View Full Version : My Arnold Experience
03-09-09, 11:57 am
Wow where to start......It was by far the best of the best. Eventhough I didnt get to "clean house" (samples) on the last day, it was still the time of my life. Even after walking the whole expo the first day I always found myself glued to the Cage not just because of the friends I had there but because it was the "most realistic" in terms of attainable goals and overall useful information about the sport and all that it entails. From dieting info to the "Pros Vs Bros" I can say with the purest sincerety that we (Animal) had the best booth. Any booth could throw a Tshirt or sling a sample, but could any of them tell you how to properly use them to get the products full They simply slapped a big shiny label on the product and had it endorsed by a big celebrity (Speices and Triple H) now I know that these companies have the money to throw around and buy up big names but they never show the step by step results and what to do if your not getting said results. Animal will teach, guide and reward you for your hard work and determination. Thanks to Juggs for letting me take over sounds on Sunday. Big Ant for keeping my spirits up after I missed my 405 Dead at the ABC. Thanks to the boys from Michigan for makin the first night at Perkins a riot. Most of all, a very big thanks to G, Juggs, Ant, Al, Wrath, House, Byrd, Freak, Rage, Rock, Vinny, J,(if I missed anyone I apologize) and every other Animal for making this organization heads and tails above all others in this industry.
Awesome feedback jar. Glad you were able to come down and share the experience with all of us at The Cage. It was great talking with you bro throughout the whole weekend. I had a great time at the dinner with you guys on Friday night after training. I don't think Max and Erma's was prepared to handle all of us Animals in one spot, lol. And on behalf of Juggs and Wides, I gotta thank you for supplying 'em with poptarts to give them the extra edge for their lifts.
03-09-09, 12:38 pm
Jarhead, it was good meeting you at the cage bro. If i remember correctly you were doing deads at the ABC- don't worry bout that deadlift bro, very soon that shit will be like butter for you, i kno you got the heart to break down the walls man!
Universal Rep
03-09-09, 12:56 pm
Part of the overall message I hear from Corporate over and over again is what you're sayin' right here brother....
03-09-09, 1:40 pm
It was a real treat hanging with you Saturday night after the ABC, and getting to know you better (despite some of your outré political views *grin* [that's a joke, son]). It's nice to know there are brains underneath the muscle. I couldn't be more impressed by the amount of learning about nutrition, lifting and a whole list of other things that this group shares. I learned a LOT this weekend.
It was very cool seeing you and hanging with you...Your dead---no biggie, your form is on and YOU WILL improve....all about learning and giving your best---AND YOU DID ALL OF THAT OVER THE WEEKEND!
You a very cool and honest guy, hope to hang with you again in the near future! ! !
03-09-09, 3:54 pm
Glad you had a great time. The weekend went way too fast
03-10-09, 4:36 am
Another awesome weekend bro. Is it next year yet?
03-10-09, 8:31 am
im with you jarhead, the weekend was a blast, it just sums up what animal is all about and that is brotherhood and respect for eachother.
Universal Rep
03-10-09, 10:48 am
Wow where to start......It was by far the best of the best. Eventhough I didnt get to "clean house" (samples) on the last day, it was still the time of my life. Even after walking the whole expo the first day I always found myself glued to the Cage not just because of the friends I had there but because it was the "most realistic" in terms of attainable goals and overall useful information about the sport and all that it entails. From dieting info to the "Pros Vs Bros" I can say with the purest sincerety that we (Animal) had the best booth. Any booth could throw a Tshirt or sling a sample, but could any of them tell you how to properly use them to get the products full They simply slapped a big shiny label on the product and had it endorsed by a big celebrity (Speices and Triple H) now I know that these companies have the money to throw around and buy up big names but they never show the step by step results and what to do if your not getting said results. Animal will teach, guide and reward you for your hard work and determination. Thanks to Juggs for letting me take over sounds on Sunday. Big Ant for keeping my spirits up after I missed my 405 Dead at the ABC. Thanks to the boys from Michigan for makin the first night at Perkins a riot. Most of all, a very big thanks to G, Juggs, Ant, Al, Wrath, House, Byrd, Freak, Rage, Rock, Vinny, J,(if I missed anyone I apologize) and every other Animal for making this organization heads and tails above all others in this industry.
Now there are fellas, I'm sure, who will go for the samples and other freebies. Who will go for the autographs and the pics. Ain't nothing wrong with this at all. But, I genuinely believe that the reason fellas head on over to The Cage is for an entirely different reason. And if you understand that reason, then you will return to The Cage again and again. Am I wrong?
03-10-09, 10:53 am
Now there are fellas, I'm sure, who will go for the samples and other freebies. Who will go for the autographs and the pics. Ain't nothing wrong with this at all. But, I genuinely believe that the reason fellas head on over to The Cage is for an entirely different reason. And if you understand that reason, then you will return to The Cage again and again. Am I wrong?
abosolutley....I went the whole weekend with out getting one of those huge bags to put samples in...after my 4th arnold in a row i think I still have some from my first time going just didnt feel like being a sample volture. I was sure to pick up some things for my boy who couldnt make it. I went to the cage multiple times just to see what is going on, who is lifting what, and to see who would be there from here to say whats up too.. It was a very energetic and positive atmosphere to say the least. again Kudos for everyone who showed up, and for Universal and animal for busting thier asses all weekend.
Universal Rep
03-10-09, 10:54 am
abosolutley....I went the whole weekend with out getting one of those huge bags to put samples in...after my 4th arnold in a row i think I still have some from my first time going just didnt feel like being a sample volture. I was sure to pick up some things for my boy who couldnt make it. I went to the cage multiple times just to see what is going on, who is lifting what, and to see who would be there from here to say whats up too.. It was a very energetic and positive atmosphere to say the least. again Kudos for everyone who showed up, and for Universal and animal for busting thier asses all weekend.
Thank you for goin' brother and being one of among the Legion in attendance, showing the Animal Pride.
03-10-09, 2:21 pm
Now there are fellas, I'm sure, who will go for the samples and other freebies. Who will go for the autographs and the pics. Ain't nothing wrong with this at all. But, I genuinely believe that the reason fellas head on over to The Cage is for an entirely different reason. And if you understand that reason, then you will return to The Cage again and again. Am I wrong?
03-10-09, 2:28 pm
Nice work with the name change and thank you VERY much for said POPTARTS! Great meeting you, you are truly dedicated to this company and all that it offers. Thanks also for lending a hand with the cage; whenever and wherever needed. I need to do a good post about all that went down at the ARNOLD when I get a chance.
POPTARTS! Haha it was a great weekend. Glad to meet ya and like you I'm already looking forward to next year.
03-11-09, 7:23 pm
It was the running gag of the Cage (Thanks to Vinny for calling me out) I was caught red handed with a pack of them. What could I do but own up to havin em. Glad I could be Juggs supplier..