03-09-09, 9:52 pm
Well brothers, another year, another 3 days of incredible, adrenaline filled memories. From 10:30 Friday morning until my exit Sunay afternoon for my trip home....Those awesome, yet so very few and quickly passing hours were something I could never forget. After last years Arnold, my first Arnold Classic as a true ANIMAL (went to my first 2 yrs ago as a total newb lol), I never though that it could be topped. Nothing could out weigh the fun and memories of the things I experienced last year. Damn was I wrong.
This year was something unreal, indescribeable, and out of this world. From the moment I stepped up to the Cage, I was welcomed with smiles, handshakes, hugs, and a sense of overwhelming pride that I was apart of this family. It is so hard to put into mere words what this years Arnold Classic had to offer. I saw a man lift 800 lbs in the squat rack in the morning, and got the great honor to squat with him that evening at the National ABC and saw a squat bar literally flap and bounce of his shoulders he was generating so much force. I saw a man try for a lift twice, fail, and then on the third try, for the first time in his career, lift that shit off the ground...did I mention it was 700 lbs?! I witnessed good friends and brothers compete against one another as bitter rivals and afterwards show true sportsmanship by giving smiles and pats on the back to one another and being true competitive role models to us all. I was surrounded by people who have never met me, seen me, etc...but treated me like a brother because they have seen my screen name on the Forvm before. Those same people became, I KNOW, life long friends and people I know I can count on and they better know the same. I got to see 3 GIGANTIC pro bodybuilders workout with such intensity at our ABC that I couldnt help but watch in awe, and those same giants treated me like an old friend. Showing me how down to earth and humble we should all be. I shared so many laughs this weekend my face hurt from smiling. But the best memory of all was walking up to the Cage with the ANIMAL elite, and having Vinny tell me, as I stood dressed in the attire those elite members wore, that I "was one of the guys now". Goosebumps would be the best word for that moment. And the last day of the Cage, I got to eat breakfast with my brothers in Iron, my friends, and those who I look up to that morning and once again never though I could laugh so hard and felt so good at 9 a.m. after loosing an hour of sleep.
I know there are things that I am leaving out and maybe some people I am leaving out and for that I am sorry...and when I remember those things and people I shal post more of those stories. but in closing...I submit this....
Thank you to Vinny for making me feel like a PRO at such a great time in my life. You are a very seasoned PRO and someone who I try to take page after page from and learn from. As I told you, "the way you guys (PROS) treat us as a friend or a brother, giving back to us that way...showing us that RESPECT, is worth more than any shirt or free gift or anything.." Good luck and God Bless brother on your way to the NY Pro!
Thank you to Sam Byrd for, one, working out with me in the squat rack at out ABC and giving me a shit ton of motivation for the months to come. Two, for treating me like a brother. You talked and joked with me like we have known each other for years and kept building me up and pushing me and just being a great person...You are a true ANIMAL. I will one day posess the power you do, but in the mean time, keep throwing the weight around and I cannot wait to lift with you again and just chill with one of the greatest powrlifters I have ever met.
Thank you to HOUSE, OX,and WRATH. 3 of the biggest and best pros in the world and each of you treated me, someone who is far from being a pro, like I was just like you. I aspire to be like you three every time I push out a rep or swallow a dry piece of keep me striving for what you three have attained. Thank you Ox for your back advice, thank you HOUSE for joking with me the whole time I "bounced" the box, and thank you Wrath for just shooting the shit with me the whole weekend. You three are what all pros should be...class act people!
Thank you to G, Wides, Juggernaut, McFly, TreeTrunkLegs, NaturalGuy, BigAl, BigAnt, Eric, J-Dawg, BCon, Lud, Freak, Sgt Rock, and Rage (If I left anyone out let me know and I am sorry) for allowing me the great and true HONOR of working beside you! I told J-Dawg my ultimate goal and that I hope I will be able to work with you all once again. Each of you added an awesome piece of my memory puzzle this weekend. Each of you is a unique individual and I am blessed to have met and worked along side you guys. Once again, I was treated like one of the guys and a brother. You guys make the ANIMAL Legion what it is!
Lastly, but certainly, not least...THANK YOU to the ANIMAL LEGION and my crew who showed me true friendship and what a real brotherhood is. You guys know it, and if you dont, but we are the future of this amazing company. I saw each of you spill your guts working out and spill your thoughts and love at the Cage when we were all together. To each and every one of you (You know who you are)....God Bless and Thank you!!!! You guys know I am only a phone call away if you need anything.
So, in closing, once more...THANK YOU ALL!!! I am already busting my ass for next years Cage...See you there...until next time!
This year was something unreal, indescribeable, and out of this world. From the moment I stepped up to the Cage, I was welcomed with smiles, handshakes, hugs, and a sense of overwhelming pride that I was apart of this family. It is so hard to put into mere words what this years Arnold Classic had to offer. I saw a man lift 800 lbs in the squat rack in the morning, and got the great honor to squat with him that evening at the National ABC and saw a squat bar literally flap and bounce of his shoulders he was generating so much force. I saw a man try for a lift twice, fail, and then on the third try, for the first time in his career, lift that shit off the ground...did I mention it was 700 lbs?! I witnessed good friends and brothers compete against one another as bitter rivals and afterwards show true sportsmanship by giving smiles and pats on the back to one another and being true competitive role models to us all. I was surrounded by people who have never met me, seen me, etc...but treated me like a brother because they have seen my screen name on the Forvm before. Those same people became, I KNOW, life long friends and people I know I can count on and they better know the same. I got to see 3 GIGANTIC pro bodybuilders workout with such intensity at our ABC that I couldnt help but watch in awe, and those same giants treated me like an old friend. Showing me how down to earth and humble we should all be. I shared so many laughs this weekend my face hurt from smiling. But the best memory of all was walking up to the Cage with the ANIMAL elite, and having Vinny tell me, as I stood dressed in the attire those elite members wore, that I "was one of the guys now". Goosebumps would be the best word for that moment. And the last day of the Cage, I got to eat breakfast with my brothers in Iron, my friends, and those who I look up to that morning and once again never though I could laugh so hard and felt so good at 9 a.m. after loosing an hour of sleep.
I know there are things that I am leaving out and maybe some people I am leaving out and for that I am sorry...and when I remember those things and people I shal post more of those stories. but in closing...I submit this....
Thank you to Vinny for making me feel like a PRO at such a great time in my life. You are a very seasoned PRO and someone who I try to take page after page from and learn from. As I told you, "the way you guys (PROS) treat us as a friend or a brother, giving back to us that way...showing us that RESPECT, is worth more than any shirt or free gift or anything.." Good luck and God Bless brother on your way to the NY Pro!
Thank you to Sam Byrd for, one, working out with me in the squat rack at out ABC and giving me a shit ton of motivation for the months to come. Two, for treating me like a brother. You talked and joked with me like we have known each other for years and kept building me up and pushing me and just being a great person...You are a true ANIMAL. I will one day posess the power you do, but in the mean time, keep throwing the weight around and I cannot wait to lift with you again and just chill with one of the greatest powrlifters I have ever met.
Thank you to HOUSE, OX,and WRATH. 3 of the biggest and best pros in the world and each of you treated me, someone who is far from being a pro, like I was just like you. I aspire to be like you three every time I push out a rep or swallow a dry piece of keep me striving for what you three have attained. Thank you Ox for your back advice, thank you HOUSE for joking with me the whole time I "bounced" the box, and thank you Wrath for just shooting the shit with me the whole weekend. You three are what all pros should be...class act people!
Thank you to G, Wides, Juggernaut, McFly, TreeTrunkLegs, NaturalGuy, BigAl, BigAnt, Eric, J-Dawg, BCon, Lud, Freak, Sgt Rock, and Rage (If I left anyone out let me know and I am sorry) for allowing me the great and true HONOR of working beside you! I told J-Dawg my ultimate goal and that I hope I will be able to work with you all once again. Each of you added an awesome piece of my memory puzzle this weekend. Each of you is a unique individual and I am blessed to have met and worked along side you guys. Once again, I was treated like one of the guys and a brother. You guys make the ANIMAL Legion what it is!
Lastly, but certainly, not least...THANK YOU to the ANIMAL LEGION and my crew who showed me true friendship and what a real brotherhood is. You guys know it, and if you dont, but we are the future of this amazing company. I saw each of you spill your guts working out and spill your thoughts and love at the Cage when we were all together. To each and every one of you (You know who you are)....God Bless and Thank you!!!! You guys know I am only a phone call away if you need anything.
So, in closing, once more...THANK YOU ALL!!! I am already busting my ass for next years Cage...See you there...until next time!