View Full Version : Animal Gear in The Cage... Your Fav?
Universal Rep
03-16-09, 11:14 am
What was it and why? And should Corporate bring it back or something like it next year????
03-16-09, 11:15 am
i think they should sell the caps in 2 different sizes, i cannot fit into the larger hat size and that is the only size avail. at the shop
Universal Rep
03-16-09, 11:17 am
i think they should sell the caps in 2 different sizes, i cannot fit into the larger hat size and that is the only size avail. at the shop
Might be an issue with space constraints, I dunno... Caps prolly take up a lot of space in storage vs a t-shirt...
03-16-09, 11:20 am
oh i understand completely, just pissed i never got one, did not know they only sold those sizes at the cage.
Universal Rep
03-16-09, 11:20 am
oh i understand completely, just pissed i never got one, did not know they only sold those sizes at the cage.
One of those things, M...
Universal Rep
03-16-09, 11:21 am
Heard there was a brand new Animal T--"Stand Your Ground". Is this LE? How did it look fellas?
I thought the thermals were badass. I just wish I could've gotten down there before they sold out my size!
The new tee is sick, Rep. You're definitely gonna want to get your hands on one... or three
Universal Rep
03-16-09, 11:22 am
I thought the thermals were badass. I just wish I could've gotten down there before they sold out my size!
Sold out? Dayum... Were they priced right or too high?
Sold out? Dayum... Were they priced right or too high?
Not too high... not too low. Juuuuuust right.
as one selling gear, the stand your ground shirt was pretty hot and the fitted baseball style caps SOLD OUT fast!
The el presidente aka big al aka fidel caps were pretty hot but to a smaller type of crowd. don't think the ohio locals were feeling it but the east coast boys were snatchin them up
The yellow Iconic shirts were still very one supporter told me "yellow mos def I gotta stand out"
Universal Rep
03-16-09, 11:28 am
as one selling gear, the stand your ground shirt was pretty hot and the fitted baseball style caps SOLD OUT fast!
The el presidente aka big al aka fidel caps were pretty hot but to a smaller type of crowd. don't think the ohio locals were feeling it but the east coast boys were snatchin them up
The yellow Iconic shirts were still very one supporter told me "yellow mos def I gotta stand out"
Interesting... Yeah, I hear the baseball caps are always among the first to sell out. I wonder if Corporate will sell those "Stand Your Ground" Ts... I'm guessin' so...
Maybe more T-Shirts available, i.e. The Cage shirts went really quickly, ok I know they were give aways but maybe next year we could have 100 give aways first come first served and then another lot for sale at normal t-shirt price, thoughts U-REP?
I liked the shirts the pros were wearing, I bet they would sell, forum name on the back.
Universal Rep
03-16-09, 11:34 am
Maybe more T-Shirts available, i.e. The Cage shirts went really quickly, ok I know they were give aways but maybe next year we could have 100 give aways first come first served and then another lot for sale at normal t-shirt price, thoughts U-REP?
You mean the free T where ya download the form?
03-16-09, 11:36 am
McFly nailed it. As another one selling gear, the hats went fast. The 'fidel caps' were snatched up at a slower pace. The knit beanies with the brim didn't seem to catch on til late, but I will definitely be rocking that on cold days. The black iconic went real quick, as did all the shirts. The blackout beanies went quick too. By Sunday, all we had were a few hats, and the shirts we had were all 3X, yet people still scooped them up.
I guess they'd rather have a bigger size than nothing at all ....
03-16-09, 11:41 am
Heard there was a brand new Animal T--"Stand Your Ground". Is this LE? How did it look fellas?
I bought all the LE gear sold, just because...
From what I heard the "Stand your Ground" shirt wasnt LE and it and the bandana's with be up in the Shop. I could be wrong though and hope someone corrects this if I am. The shirt itself is kick ass! I think it was an old Machine add, and who the hell around here doesn't like that guy?
I liked the Thermals too!
03-16-09, 11:42 am
yeah it seemed like everything went real fast, which is good, those new stand your ground tees were pretty sweet too.
03-16-09, 1:52 pm
The black flexfit baseball cap is awesome, it fits so well. I have the black/white flexfit from 2007, as well as the LE yellow from 2008, and I picked up the "Fidel" hat this year as well, and this one fits the best out of all of em.' Looks the coolest too, IMO.
03-16-09, 1:59 pm
Black Iconic for sure. Big fan.
From the perspective of someone reduced to window shopping, i'd def have to say the 'Fidel hat' & 'Peaked Beanie' stood out and i would wear them. The LE Iconic T's are always guaranteed acceptance and the 'stand your ground' T was also great.
To be honest, you put any of that gear up in the shop, its gonna sell and fast.
Oh and i do remember seeing an Animal Bag (Mr Aestheticz prizewinning one i think). That shit has gotta be fastracked, EVERY guy here would have one of those, no question.
03-16-09, 2:10 pm
Heard there was a brand new Animal T--"Stand Your Ground". Is this LE? How did it look fellas?
Looked real good in person, I was short on dough at the Arnold so I did not get one, or the neat Blackout T.
A few guys wanted our logoed top with zip code too...
03-16-09, 2:17 pm
yeah that bag would sell like hotcakes
03-16-09, 3:15 pm
yeah when i was at the Cage Natural Guy said those were just made up for the promo winners. But an Animal Bag is in prototype stages right now. I cant freak'n wait.
But yes I grabbed all the LE gear and sup's. Everything was priced just right. Just wish ya had more of the hoodies or shorts/sweats there.
03-16-09, 3:16 pm
A few guys wanted our logoed top with zip code too...
I've been wanting an Animal workshirt since I first saw em' back in 2007.
The black LE Animal Hat... that bad boy sold out so fast.
I was also a fan of the LE shirts... couldn't beat 'em. Seemed all the iconic shirts fared well there and the "shut the fuck up and train" shirts always go fast.
I sold a lot of Animal Test as well.
03-16-09, 3:26 pm
yeah when i was at the Cage Natural Guy said those were just made up for the promo winners. But an Animal Bag is in prototype stages right now. I cant freak'n wait.
But yes I grabbed all the LE gear and sup's. Everything was priced just right. Just wish ya had more of the hoodies or shorts/sweats there.
03-16-09, 4:08 pm
FYI...........the "Stand Your Ground" shirt will be available in the next month or so
im loving the all black flexfit cap, i wear it everyday, gym and out of the gym lol. and the thermal was badass as well..maybe in the future a thermal with some of the sayings from the tees on the front?
You mean the free T where ya download the form?
Yes mate, just an idea, the first 100 get them free, the rest pay.
03-16-09, 7:26 pm
since those black le hats sold so fast how bout making more and selling them in both sizes at the shop....i am sure they would still sell great....then i could buy one.
Little Z
03-16-09, 7:55 pm
since those black le hats sold so fast how bout making more and selling them in both sizes at the shop....i am sure they would still sell great....then i could buy one.
that would be cool, but like its been stated.. they were limited edition.. they wouldnt be LE if it was mass produced..
trust me.. i didnt take the time to pick one up.. while there all weekend.. i did not expect for them to sell out as fast as they did..
but that was just 1 of many many things that sold out over the weekend..
those hats.. were my favorite though, maybe the release of the black iconic again..
03-16-09, 7:57 pm
im down for that, i did not expect for them to sell out that fast as well, oh well guess i won't take any chances next year.
03-16-09, 8:54 pm
can somebody post up a picture of the Stand your ground tee?...cant wait til some of this stuff hits the shop.
03-16-09, 10:22 pm
what about the black iconic t's... they goin to sell in the shop??
03-16-09, 11:08 pm
Heard there was a brand new Animal T--"Stand Your Ground". Is this LE? How did it look fellas?
Got mine and its excellent keep em comin
03-16-09, 11:18 pm
You can kind of see the shirt on me (on the right) I think the phrase is badass
courtesy of FireDrake
03-17-09, 8:28 am
yeah that is a badass shirt, hope its for sale on the shop soon
The Stand Your Ground shirt is sweet for sure. I didnt get one, so I cant wait til the Shop has them next month or so. Didnt get there friday to get a hat either, and actually missed the shaker. Its all good though, I got The Cage shirt even if its a tad small, and a black iconic so Im still ok.
Looking forwrad to the the Animal Bags though for sure!!! HURRY~
03-17-09, 12:59 pm
Anything with an "A" on it!.......................................
So when can we be expecting the shaker bottles? Just wishful thinking.
The Gym bag is also a must have.
Universal Rep
03-17-09, 1:29 pm
im down for that, i did not expect for them to sell out that fast as well, oh well guess i won't take any chances next year.
The Stand Your Ground shirt is sweet for sure. I didnt get one, so I cant wait til the Shop has them next month or so.
As I understand it, "Stand Your Ground" is the new Animal ad that's gonna hit soon... So you fellas who got one can rep it long before everyone else.
03-17-09, 1:45 pm
cant wait rep thanks for the heads up
Universal Rep
03-17-09, 1:47 pm
since those black le hats sold so fast how bout making more and selling them in both sizes at the shop....i am sure they would still sell great....then i could buy one.
that would be cool, but like its been stated.. they were limited edition.. they wouldnt be LE if it was mass produced..
trust me.. i didnt take the time to pick one up.. while there all weekend.. i did not expect for them to sell out as fast as they did..
but that was just 1 of many many things that sold out over the weekend..
those hats.. were my favorite though, maybe the release of the black iconic again..
What he said ^^^^ Part of the appeal, for those fellas who picked up LE Gear was that it was limited... Am I right???
My favorite item hands down was the black thermals.
Those things are bad ass and fit great.
03-17-09, 2:29 pm
favorite items was the thermal shirt (great idea), black iconic animal t-shirt, and the black hat.
03-19-09, 11:16 pm
My favorite was the black hat I didn't buy on Friday and came back Saturday and they were sold out.
03-19-09, 11:17 pm
whats the thermal shirt look like?
03-19-09, 11:25 pm
whats the thermal shirt look like?
straight black thermal with the small white A on the middle upper back like the t's
03-19-09, 11:29 pm
straight black thermal with the small white A on the middle upper back like the t's
omg nooooooooooooo
03-19-09, 11:51 pm
omg nooooooooooooo
pretty sick, not gunna lie lol def glad i snagged one
03-21-09, 10:21 am
i liked the black flexfit hats, but they sold out fast as hell. picked up one of the black thermal shirts though...good shit. the military style hats are pretty sick too, might have to pick one up if they make it to the shop. too bad i lost the free cage blackout shirt before making it back to jersey with it.
03-21-09, 11:26 am
i liked the black flexfit hats, but they sold out fast as hell. picked up one of the black thermal shirts though...good shit. the military style hats are pretty sick too, might have to pick one up if they make it to the shop. too bad i lost the free cage blackout shirt before making it back to jersey with it.
yeah bro, the moment i got to the Cage i bought a thermal and a hat, not even realizing they were LE at first and that they would sell out so fast lol
03-21-09, 12:10 pm
Can you buy the dickie shirts they were wearing Sat at the cage??
Can you buy the dickie shirts they were wearing Sat at the cage??
I bet those would sell like crazy. I wasn't able to get anything @ the Arnold. Everything was either sold out or XXL, XXXL. Shit that's the main reason I went down there.
03-21-09, 2:31 pm
Can you buy the dickie shirts they were wearing Sat at the cage??
I wish...
Maybe they'll do like last year with the jerseys, and make em' available for a short time in the shop...(crosses fingers).
Would love to get a Black Iconic T and the ball cap. The work shirts are awesome I NEED one, come on let us have them. The shop will sell out quick if you sold them.
they should move the arnold classic to Toronto haha!
03-22-09, 3:29 pm
that would be sweet if they put a few things in the shop for a short time so that people that missed out on some stuff at the arnold could get there hands on some gear.
03-22-09, 4:30 pm
I know I am late on this, but the new stuff is badass... I missed out on the Stand Your Ground and the thermal (because of sizes), but I am sure I'll grab one around here soon....
It was a buimmer that we didnt' have any ladies stuff this year, but you know, I'm not picky... If it has an "A" that's all I need....
I will say this... I don't know if it's the marketing fellas, or what, but when I first saw te Fidel Hats, I was like ... "Hmmmmm...." but I will tell you... I AM SEEING THEM EVERYWHERE!!! Great job on bringing the concept to the Cage....
Love it all and can't have enough ANIMAL...
I think catering more for the ladies may well draw a lot more women into Animalpak and The Forum.
Maybe Dee has some ideas or some of the other lady animals here.
Little Z
03-22-09, 7:16 pm
I think catering more for the ladies may well draw a lot more women into Animalpak and The Forum.
Maybe Dee has some ideas or some of the other lady animals here.
i get a ton of questions from female lifters well just females in the gym.. be it fitness, lifting, or mma..
they ask where they can get Animal gear fitted for females.. i know i could definitely bring in some new customers with the addition
of female shirts
03-22-09, 7:38 pm
I want to know when the "Stand your ground" shirt will be available on the site. That shirt was sick, I'm pissed I forgot to buy it while I was there!
03-22-09, 8:49 pm
Heard there was a brand new Animal T--"Stand Your Ground". Is this LE? How did it look fellas?
I purchased this shirt and I like it alot!! Its great for people like who go to a family oriented gym and cant have the word FUCK on their clothes :)
03-22-09, 8:53 pm
i get a ton of questions from female lifters well just females in the gym.. be it fitness, lifting, or mma..
they ask where they can get Animal gear fitted for females.. i know i could definitely bring in some new customers with the addition
of female shirts
Im with you on this Dee and Z...
03-22-09, 10:44 pm
I purchased this shirt and I like it alot!! Its great for people like who go to a family oriented gym and cant have the word FUCK on their clothes :)
Girl, I hope you don't think they ALL have that I get ya though, I teach and I can't wear that one, BUT there are a TON of different shirts and sayings (and also a "clean" version of that one)... Check out The Shop, load up...
04-03-09, 2:04 pm
I wish...
Maybe they'll do like last year with the jerseys, and make em' available for a short time in the shop...(crosses fingers).
A jersey or even a baseball style shirt would be hot!!!
Mr. Aestheticz
04-03-09, 2:10 pm
I Got A Lot Of Questions About Our Dickie Shirts That We Wore!!
I Have Someone Who Posts On Here Who Wants To By Mine Lol (she Knows Who She Is Lol ;0)
But Maybe Selling Some Type Of Dickies Shirt Next Year I Think Would Be Sick!
04-03-09, 7:59 pm
those dickies shirts would sell fast.
McFly nailed it. As another one selling gear, the hats went fast. The 'fidel caps' were snatched up at a slower pace. The knit beanies with the brim didn't seem to catch on til late, but I will definitely be rocking that on cold days. The black iconic went real quick, as did all the shirts. The blackout beanies went quick too. By Sunday, all we had were a few hats, and the shirts we had were all 3X, yet people still scooped them up.
I guess they'd rather have a bigger size than nothing at all ....
REading this makes me drooool at the stuff that's going to be there this i can't wait! Meeting all you guys and picking up more swag and lifting. What could be sweeter?
The dickies shirts would go like hot cakes, and all of the ltd ed. hats up to this point, the sea of yellow hat would be killer if they came out with it again,definitely my fav. that i dont have