I put in to train with G, but I am more than happy to train with any of the pros. This is a once-in-lifetime experience and I wouldn't pass up the opportunity to train with any of them!
02-21-09, 11:13 pm
Gratz dannynb!! What an awesome opportunity.
02-21-09, 11:30 pm
Any idea when they will make the decisions? I am like a kid waiting for Christmas waiting for the announcement. 2 weeks out!!
02-21-09, 11:57 pm
. . . I know I've been hitting legs pretty hard, so I don't shame myself in front of Vinny. *grin*
02-22-09, 2:25 pm
i would try but cant make it this year....o well maybe next year
02-24-09, 2:42 am
I would really like to train with G Diesel! I feel that a lot of our theories and ways of lifting/lifestyle are similar and it would be an honor to cross iron with him.
His powerbuilding dvd is amazing and I learned a lot from it. We talk on the forvm and myspace and what not but to be able to lift and learn these techniques in person would be nothing less than an honor.
02-24-09, 10:34 pm
I want to train with Wrath! He is my favorite Animal Pro and favorite bodybuilder! I would love get any tips and advice he can offer! I am planning on competing in my first show in September and want any advice I can get, especially from someone as jacked as Wrath! I would be forever grateful for this amazing once in a lifetime opportunity!
02-25-09, 1:44 am
I got the honor of training with machine last year, it is still the hi-lite of my lifting career. The man is an Icon to me. Let it be known, who ever chooses machine and trains with him. You are stepping into a ring with a lion. We trained arms Friday night and they hurt clear into Tuesday. Make no mistake, your gonna grow
G Diesel
02-25-09, 10:32 am
OK fellas... First of all I'm completely honored that some of the brothers on The Forvm chose me amongst all these great athletes. I kinda figured I'd be training with scals and digi at least one night while we were out there, but I'm completely enthused to add some new brethren into the fold. So here's the deal...
I chose all 5 guys that threw their hat into the ring on my behalf:
I'll be training chest on Friday and delts at the ABC on Saturday. I figure we'll go 3 deep for chest and 4 deep for delts. I'll let you guys use the ancient method of "dibs" to decide who rolls on what night. This way everybody wins and nobody gets dissed. Once again, I'm humbled by the collective sentiment of the brothers involved. I look forward to hitting it hard with you fellas in C-Bus.
Peace, G
02-25-09, 10:52 am
Damn talk about being a giving person... G that shit made my day bro and I wasnt one of the people who threw in to train with you.
The 5 of you chosen are lucky... I remember watching G train with people last year. It will be a great experience for you all.
Gotta pick chest with ya Friday night G! No one better to learn from.
Thank you!
02-25-09, 10:55 am
moneyyy. gonna have to hit chest G. soo stoked for this shit
umm...seriously this thread isnt 20 pages I just read every post in the matter of 10 minutes.
I feel ya shaff....I get to train with one of our pro's (BIG AL) EVERYDAY and once in a rare while Big Ant blesses us with his presence....every day is a learning experience....this thread should have shutdown the forvm with all the guys who havent posted are missing out....our Pro's offer us so much knowledge
02-25-09, 10:57 am
I'm going for Delts on Saturday, G! Thanks for the opportunity!
02-25-09, 11:25 am
OK fellas... First of all I'm completely honored that some of the brothers on The Forvm chose me amongst all these great athletes. I kinda figured I'd be training with scals and digi at least one night while we were out there, but I'm completely enthused to add some new brethren into the fold. So here's the deal...
I chose all 5 guys that threw their hat into the ring on my behalf:
I'll be training chest on Friday and delts at the ABC on Saturday. I figure we'll go 3 deep for chest and 4 deep for delts. I'll let you guys use the ancient method of "dibs" to decide who rolls on what night. This way everybody wins and nobody gets dissed. Once again, I'm humbled by the collective sentiment of the brothers involved. I look forward to hitting it hard with you fellas in C-Bus.
Peace, G
Damn congrats Fellas... G is gonna put some work in and I know the knowledge you will get to pick up on will be top shelf quality. Have a hell of a time guys.
02-25-09, 11:36 am
Damn congrats Fellas... G is gonna put some work in and I know the knowledge you will get to pick up on will be top shelf quality. Have a hell of a time guys.
def looking forward to learning some new tricks for working my shapely but weak chest lol
02-25-09, 11:38 am
moneyyy. gonna have to hit chest G. soo stoked for this shit
You're going to be able to learn a lot from G Diesel. It's going to be a great weekend!
02-25-09, 12:30 pm
OK fellas... First of all I'm completely honored that some of the brothers on The Forvm chose me amongst all these great athletes. I kinda figured I'd be training with scals and digi at least one night while we were out there, but I'm completely enthused to add some new brethren into the fold. So here's the deal...
I chose all 5 guys that threw their hat into the ring on my behalf:
I'll be training chest on Friday and delts at the ABC on Saturday. I figure we'll go 3 deep for chest and 4 deep for delts. I'll let you guys use the ancient method of "dibs" to decide who rolls on what night. This way everybody wins and nobody gets dissed. Once again, I'm humbled by the collective sentiment of the brothers involved. I look forward to hitting it hard with you fellas in C-Bus.
Peace, G
Guys...ya'll are in for a treat. I got to lift with G at Metroflex last year. We hit shoulders and even though he was recovering from a shoulder injury, he still went full steam. Tighten your belts and bring your note pads....
Mr. Aestheticz
02-25-09, 12:38 pm
I feel ya shaff....I get to train with one of our pro's (BIG AL) EVERYDAY and once in a rare while Big Ant blesses us with his presence....every day is a learning experience....this thread should have shutdown the forvm with all the guys who havent posted are missing out....our Pro's offer us so much knowledge
I wont lie I am very fortunate and blessed enough that I won the promo and get to see my first Arnold Classic in my life and experience what I am going to.
Also I never ever got a chance to meet OX EVER and he trained 20 minutes away!
So being able to train with my hometown/hero is going to be unfucking believable, shit if i didn't win the great honor I would have posted and wrote just as huge of a frigen post to get this chance and experience!
YO McFly hopefully one day ANIMAL/UNIVERSAL will be setting up a "TRAIN WITH THE PROS" promo and we will be the big dawgs/pros one day to help!
Mr. Aestheticz
02-25-09, 12:41 pm
OK fellas... First of all I'm completely honored that some of the brothers on The Forvm chose me amongst all these great athletes. I kinda figured I'd be training with scals and digi at least one night while we were out there, but I'm completely enthused to add some new brethren into the fold. So here's the deal...
I chose all 5 guys that threw their hat into the ring on my behalf:
I'll be training chest on Friday and delts at the ABC on Saturday. I figure we'll go 3 deep for chest and 4 deep for delts. I'll let you guys use the ancient method of "dibs" to decide who rolls on what night. This way everybody wins and nobody gets dissed. Once again, I'm humbled by the collective sentiment of the brothers involved. I look forward to hitting it hard with you fellas in C-Bus.
Peace, G
This speaks a lot about your character big brother, this is def a big props and big ups to you, def a good look!
Training with G, very nice. Congrats fellas.
02-25-09, 3:27 pm
Hell yeah guys! Congrats on getting to train w/ G! That is fucking awesome! I am so hoping I get to train with Wrath!!!!
I feel ya shaff....I get to train with one of our pro's (BIG AL) EVERYDAY and once in a rare while Big Ant blesses us with his presence....every day is a learning experience....this thread should have shutdown the forvm with all the guys who havent posted are missing out....our Pro's offer us so much knowledge
Agreed McFly, surprised the shit outta me too mate, I am so glad Vinny picked me to train with him, so stoked for this.
02-25-09, 6:19 pm
OK fellas... First of all I'm completely honored that some of the brothers on The Forvm chose me amongst all these great athletes. I kinda figured I'd be training with scals and digi at least one night while we were out there, but I'm completely enthused to add some new brethren into the fold. So here's the deal...
I chose all 5 guys that threw their hat into the ring on my behalf:
I'll be training chest on Friday and delts at the ABC on Saturday. I figure we'll go 3 deep for chest and 4 deep for delts. I'll let you guys use the ancient method of "dibs" to decide who rolls on what night. This way everybody wins and nobody gets dissed. Once again, I'm humbled by the collective sentiment of the brothers involved. I look forward to hitting it hard with you fellas in C-Bus.
Peace, G
Awsome bro I cant wait! Honestly I can train both nights so it doesnt matter to me.
Thanks dude- see you there.
02-25-09, 6:41 pm
Congrats brothers and G props to you for just taking what was already a great promo a notch higher. Hoping to see you all there with pen and paper in hand.
03-03-09, 5:49 pm
I was just wondering if anybody knew when the last couple Pros were going to pick their ppl to train with. Or if they are just going to announce it on Friday at the Cage.
03-04-09, 1:11 am
I was just wondering if anybody knew when the last couple Pros were going to pick their ppl to train with. Or if they are just going to announce it on Friday at the Cage.
OK Fatbackgoal you ready to fuckin TRAIN friday night???
I was thinking that we could hit chest since I'll be warming up my chest at the cage.
I look forward to training with your BIG ass.Don't be makin me look bad.
See you Friday.
03-04-09, 4:18 pm
OK Fatbackgoal you ready to fuckin TRAIN friday night???
I was thinking that we could hit chest since I'll be warming up my chest at the cage.
I look forward to training with your BIG ass.Don't be makin me look bad.
See you Friday.
BigAl- Can't say enough how psyched I am for this opportunity. Will work hard and leave nothing in the tank!!
03-04-09, 4:46 pm
BigAl- Can't say enough how psyched I am for this opportunity. Will work hard and leave nothing in the tank!!
congrats brotha. big al will def be full of knowledge for ya.
03-09-09, 4:47 pm
I wanted to say a very MUCH a appreciated thank you to FREAK. Myself along with shortstack were able to train with this monster on legs. Well we didnt puke but i did need extra time to board my flight. Today i still cant walk. Freak showed me so much in the gym and out. Again thanks Freak it meant a lot.
08-22-09, 1:04 am
Hopefully this Promo is gunna be going on for next years Cage. I know for a fact that Weedlewott and myself will be at the Arnold and we are just stoked as hell to get to meet everyone.
08-22-09, 1:59 am
I will def be at the Arnold. I look forward to the chance of meeting everyone in person. That would be more than enough for me!!!
08-22-09, 2:04 am
Hey InkdMuscle
No sucking up for points bro, don't make me have to send The Freak a care package with some Real Gains or a Can of Test or something.
Man I can't leave this place for a second without getting out done on compliments. hahaha
Just messin with ya bro.... Good luck to ya
Im rooting for ya Nick "Vote for Pedro..I mean Nick"
Luv ya
08-22-09, 10:28 am
Hopefully this Promo is gunna be going on for next years Cage. I know for a fact that Weedlewott and myself will be at the Arnold and we are just stoked as hell to get to meet everyone.
good to know def. gonna be there after last years, i would not miss it...looking forward to meeting everyone as well.
08-22-09, 11:27 am
good to know def. gonna be there after last years, i would not miss it...looking forward to meeting everyone as well.
I can tell you that the chance to train with Vinny was incredible, and when I first walked into Metro Fitness Thursday night before things got rolling, and found the place full of Animals -- LOTS of Animals, and they welcomed me to work in with them though they'd never met me, I was in iron heaven!
08-22-09, 12:36 pm
I can tell you that the chance to train with Vinny was incredible, and when I first walked into Metro Fitness Thursday night before things got rolling, and found the place full of Animals -- LOTS of Animals, and they welcomed me to work in with them though they'd never met me, I was in iron heaven!
sounds awesome man, cant wait for the arnold next year.
08-22-09, 12:38 pm
I can tell you that the chance to train with Vinny was incredible, and when I first walked into Metro Fitness Thursday night before things got rolling, and found the place full of Animals -- LOTS of Animals, and they welcomed me to work in with them though they'd never met me, I was in iron heaven!
That is awesome..Im kind of nervous because I have never met anyone in person..Hoping to go to the WV abc after House's show and change that...
08-22-09, 12:50 pm
I had the opportunity to train chest with Wrath and it was awesome! He was a great guy who was down to earth and easy to bullshit with. I picked up a few tips along the way asd well. And on the ABC that Saturday, Ox ASKED me if he could work in on some back exercises with me and of course I told to get the fuck outta here, hahaha, but he was really cool as well and he fixed my form and told me how to make the exercises better for what I was trying to target! All of the pros were awseome and I look forward to seeing everyone again next year!
08-22-09, 1:24 pm
haha someone get the attendees list goin right now!!!!! its so sad, the arnold is the highlight of my year; over my birthday, christmas, new years, turkey day. ugh....
08-22-09, 1:28 pm
haha someone get the attendees list goin right now!!!!! its so sad, the arnold is the highlight of my year; over my birthday, christmas, new years, turkey day. ugh....
I can't wait either Alex! It is my yearly highlight too! I wish it was every weekend, lol
I would kill for a chance to workout with Wrath.
I got into lifting a couple years ago,
and serious lifting here recently.
I watched the Animal Promo Trailer,
and saw him dead lifting 405 like it was nothing.
Since I saw that video, I started training hard.
I just hit a PR on dead lift a week ago.
I pulled 465x1, and I'm looking for 500.
I don't like to post outside of this forvm,
but I just want you to see the changes you have helped me make.
12-12-09, 12:15 pm
Is this type of promo going to be available this year?
Is this type of promo going to be available this year?
Nice bump LM. I was wondering this myself and was gonna sign up this year.
Yeah me too. That would be SWEET!
12-12-09, 2:07 pm
That is awesome Brad! You got to train with the big boys!!! Looks like you are making awesome progress!! Keep it up!!
I had the opportunity to train chest with Wrath and it was awesome! He was a great guy who was down to earth and easy to bullshit with. I picked up a few tips along the way asd well. And on the ABC that Saturday, Ox ASKED me if he could work in on some back exercises with me and of course I told to get the fuck outta here, hahaha, but he was really cool as well and he fixed my form and told me how to make the exercises better for what I was trying to target! All of the pros were awseome and I look forward to seeing everyone again next year!
Mr. Dead
12-12-09, 2:23 pm
Is this type of promo going to be available this year?
Inquiring minds want to know...
Inquiring minds want to know...
Maybe a train with Mr. Dead promo? Now that would be off the hook!
12-12-09, 3:10 pm
Maybe a train with Mr. Dead promo? Now that would be off the hook!
I just look forward to meeting Mr. Dead! Well, and seeing everyone else again this year.
Chase "BIG COUNTRY" Browning
12-12-09, 3:52 pm
This would be a great opportunity!
12-12-09, 5:22 pm
Maybe a train with Mr. Dead promo? Now that would be off the hook!
I wanna win that
12-12-09, 5:45 pm
Maybe a train with Mr. Dead promo? Now that would be off the hook!
I wanna win that
^^ Took the words out of my mouth!
Mr. Dead
12-28-09, 4:31 pm
Maybe a train with Mr. Dead promo? Now that would be off the hook!
I just look forward to meeting Mr. Dead! Well, and seeing everyone else again this year.
I wanna win that
^^ Took the words out of my mouth!
*Sniff...* Somethin' smells funny in here... *LOL*
G Diesel
12-28-09, 4:59 pm
Is this type of promo going to be available this year?
I can't see why the hell it wouldn't be. I know I'm game.
Peace, G
12-31-09, 12:22 pm
I can't see why the hell it wouldn't be. I know I'm game.
Peace, G
I'd like to see this happen again.
Mr. Dead
12-31-09, 1:16 pm
Maybe, if we make a little noise... *LOL*
12-31-09, 1:22 pm
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....sorry deadman said to make a little noise...but seriously this would be an awesome opportunity.
12-31-09, 2:10 pm
throwin it out there now, id like to tear up a session with G.
G Diesel
01-09-10, 8:34 pm
I'd like to see this happen again.
Maybe, if we make a little noise... *LOL*
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....sorry deadman said to make a little noise...but seriously this would be an awesome opportunity.
Our boys talked... We listened.
Check it...
Throw those hats in the ring of fire fellas.
Peace, G
01-09-10, 9:40 pm
Our boys talked... We listened.
Check it...
Throw those hats in the ring of fire fellas.
Peace, G
very cool G, my hat is in the ring along with a ton of other animals.