05-06-09, 2:39 pm
Alpha Testing FAQ's:
Do all Alpha Testers (AT) need to keep a log in the FORVM?
Yes, as it's the easiest way to keep track of all your info and stats. You can maintain the log here in the Project C sub-section, along with the other AT. Keep this log updated, at least on a weekly basis, though more updates are better than less, especially for those who are following your logs.
When can Alpha Testers start using Project C?
We will do our best to ensure that all AT have their prototypes by the week of 5/11. All AT logs for Project C should begin no later than 5/18/08 and run straight through the entire set of packs. Project C is to be taken daily, for as long as the prototype lasts.
What should I keep track of in my log?
We want ya to keep track of the following: how you feel, performance in the gym, starting weight and finishing weight and other general observations. Upon completion, we'll PM you with a few additional questions to answer in your log.
Will I be responsible for anything after the testing of Project C?
Yes. After the end of the trial, you will be asked to provide a full summary report. Details will follow.
Can I use my regular supplements while Alpha Testing?
During Project C, keep your supplement variables as constant as possible (same with training and diet, of course). For example, if you were using Animal Pak, Animal Flex or another supplement prior to starting Project C, you may continue to use it during the cycle. Just don't introduce any new supplements into your protocol after you have started Project C.
Should I follow any special diet while Alpha Testing Project C?
Since we asked that all selected AT be on a cut in order to apply for Project C, any bulking or even maintenance diet wouldn't be of use here. A cutting diet would be needed in order for best assessment.
Do all Alpha Testers (AT) need to keep a log in the FORVM?
Yes, as it's the easiest way to keep track of all your info and stats. You can maintain the log here in the Project C sub-section, along with the other AT. Keep this log updated, at least on a weekly basis, though more updates are better than less, especially for those who are following your logs.
When can Alpha Testers start using Project C?
We will do our best to ensure that all AT have their prototypes by the week of 5/11. All AT logs for Project C should begin no later than 5/18/08 and run straight through the entire set of packs. Project C is to be taken daily, for as long as the prototype lasts.
What should I keep track of in my log?
We want ya to keep track of the following: how you feel, performance in the gym, starting weight and finishing weight and other general observations. Upon completion, we'll PM you with a few additional questions to answer in your log.
Will I be responsible for anything after the testing of Project C?
Yes. After the end of the trial, you will be asked to provide a full summary report. Details will follow.
Can I use my regular supplements while Alpha Testing?
During Project C, keep your supplement variables as constant as possible (same with training and diet, of course). For example, if you were using Animal Pak, Animal Flex or another supplement prior to starting Project C, you may continue to use it during the cycle. Just don't introduce any new supplements into your protocol after you have started Project C.
Should I follow any special diet while Alpha Testing Project C?
Since we asked that all selected AT be on a cut in order to apply for Project C, any bulking or even maintenance diet wouldn't be of use here. A cutting diet would be needed in order for best assessment.