View Full Version : Chemistry
03-12-09, 8:37 am
The Cage is so much more than just an expo booth. Yeah the fence is cool, the gym is really cool and yeah some companies make some poor attempts at copying it. However what I experienced this weekend was family. It was about people. People that we interact with every day in a virtual world (the FORVM) coming together and it felt like a family reunion. The coolest parts of the weekend was the meals eaten together at Max & Erma's. Sitting down, shooting the shit, busting on each other. When we were at The Cage there was some amazing team work and chemistry and I am not just talking about the guys officially working the booth. I am also talking about the members of the FORVM. You guys made it the best Cage ever. I felt a closeness between everyone and an intimate connection. It felt like a group of friends just hanging out. Everyone hanging out in the box, eating cheeseburgers and drinking shakes in our own private area. It doesn't hurt that our pro's act like just one of the guys. No egos, they are a great bunch of guys.
If I had to sum up The Cage in one word it would be chemistry.
What impressed me a lot also was that we talk about the lifestyle of training and dieting all the time here and when Animal showed up in Columbus we all lived it. A lot of other companies are out partying late at night but we were in that Metro Fitness every night training while we were there including our pro athletes. Vinny and Ox are both dieting and they stuck to their plans, that is why they are champions. They lead by example.
I had some other really cool experiences that I may touch upon later but these thoughts are fresh in my mind. It was a great weekend that went all too fast.
i am pissed that i missed out on max and erma's
03-12-09, 8:55 am
i am pissed that i missed out on max and erma's
You gotta do what you gotta do. I get it and respect it. It will all be worth it when you hit that pro stage. We will be there in full force at the NY Pro. I look up to you big time Vin. You could have gone out partying all night but you are a man on a mission.
03-12-09, 9:38 am
Great post NG! I haven't been to the Cage yet, but I would completely agree with your word Chemistry, as well as stating the fact that we (the FORVM) walk the walk in addition to talking.
This is what I find great about Animal (and Universal), it is alive and growing. You can meet (and eat) with a pro, train with them and chat too on this awesome home, The FORVM.
Again, thanks NG for sharing this insight about the Cage.
Great post NG, I completely agree. Its amazing how everyone blends together like one big family. I was joking around with people that I met that day, acting like we've known each other for years.
Being able to help was insane, and meeting everyone Friday morning was so cool. Everyone was really nice and welcoming. I have to say I was a little intimidated, but I felt immediately accepted- By you NG, and J, and all the pros as you introduced me.
A cool part for me was chatting with House friday morning before the Expo opened. We talked about my major and his job and what I might go on to do. Just chit chat, but it was real cool. I kinda forgot I was talking to an IFBB PRO!
And Vinny, no worries, Max and Ermas will be there after the NY. You looked awesome at the Expo and youll rock at the show. I look up to you as well, so keep pounding away man.
Mr. Aestheticz
03-12-09, 12:21 pm
no Other Group Or Family That I Would Rather Be A Part Of, I Now Have A Tru National Family!!!!
Don't Worry Vinny Next Year I Will Treat You To Max And Erma's On Me ;0)
Couldn't express it better myself. Was definitely a solid family.
Mr. Dead
03-12-09, 1:02 pm
The greatest reason, as to why I need to get my butt out there, next year....
The Cage is so much more than just an expo booth. Yeah the fence is cool, the gym is really cool and yeah some companies make some poor attempts at copying it. However what I experienced this weekend was family. It was about people. People that we interact with every day in a virtual world (the FORVM) coming together and it felt like a family reunion. The coolest parts of the weekend was the meals eaten together at Max & Erma's. Sitting down, shooting the shit, busting on each other. When we were at The Cage there was some amazing team work and chemistry and I am not just talking about the guys officially working the booth. I am also talking about the members of the FORVM. You guys made it the best Cage ever. I felt a closeness between everyone and an intimate connection. It felt like a group of friends just hanging out. Everyone hanging out in the box, eating cheeseburgers and drinking shakes in our own private area. It doesn't hurt that our pro's act like just one of the guys. No egos, they are a great bunch of guys.
If I had to sum up The Cage in one word it would be chemistry.
What impressed me a lot also was that we talk about the lifestyle of training and dieting all the time here and when Animal showed up in Columbus we all lived it. A lot of other companies are out partying late at night but we were in that Metro Fitness every night training while we were there including our pro athletes. Vinny and Ox are both dieting and they stuck to their plans, that is why they are champions. They lead by example.
I had some other really cool experiences that I may touch upon later but these thoughts are fresh in my mind. It was a great weekend that went all too fast.
Well said NG. The chemistry at The Cage can't be matched anywhere else. It can't be bought or sold. It comes from within all of us. When we all get together, that's where the chemistry truly comes out.
Speeking of chemistry,We also got to sample some slamin ass new products....
We are for sure the best family and the biggest family out there.And we have the BEST supplements.......Thank you UNIVERSAL!
Speeking of chemistry,We also got to sample some slamin ass new products....
We are for sure the best family and the biggest family out there.And we have the BEST supplements.......Thank you UNIVERSAL!
Hell yea we do Big Al! I was lucky enough to be right next to the shelfs all day Fri and keep taking those BCAA and EAA to keep me going- despite there being no scoop! LOL. Damn that stuff is tasty!
03-12-09, 2:30 pm
Great post NG, I couldn't have said it better myself! It was awesome seeing you again, another amazing year at the Cage has come and gone...I already can't wait for next year.
Great meeting and chatting to you NG, you were right New York is one crazy arsed place, lol
03-12-09, 9:04 pm
you said it ng, there is no other way to describe the universal family...we come together from all over the country and it's like we've known eachother forever..great times