View Full Version : 2009 mr olympia press conference (kai made everyone fall sleep)

09-25-09, 8:42 am

09-25-09, 4:39 pm
He has an awesome physique, but his impressiveness stops when his mouth opens.
he is the worst interview ever. I don't know if he is constantly high or just
asleep, but he is painful to listen to for interviews

09-25-09, 5:29 pm
He has an awesome physique, but his impressiveness stops when his mouth opens.
he is the worst interview ever. I don't know if he is constantly high or just
asleep, but he is painful to listen to for interviews


I guess Jay is trying a new hair style. LOL

09-25-09, 5:41 pm
He has an awesome physique, but his impressiveness stops when his mouth opens.
he is the worst interview ever. I don't know if he is constantly high or just
asleep, but he is painful to listen to for interviews

too much of both probably lol