View Full Version : PROMO: "Why I Remember..."
Universal Rep
02-04-10, 5:09 pm
The Cage. That place is just a collection of gym equipment, fencing, banners, benches and such. Yet, once filled up, is chock full of good times and memories. If you've been there, you know what I mean. So here's the score... If you've been, tell us the best memory you had of being in The Cage, from 2002-2009. What was it that struck ya most? What does the Cage mean to you? What makes The Cage so special? The three best entries will win...
(1) Animal Gym Bag (autographed by any an all from the Animal Crew)
(1) Animal Pak (personal fav #1)
(1) Animal Flex (personal fav #2)
(1) Animal Omega (personal fav #3)
(1) "Project Z" (officially named Animal PM)
(1) Of each t-shirt sold and given away in The Cage: Commemorative "The Cage" shirt? A possible "Breach" shirt? A new Animal Legacy T shirt? Other LE Animal Ts? So many questions...
(1) Out of stock (and formerly limited edition) Vintage Animal Pak T-shirt (size L only)
(1) Animal Wrist Wraps
(1) Animal Lifting Straps
(1) Animal Skullie
(1) Animal Cap
So fellas, I'll start the campfire... Now it's up to you to share ur stories. Wanna see stories with heart and sincerity. Good luck. Winners to be announced in The Box.
Eligibility: You gotta be at least 18; you gotta be in The Cage to pick up ur prize; yo gotta have been to The Cage before; yo gotta be a member of the FORVM. That is all.
02-04-10, 5:32 pm
I have many memories. but since I am an intern that right there is prize in it self. So ill let others post. But 09 by far set my year. NG and I had talked a lot through out the 09 year. So Firedrake and myself was one of the first to get to the cage on friday. Straight off the bat I run into NG. And from jump street he knew who i was. I didnt even have to mention my name. IT was like getting reunited with a brother who lived far away instead of just meeting a new bro for the first time. Then from that moment on, it was just a big family gathering. It never even seemed like a booth at an expo. Just a big family party and you were finally saying hello to family members who you hadnt seen in years.
I cant wait for this years Cage. ITS ON!!!!
02-04-10, 6:15 pm
The memories that I treasure most happened over the weekend of The Cage 2008, and for several reasons. I had just become a member in late 12/2007 and attended my first ABC in Columbus, early 1/2008. At this ABC, the athlete that was lifting there was Vinny Galanti. Other than Erik, I had no idea who any of these "ANIMALS" were, but with what I saw there, I was hooked.
I attended the Cage that year and what a whirlwind weekend I had. I can not even begin to recall EVERYTHING that happened that weekend, but I do remember being so nervous that I didn't sleep AT ALL Thursday night!!! I really had no idea what to expect.
When I walked in on Friday morning, I was alone and really didn't know what was going to happen from that point on. I walked up to The Cage and feeling a bit intimidated, I just stood back, looking in awe. As I am scanning the crowd, I met a familiar face and this person looked my way and said, "Come in here".... ME?? THERE??? INSIDE THERE??? SERIOUSLY??? It was Vinny, he told me not to worry. I was scared that I was going to be kicked out... Who was I?? I was just a lady from Ohio that had just lost a bunch of weight and got serious about training and stepping onstage. I didn't know what was going on around me... Vinny told me to just soak it all in, that I was allowed to be there because he told me I could be there... All I could think was Ummm , okay.... I guess I'll just sit right here...
At that point, I was about 4 feet away while Sgt. Rock was giving his seminar. I was trying to listen to what he was saying, but being so overwhelmed, I heard very little... That was just the beginning...
I could go on but to list the memories that weekend.... Being invited INTO the Cage (thank you Vinny), getting to meet so many that had the same passion, being allowed to eat my prep food "behind the scenes" (that's fellas), the Max & Erma's steak dinner fiasco (LMAO), the pig farming conversation that night (OHHHH MY), having Big Ant teach me the proper way to flex my biceps and bring out my lats (the only thing is I can't use that in, when Machine asked me to watch his luggage, but being scared to death to talk to him, being enveloped by Big Al's squeeze (which is now a tradition), and to top the entire weeekend off the National ABC (HOLY MOLY)... and last but not least, I appreciate being accepted for who I am and who I strive to be, without having to expose the literal T&A that the other booths seem to "require" from females...
I met SO many people that have become my BEST friends and most are closer to me than my family!! I was accepted into the group from what seemed like day one. I wasn't quite sure where I would fit in the mix of things, but now, I know where I need to be.
It may not be the best written essay, I could've been more poetic (lol), but I logged on, saw this, and knew I had to write something...
Why do I remember the Cage?
My first trip to the cage was 2 years ago. I was hanging around and kept asking J-Dawg if there was anything that needed to be done... and he was being nice and kept saying that everything was squared away. 5 minutes later he came over to me asking if I would be willing to run and get change from $20's. a couple of hours later I was still behind the booth helping sell shirts and hand stuff out. One of the guys from Corporate asked if I was being paid to be back there helping... I started laughing and said I wouldn't accept anything and that I loved this company too much to be doing anything else. That was 2 years ago.
Last year, they started talking about doing "cage runners"... I doubt it was because of me, but I know I helped with the concept because I wasn't going anywhere. I have done everything from Running around, to racking weights, to spotting, selling merch.
2 years ago, BigAnt and I went walking around for a little while, and we were both commenting on the amount of other Pro's who were charging for autographs, or even face time.... and there I was, walking around with one of our Pro's, laughing and just having a great time. That is what makes this place so great.
Another really funny story was from last year. Mjsef and I were asked by Big_Byrd to give him a hand grabbing his Chains.
Here we are, chains around our necks pushing people out of the way on our way back to the cage so he could do his lifts. such great memories.
02-04-10, 9:23 pm
last year was my first year, and a very memorable one at that...but like Inkd put lucky enough to be chosen to be an intern, so i will let some other cats come forward and have a chance at this one....a great promo crazy not to jump in this one fellas...good luck to everyone who enters.
02-04-10, 9:31 pm
Do want to enter, gonnna think this over from last year... a memory to remember.
02-04-10, 11:39 pm
Last year was my second year at the cage and it exceded my expectations from the previous year. I signed up on the forum to workout with a pro and picked Derik "The Freak" Farnsworth. Nick "Inkdmuscle" also picked him and we had a little back and forth for a couple months, each trying to push the other to do more in order to "earn" the right to get picked
When I finally got to the cage and meet both Farnsworth and Nick for the first time we hit it of like family and Nick and I both got the opportunity to work with Derik not for just one night but for 2. Through out that weekend, in and out of the cage, I forged some lifetime friendships and got the chance to experience what training with and elite athlete is like...and all for the cost of friendship.
Universal and the Animal reps set up once in a life time opportunities, and then invite you back to do it year after year. They offer opportunities to make yourself better than you could on your own just for coming to the cage. They don't ask for anything in return except giving your all.
I chose to start using Universal products but the cage and the Animal family inside it are why I keep coming back to Ohio year after year.
02-04-10, 11:58 pm
My first trip to The Cage was last year....and all I can say is wow. To be that close and personal with the Pro's and meeting people I had talked to numerous times on the boards was great. To me it didn't feel like I was at a bb'ing event, but more like a family bbq. Never being blown off and accepted by those that had a passion such as I. Finally feeling like I was at a place I belonged. I got to lift with House and that entire weekend talking with him really motivated me. I mean being a family man and having a love to compete, he is a walking proof that it can be done. Also on a more personal note, the trip to the Cage was special because me and my girl have a tendancy to fight more than not, and that entire weekend we did not have one argument. So that right there was nice to have a weekend with my girl and to have it be a great weekend. Back to the Cage, just getting to be in the atmosphere, listening to the Pro's talk, and to get to ask questions and to have them answered. Not to mention I was helping work the entrance to The Box and helping with people signing up for the Bench your weight contest when several people came up asking for my autograph like I was someone big...LOL now that right there is something I will never forget. Honestly it was awesome getting to see the Pro's, seeing NG and G again was great, hanging with House and having a serious father talk with him, but getting to meet everyone from all over the country was just great. This is one event I will not miss from now till dooms day. All I can do is thank Animal/Universal for the oppurtunity for all guys don't have to have The Cage, you could have just another booth but you don't. You guys really take into consideration your supporters, and bring a top notch game, bettering it year after year. So I tip my hat to you boys and say thank you, thank you so much.
02-05-10, 8:26 am
Great promo and great prize
02-05-10, 10:02 am
THE CAGE:......Ive only been to the cage once...slowly approaching my second time as we speak. But the first time is always gonna stick out in my mind. Now i dont want to try and be poetic and profound but there is a certain feeling that came over me the first time i saw an animalpak article thus leading to the first time i logged onto th forum. There was a feeling of excitment and rage all in one...Not a negative sort of rage but one to get the job done, like a fire under your ass. I posted and read posts for over a year..went to one or two ABC's and then finally took the 8hr trek to columbus last March. A trip that i will never forget. I was so excited the whole way there and i had plans of seeing all these different exhibitions and different shows throughout the weekend. But late on that Friday afternoon once i arrived i never left the cage or the area surrounding the cage....i was completley absorbed by everthing that was ANIMAL...i didnt want to leave because i didnt want to miss anything...everything else going on in that 500,000 some sq ft building was completly irrelavant....then came the National ABC....Now i was around the cage all day and talkin to some guys and seeing some of the pros....but nonetheless my anxiety about training with all these pros around me did make me slightly friend and I went down to metro showing up late of course (lol)....and we were brought right into the gang and hung with all the members and pros like it was a normal concietedness....just an all around bettering of everyone there, cause everyone there wanted to help you.....these are some main reasons why the cage and the national of 09' were memorable and inspriring and as long as its humanly and financially possible i will never miss another one from here on......The cage puts off this certain aura and it draws onloookers to it constantly...people that have no idea what animal is...and they do it with such class and style...its an amazing thing to witness
02-05-10, 10:04 am
The Cage. That place is just a collection of gym equipment, fencing, banners, benches and such. Yet, once filled up, is chock full of good times and memories. If you've been there, you know what I mean. So here's the score... If you've been, tell us the best memory you had of being in The Cage, from 2002-2009. What was it that struck ya most? What does the Cage mean to you? What makes The Cage so special? The three best entries will win...
Eligibility: You gotta be at least 18; you gotta be in The Cage to pick up ur prize; yo gotta have been to The Cage before; yo gotta be a member of the FORVM. That is all.
The best memory of the cage was my first trip last year, I was blown away walking into the Arnold Expo to be honest, because this is something you just cannot miss. It towers over any other booth and really is the mecca of the expo. People surround this cage, the individuals inside of it are all full of knowledge, and its people who want to take their nutrition, dieting, and supplementation to a whole nother level. The memory alone of seeing the cage, being in there, and being a part of the VIP section blew me away. Meeting up with Natural Guy, Broc (Littleman55), The House, and the rest of the pro's really made me realize that I am living a dream and in a place where millions of individuals would kill to be. It was a blessing to be a part of the cage and to remember the memory of what the pro's shot the shit about, and all the good times hanging in the VIP section meeting people off of this board and
What struck me most? The fact that I finally got to put faces to names. Its great to talk on these forums and gain a ton of knowledge, but being in the cage does not account for anything you ever get online. Talking to Natural Guy, hearing about what Universal had up their sleeve, and future plans was a great thing. It was also a pleasure to meet individuals on here who have supported me and talk to them in real life. Broc (littleman55) and burt (BCON) who I did not get to meet but we keep in touch was a lot of motivation to meet the people who tell me to keep pushing and leave all the BS behind and overcome the obstacles ( as i deal with low testosterone) knowing these brothers have been by my side through the thick in thin really hit my heart hard to meet the people who have backed me for so long. Seeing the house again and again as we lift every now and then at Pittsburgh ABC's was a treat, its always good to pick his brain and learn new stuff about training every time I meet the guy. Not the mention the amount of people that have to hang outside the cage because of how fast it fills up to the events Universal runs everyday.
What does the cage mean to me? Brotherhood, nothing else. You cannot find a group of individuals so dedicated towards one company. Weather its diet, supplements, training, and friendship Universal bonds all of this into their company and this place in the cage. You come here, you make life long friends, and you acquire knowledge that will never leave your head. You come in there a strong person, and leave a stronger person that has gained another edge in their training or learned a few tips to include in their diet. Knowing I can come to this place is like a second home. If it was held up all year I would pitch a tent and never leave because I know these individuals have my back like my family has my back thats how much I trust these people and how much they MEAN to me. Universal has been on top of the game since they started, now they have become a dominant force in the supplement industry on top of setting the bar for promo's and giveaways.
What makes the cage so special? Its presence. Everyone knows when they walk into the arnold expo that the cage is bringing the house down when it comes to events and give aways. People are lined up to just get in the damn thing because its crowded 24/7 and filled. It is one of the main attractions at the expo making it beyond exceptional. While other companies set up booths to give out samples universal is selling clothing, giving away supps, letting pro's give out knowledge and advice, they hold lifting events between individuals and pro's, and they hold a lifting event every saturday at the Arnold classic. Its special because it is not only something you remember in the expo, its the stuff you hear in there, the knowledge you take away that is forever lasting in your mind and on your heart. The brotherhood reach's out is felt for every individuals that steps foot in that cage.
With that said, I look forward to the cage this upcoming year, and i dreaded leaving last year and had my Animal calendar on my wall with a countdown ever since. So 1 month is left, and I have busted my ass harder then ever to show up this year with 15lbs of extra LBM to not look like a bitch compared to the pro's and bro's. Its motivation and fuel to the fire to see others in there and those pro's you look up to and consider role models.
Mr. Dead
02-05-10, 11:32 am
Damn!!! Now that's a sweet PROMO!!!
Great promo and great prize
x 2.
I've seen several great entries... this is what it's all about.
02-05-10, 2:40 pm
This is Freakin awesome promo. I gotta get mine in here this weekend.
This is Freakin awesome promo. I gotta get mine in here this weekend.
This right here. Same here bro...I'll be snowed in probably this weekend so I will be writing mine up as well.
02-05-10, 2:47 pm
This right here. Same here bro...I'll be snowed in probably this weekend so I will be writing mine up as well.
Thats right snowed in, so story time about the Cage.
Last year was my second trip to the cage. In 2008 I didn't hang around nearly as much as in 2009. It felt great to be recognized by fellow forvm members who I had met at the 2 ABC's I had been to (Big C, Madcat, Anti-Asian, Stolz, and Dee). I also enjoyed being able to put faces to the names I had followed on here.
But my most memorable moment was when Arnold passed by during the "Blackout". I have looked up, admired, and idolized Wrath and House for as long as I have been hitting the weights. To see these guys starstruck the way we are to them was awesome. Just reminds ya that these guys are just like the rest of us. Just that they are at different stages in achieving the goals they have set forth.
my first trip to the classic and immediately was drawn to the freaky cage in the middle of the convention room. got some pics, but didnt get to talk to many of the guys, every one seemed real busy. im definitely going to make another stop by this year and am pumped to meet and maybe get a set in of deads, bench, squat.... get some info and talk about adding more meat to my frame... 230 and can't bench 400 yet... getting close... 370 last summer for a max
everything is about intensity during sessions, and patience between right? pumped for the classic and see'n all my fellow freaks out in the open
02-05-10, 4:17 pm
as much as id loooove this promo. this entry is just for kicks. im already blessed to be an intern, and anything more would be too much.
im gonna keep this short and simple.
I remember the first year i went to the arnold, just a few months after i picked up weights. I had heard a TON of stuff about it, and like most first time goers, i decided to go, just to load up on all the free samples. Waiting in line, up the escalators and through the skywalk, the anticipation was like no other. The line started moving, and we began our way through the long hallway.
We get in and I damn near shat myself. Hundreds of booths, a sea of gorgeous very.....revealing.....women, and plenty of colorful packets filled with shit I had no idea what it was. We start moving through the left side of the expo, doublehittin everything, filling up our bags and our greed. The day moved onwards, as did I and my partner. We made our way to the right side of the expo.
I start hearing a voice over a loudspeaker, counting, "4.....5.....6......7.....COME ON MAKE SOME NOISE!" We make our way towards the noise, coming from this fucking huge iron cage.
I make my way up to this huge contraption and see a group of fuckin HUGE guys walkin around, them and the crowd cheering on some freak in the squat rack putting up rediculous ammounts of weight for reps. To be honest, i was more scared and inspired. I thought everyone in that thing was fucking insane, and needed a mental institute more than a protien shake. "theres a damn good reason why that chain fence is there" i said to my freind. "One of those guys could fuckin eat me." that was my extent of stay at the cage. I went around again, freeloading like no other and left the expo at close. But, that single moment at the cage changed me forever.
Went home. Googled animalpak. Ordered some stuff from Got results. Joined the FORVM.
The rest is history.
02-05-10, 4:21 pm
One of EACH shirt at the cage, PLUS the old animalpak shirt?!?!?!
Good luck keepin the mob off, winner hahahaha.
02-05-10, 4:34 pm
My favorite memory was from 2 years ago. I entered a strength contest and had to curl half my body weight. Of course, The Lip was MCing. I needed 105 on the bar but they loaded up a plate per side by accident. Vinny looked at them incredulously and told em that was too much. I said it was OK and he proceeded to give me shit about how I'll have to do "real" reps.
Vinny said I needed a spot but there was nobody else from the Animal team in the cage, they were all outside signing autographs. I asked him if I could request someone. He said sure, and I asked for Machine. Machine was dumbfounded at why someone needed a spot for curls, but Vinny said that I had asked for him.
With the Cage surrounded with onlookers (as usual), Vinny's friendly defiance on the mic, and the mountain of a man they called Machine in front of me, I curled the 9 cleanest reps of my life, then got a bit of a spot from Machine for 3 more. Vinny on the mic went from adversary to motivator as he urged to crowd to support me, and the look in Machine's eye when he realized I was serious about giving this little exhibition everything I had...I'll never forget it, it was awesome.
When I was done and put the bar down, I turned to walk away when a big paw slapped me on the chest and turned me around.... Machine wanted to shake my hand. He's the dude that first piqued my interest in the sport, it was an unforgettable moment. And my dad was outside the Cage to see it all. I'll never forget it.
Some great stories here, going to be tough to choose. I'm still mad I couldn't make it to any of these.... Maybe this year????
02-05-10, 4:46 pm
My favorite memory was from 2 years ago. I entered a strength contest and had to curl half my body weight. Of course, The Lip was MCing. I needed 105 on the bar but they loaded up a plate per side by accident. Vinny looked at them incredulously and told em that was too much. I said it was OK and he proceeded to give me shit about how I'll have to do "real" reps.
Vinny said I needed a spot but there was nobody else from the Animal team in the cage, they were all outside signing autographs. I asked him if I could request someone. He said sure, and I asked for Machine. Machine was dumbfounded at why someone needed a spot for curls, but Vinny said that I had asked for him.
With the Cage surrounded with onlookers (as usual), Vinny's friendly defiance on the mic, and the mountain of a man they called Machine in front of me, I curled the 9 cleanest reps of my life, then got a bit of a spot from Machine for 3 more. Vinny on the mic went from adversary to motivator as he urged to crowd to support me, and the look in Machine's eye when he realized I was serious about giving this little exhibition everything I had...I'll never forget it, it was awesome.
When I was done and put the bar down, I turned to walk away when a big paw slapped me on the chest and turned me around.... Machine wanted to shake my hand. He's the dude that first piqued my interest in the sport, it was an unforgettable moment. And my dad was outside the Cage to see it all. I'll never forget it.
now THATS a fucking awesome story.
Some great stories here, going to be tough to choose. I'm still mad I couldn't make it to any of these.... Maybe this year????
Not going to the Arnold myself, but I agree, some great, great stories. Reading these makes me want to plan a road trip though.
now THATS a fucking awesome story.
Yeah, real awesome story brother. That last part about your dad being outside the cage to see that moved me a little bit, that must've been a great feeling.
02-05-10, 6:06 pm
Yeah, real awesome story brother. That last part about your dad being outside the cage to see that moved me a little bit, that must've been a great feeling.
Yeah, my dad is not into bodybuilding/lifting weights at all. But he is real supportive, he's seen how far I've come, and he knew how much I admire Machine. To have him cheering for me with the rest of the crowd will always be in my mind.
02-06-10, 11:01 am
One of EACH shirt at the cage, PLUS the old animalpak shirt?!?!?!
Good luck keepin the mob off, winner hahahaha.
thats what im saying...wonder if they will be selling those as well.
02-06-10, 4:41 pm
The Cage is the reason to go to the Arnold. I hear there are always attractive girls there and free samples and stuff, but i only remember one thing thinkin back on my 5 trips to the arnold:
chain link, seas of yellow and black, intense workouts, the sounds of big dudes movin even bigger weights. My brothers and sisters in iron.
The Cage is all I remember, and all that's worth remembering.
It doesnt need bright neon signs and scantily clad women to convince people its for real. one look and you can tell its legit.
Its original, its badass, its the only booth in the whole BODYBUILDING expo that actually has weights in it.
BSN, VPX, Labrada, you can all bow down. We're talkin about The Cage. May it live forever.
02-06-10, 4:45 pm
alright i was gonna let others jump in on this cause i got chosen to be an intern...but damn, only 2 pages....cmon, fuck it now im jumping in.....last year was my very first arnold experience let alone my very first cage experience. Let me tell you, my bud and i still talk about it to this day, how awesome of an experience it was. I had no idea how cool and chill all of the Animal family is...from the pro's right down the line to the smallest dude there...which was probally, anyway, my highlight was wathching Sam Byrd squat, insane is a word that comes to mind. Now the man is a pure beast, but not the biggest dude i have ever seen, but the amount of weight that he carried on his shoulders and brought to the ground and back up again was pure animal...just crazy in my book. Not to mention that he took time between sets to talk to the crowd, answer question, all while catching his breath, in preperation for the next set. On top of that he dropped a line that i will never forget...he said "anything over 5 reps he considered to be cardio"...that was hilarious. But watching him squat was pretty damn motivational for me. At that time i was working with 185 at the most and squatting half ass, so when i got home i used the ask the animal function, picked his brain a bit, and got to work, took his advice and nearly doubled my squat in the last year, with damn good form. So last year i go from sitting on the sidelines with my bud, just soaking in the whole Cage this year getting the chance to be an Intern, and hanging out with my fellow Animals..its pretty damn amazing. Cant wait to meet everyone in person and bullshit with ya...peace
02-06-10, 5:55 pm
I remember that, mritter. Byrd was legit, for sure.
What about when the Lad was deadlifting with bands. I can't rememer the number, but he was going for a PR. He had Machine on one side, and Sgt. Rock on the other (If that's not motivational, what is?) The music was blasting, but through it all you can see Machine get right in Lad's face and scream "DIG"!!! Lad rocked that shit with us all looking on. Then went to the bench and hit 405 for 40 reps!!! When he was done, he sat up, took a few seconds to catch his breath, then yelled into the mic..."I love this shit!!!"
That was fucking awesome.
02-06-10, 8:44 pm
2008 - My 1st Cage Experience - Reign of Yellow
I had no idea what to expect. My friends and I drove all night from Springfield Missouri Thursday night. Arrived just in time as the doors opened to the expo. There it was, the huge black banner with the white A printed on it. The promise land was calling. Walking up to the cage was the most eye opening thing that I have ever seen. The sight of all theses Animals all together and sharing conversation and advise. I saw Wrath for the first time and could not believe my eyes. There was the guy who's journey got me started into this serious lifestyle. I walked up to and being completely dwarfed by him, I asked if I could take a picture with him and he looked down shakes my hand and said no problem man. I sat in on one of Vinny G's speeches and there I heard the most inspiring words that has changed my diet, lifting, and supplement routine. Vinny harped on the words "What works is what your not doing!" I didn't fully understand it at first, but as I began to think about it I realized that I was not eating enough, lifting correctly, and taking the right support. Even today I think upon those words to always make sure I'm not being complacent. This year was the Reign of Yellow, so I picked up a large yellow iconic tee and made it a goal that I would not fit into it by 2010 and sure enough I have out grown it and not its like a trophy. I have even thought about framing it. To wrap this year up lets just say I book my hotel for the next year the day I checkout.
2009 - The Bear Witness to the Blackout
This year I was prepared, I had been more active on the forvm and picked up my Box ticket and Free t-shirt ticket. I was ready, with video camera and regular camera all charged up, I had waited all year for this. This year my dad came with me. After hearing all about it and knowing how much it meant to me he decided to come along. It was a whole new experience for him. One thing he kept saying all weekend and still talks about is how like a family that Animal crew is and how they weren't showy, just real friendly guys. One funny thing was when we were leaving the cage for the day, he stopped me and goes "hey, maybe I should get my picture with Ox." Ha..I just laughed and said alright. So we had back to The Cage and talked to Ox and yes my dad got his picture taking with him.
Here it is:
This year the Box made its first appearance which was an AWESOME addition to the cage. All of us Animals can hang out and have a place to share lifting stories and advise as well as check out some new supplements for FREE. I hung out in here a good bit tried out some of the brand new flavors and even met up with Hola_Bola who I had seen his videos online and found out he doesn't live to far away from me. So he told me to come up to the Kansas City whenever for their ABC. The Cage continues to out do the selves and everyone makes that possible. The openness and willingness of everyone at The Cage bring people back and keeps them invested into this life and company. And what is really cool is that the Pros are there to even learn from the Bros which is an awesome idea when you think about it. The Cage is a place where we can unite from all year of talking on the FORVM and building this event up. This year coming up, XL tees are the must!
Good luck everyone and truly an awesome promo, Thanks Universal!
Can't wait tto meet up with all you guys at The Cage, Its gonna be AWESOME!
02-08-10, 8:41 am
March 2009. My very first Arnold Classic. I had just started lifting weights to try and lose weight from having my children. Although I enjoyed going to the gym, I didn't really understand most of it.
We walked around the event. Free samples, and hype everywhere I turned. Crazy, almost circus like in some areas. Then in the middle of it all, was THE CAGE. We stopped. And we stayed. This place was not about hype. There were no free samples, no magic pills. This was the real deal. I was amazed at the priceless information being given away for free. People like Evan, speaking words that for once, I could relate to. No gimmicks, no big medical terms, just real advice for someone who had been there. I watched House & Hula Bola curl. Freak & Rage squat. I was in awe. So much in me changed that day. How I felt about the iron, and about myself. It gave me hope and it made me believe. I could not imagine a woman even lifting the bar on the bench. The very thought of it stunned me. Today I am happy to say, I work out with 115lbs. I know where I will be standing this year at the Arnold. Can not wait for The CAGE 2010!!!!
02-08-10, 10:04 am
What a great promo! There are some great entries in here already...
I have many memories from my 2 trips, but I'm sure none will compare to this year!
Universal Rep
02-08-10, 10:46 am
thats what im saying...wonder if they will be selling those as well.
The vintage Animal Pak t-shirts? Nope. Those were discontinued a while back. Were in high demand too, if I remember correctly. I just found a few which is why I'm contributing 'em to the package...
Great entries so far. Keep 'em coming...
Mr. Dead
02-08-10, 10:53 am
A lot of great stories in here... I hope that I have one similar to these, this year...
02-08-10, 11:05 am
The vintage Animal Pak t-shirts? Nope. Those were discontinued a while back. Were in high demand too, if I remember correctly. I just found a few which is why I'm contributing 'em to the package...
Great entries so far. Keep 'em coming...
Wait the vintage Animal Pak Tees are in this promo. Man I really want one of those, Old School Animal Pak, classic.
02-08-10, 11:30 am
Memories . . .
My FIRST memory of the Cage isn't the Cage, per se, but down at Metro Fitness. I'd come in for a workout Thursday night, not knowing who else might be there, and found a bunch of Animals. I made to pay for my day pass, someone (J-Dawg, I think) saw my Animal t-shirt, told the lady at the counter "he's one of us" and invited me in.
I was stunned. I felt like I belonged.
I was a little intimidated, watching Vinny doing wide grip pulley rows, or seeing Wrath working chest, or some guy I didn't recognize at the time (Ox?) repping out curls with DBs I'd have trouble rowing with. Yet, I was welcomed. Encouraged, even. This older guy who felt like he had NO cred in the gym was treated like part of the family.
I had a hard time sleeping that night, excited for the morning.
The next morning, InkdMuscle and I got to the Cage as soon as we could get through the doors. I think I suffered from sensory overload. Whether it was House's calves (Geebus!), Ox's arms, Byrd's squatting, Bobby Fields' bench pressing, Big C's curling . . . or just the numbers of Animals who made me feel welcome, I hardly wanted to go anywhere else during the Expo. I made a trip or two around the floor, but the Cage is where I felt I belonged. People spoke to me like a brother; we compared notes on progress and what we were working on. We had meals together, and just shot the breeze. The feeling of camraderie was thick.
"The Blackout" was fun -- that many Animals crowded in -- no wonder the Cage will be larger this year! The seminars were informative and even funny. Vinny's MC-ing was priceless! There were so many things going on there that I didn't NEED to go anywhere else.
Friday night, I was back at Metro -- once again, I was treated like part of the family by the Animal crew who were there to train. I worked in with people whose names I'm sorry I don't remember, and went back to the hotel just completely wiped. And stoked.
Saturday was a zoo. No other word. The show floor was impossible to get through, so I stayed at the Cage. Had lunch with Broc, I believe . . . or am I misremembering? It's all such a blur. Then came the ABC.
Vinny couldn't have been more supportive or a better source of knowledge to train with. We worked shoulders and some biceps, and he kept this "old man" from trying to make a fool of himself with too-heavy weights, and got me to focus on the work. Lessons I won't forget.
Dinner afterwards with Zanderfever, Josh, Phil, Toni and others was a blast. I still have the picture the poor, bemused waitress took of us.
Memories. Memories like this are what makes a life, and I'm eager to make more this year.
The Guardian
02-08-10, 11:42 am
As I approached the cage, I could already hear Vinny barking orders for everyone to get the hell in there and move some weight. Almost immediately there was a swarm of yellow, red and black Animals shirts pouring into the cage to show their mettle. I knew I had arrived. After watching Sgt deadlift 800lbs WITH a torn quad, I was inspired enough to move mountains. But it wasn’t the insane intensity or the massive amounts of iron being tossed around that I remember most…it was simply the guys themselves that left me with a truly new perspective on lifting as well as life.
With sitting down with the pros, G-Diesel and Wrath were on the mic. I couldn’t wait to hear them speak so I made sure I was on the bench directly in front. Diesel blew me away with phenomenal revelations of how lifting and life go hand in hand. Sitting in the cage, I felt like I was in a sea of giants. Hell, being only 5’4, everyone is huge. After the seminar, I walked up to Wrath. All I could think was, “oh shit, this IS Wrath.” Needless to say, I was shittin bricks. I never met someone I respected so much before. After shaking his hand, I didn’t want an autograph, neither did I want a picture, what I really wanted was what I think we all hunger for: knowledge. I simply asked, “Day in and day out, how do you do it?” With a simply reply his said, “There are days in which you don’t even wanna hit the gym, the food in front of you is like eating nails and you just beaten and broken. But those are the days that truly define you and separate yourself from everyone else. You have to become your own masterpiece.” That last line truly stayed permanently implanted into my head. On the days where I’m dragging, I just think about it, a painter has his canvas and a sculptor has his statues, but what the hell am I? A musician. What do I play? My body, the greatest instrument I’ll ever own.
Can’t wait for this year. Only gets better and better. See everyone there and be ready to tear it up.
BigAnt and I went walking around for a little while, and we were both commenting on the amount of other Pro's who were charging for autographs, or even face time.... and there I was, walking around with one of our Pro's, laughing and just having a great time. That is what makes this place so great.
My camera tells all!
Looking forward to another year with ya!
having Big Ant teach me the proper way to flex my biceps and bring out my lats (the only thing is I can't use that in,
Don't forget that all important pose down pic (me-you-trish the dish)
And the "other" pics which shall remain not spoken about...LOL
every year the cage gets better and better. i always look forward to meeting everyone for breakfast the first morning, it kinda sets the tone for how all of us are going to be over the weekend, we are usually very mellow and calm. we are all very chill, and just waking up, and taking it all in.....the calmer it is, the crazier i know it will be.
i'm also a FAN, so Big Ant, and House, and Freak....we usually go mingle with the other pro's before the expo starts up, we take a walk around and see faces {friends} that we have not seen since the year before, do a little catching up before the madness begins.
we also critique the talent of women that each booth has...hey its one the reasons you go to the booth's right.... LOL
also want to say thank you to everyone that had kind words for me from your past experiences....just doing my job.
02-10-10, 9:05 am
those are some cool ass pics vinny thanks for sharing.
02-11-10, 10:06 am
Some big dudes in those pictures.
Vinny G
02-11-10, 11:45 am
nobody has any good stories?
02-11-10, 11:55 am
heres my fave arnold pic from last year:
thanks again for helping me with posing last year Vinny... that was the highlight of my weekend last year for sure.
02-11-10, 12:44 pm
nobody has any good stories?
Quite a few already, but how this is not attracting more is beyond me.... kinda confused.
Mr. Dead
02-11-10, 12:44 pm
nobody has any good stories?
I hope to have one, this year...
02-11-10, 1:02 pm
I hope to have one, this year...
its impossible to avoid them once you are there. especially with the Animal family.
heres my fave arnold pic from last year:
thanks again for helping me with posing last year Vinny... that was the highlight of my weekend last year for sure.
wow i was pasty WHITE
Quite a few already, but how this is not attracting more is beyond me.... kinda confused.
maybe its the calm before the storm......
02-11-10, 2:24 pm
I hope to have one, this year...
you will for sure deadman...and if you dont...well its cause they used u as a pinata and you have
02-11-10, 2:25 pm
maybe its the calm before the storm......
gotta be the calm...if not, people are nuts, this is a great opportunity that people are throwing away, just like the train with the pro's, these 2 threads should be jam packed.
02-11-10, 3:11 pm
It'll happen. Soon people will start finding it and the flood gates will open...
02-11-10, 3:50 pm
I have been to the Arnold the last 2 years and have to say the Cage was great both but last years struck me a bit more. EVERYTHING was incredible at the Cage but there was one event that opened my eyes. It was when Sgt. Rock went for a 700 lbs. deadlift. It was so amazing watching how everyone came to the Cage to cheer him on with the 700 lbs. deadlift. The cage was totally full of people from the forum and some that weren't that likely joined after the Arnold. Hell the Cage had people watching from outside the Cage all around. Sgt. Rock missed his first two attempts which most people watching would be like yeah right he can't do it and walk away but everyone stayed and cheered him on and witnessed him get it on his third attempt. It was family coming together to cheer on a hell of a family member. That's what the Cage is to me. A home for the whole family to meet and hang out with eachother for one special weekend. It's like going to your parents house at Christmas except the Cage brings in a MUCH bigger family. Can't wait to see Sgt. Rock go crazy again this year. Also looking forward to all the other events going on too.
02-11-10, 4:21 pm
maybe its the calm before the storm......
I know one thing. I wont this small this year.. This was 153lbs, im looking to come in at 170lbs and LEANER. Working with Rage big things are going down!
Representing the cage with Broc (Littleman55)
Me and NaturalGuy
Me and The House!
02-11-10, 4:39 pm
I know one thing. I wont this small this year.. This was 153lbs, im looking to come in at 170lbs and LEANER. Working with Rage big things are going down!
Boy do I know that one. I was 228 last year, and now I'm 251, a little leaner than last year, but a lot more muscular.
02-12-10, 10:25 am
<bump>....just to get this thing going today....not sure if anyone saw the prize for this promo....jump right in....great opportunity.
Universal Rep
02-12-10, 10:49 am
Lotta talk... But where all the entries? Keep 'em coming fellas.
02-12-10, 10:59 am
Lotta talk... But where all the entries? Keep 'em coming fellas.
Haha, I've been at the cage for the past 4 (5?) years. I've got plenty of stories, it's just that none of them top the one I used for my entry at the top of the second page (hint, haha).
If this thread doesn't pick up a bit, I'll start sharing some of my other memories.
Universal Rep
02-12-10, 11:05 am
Haha, I've been at the cage for the past 4 (5?) years. I've got plenty of stories, it's just that none of them top the one I used for my entry at the top of the second page (hint, haha).
If this thread doesn't pick up a bit, I'll start sharing some of my other memories.
Well post up some other stories, just to pass the time... While we wait for more official entries.
02-12-10, 11:18 am
well if no one else is gonna throw some out there...than im gonna do more than one...another highlight of my cage experience of 2009 was watching mcfly and bobby fields deadlift...this was after bobby put on a great bench display. Machine was out of commission for the contest so bobby stepped in...between mcfly and bobby, they put on a hell of a show, tearing up rep after rep of 450...but some idiot in the crowd thought he could one up them...well lets just say that did not sit to well with the animal deadlift specialist...sgt. Rock...without even so much as a warm up, he stood over that weight and grinded out rep after rep of 450 and shut that person up, he said no one comes into our Cage and our house and disrespects it! What a great moment of last years experience, its not about watching the big dogs throw around a shitload of weight...dont get me wrong that is awesome to witness, but its the commradary and family atmosphere that make my cage experiences what it is....its awesome and if you havent experienced got to.
02-12-10, 2:53 pm
well if no one else is gonna throw some out there...than im gonna do more than one...another highlight of my cage experience of 2009 was watching mcfly and bobby fields deadlift...this was after bobby put on a great bench display. Machine was out of commission for the contest so bobby stepped in...between mcfly and bobby, they put on a hell of a show, tearing up rep after rep of 450...but some idiot in the crowd thought he could one up them...well lets just say that did not sit to well with the animal deadlift specialist...sgt. Rock...without even so much as a warm up, he stood over that weight and grinded out rep after rep of 450 and shut that person up, he said no one comes into our Cage and our house and disrespects it! What a great moment of last years experience, its not about watching the big dogs throw around a shitload of weight...dont get me wrong that is awesome to witness, but its the commradary and family atmosphere that make my cage experiences what it is....its awesome and if you havent experienced got to.
man i remember that, that was so sick! those guys tore it up.
and i gotta say i love deads, but i'm a squat guy for sure. and watchin Byrd and buddies go through a workout was beyond incredible. i felt like death all day that day but after watchin them throw on all those chains and just rip it up made me wanna go squat right then and there. THEN after that gettin to chill and eat with him at max and ermas was a treat for sure.
after experiencing the cage and hangin with the animal crew all weekend last year, i determined that if there was ever an Arnold without it, the Arnold wouldnt even be worth it. the show is great and the expo is an experience, but the Cage, Animal, and my Animal brothers and sisters are the reason that experience is worth flyin across the country to have.
02-12-10, 5:28 pm
THEN after that gettin to chill and eat with him at max and ermas was a treat for sure.
after experiencing the cage and hangin with the animal crew all weekend last year, i determined that if there was ever an Arnold without it, the Arnold wouldnt even be worth it. the show is great and the expo is an experience, but the Cage, Animal, and my Animal brothers and sisters are the reason that experience is worth flyin across the country to have.
PLUS... You have to be my GPS!!!! Don't fall asleep this time, okay????
Sgt Rock
02-12-10, 7:30 pm
I have been to the Arnold the last 2 years and have to say the Cage was great both but last years struck me a bit more. EVERYTHING was incredible at the Cage but there was one event that opened my eyes. It was when Sgt. Rock went for a 700 lbs. deadlift. It was so amazing watching how everyone came to the Cage to cheer him on with the 700 lbs. deadlift. The cage was totally full of people from the forum and some that weren't that likely joined after the Arnold. Hell the Cage had people watching from outside the Cage all around. Sgt. Rock missed his first two attempts which most people watching would be like yeah right he can't do it and walk away but everyone stayed and cheered him on and witnessed him get it on his third attempt. It was family coming together to cheer on a hell of a family member. That's what the Cage is to me. A home for the whole family to meet and hang out with eachother for one special weekend. It's like going to your parents house at Christmas except the Cage brings in a MUCH bigger family. Can't wait to see Sgt. Rock go crazy again this year. Also looking forward to all the other events going on too.
I have done MUCH more than that, but I had a wicked rash of injuries, and asthma that day, no excuses. I DID make 705 on my THIRD ATTEMPT, those that deadlift KNOW that its nearly impossible to make an attempt after you have missed it, if you miss it twice your buried, its the ONLY TIME in my 20 years that I have been able to do that, now thats what family is all about. Thank you. But.....sorry bro, I wont be there this year, I hoped to, but my spirit lives on. Six years in a row of over 700lb deadlifts weighing around 220, I want to see someone break it, I set the bar pretty high....
Semper Fi
well if no one else is gonna throw some out there...than im gonna do more than one...another highlight of my cage experience of 2009 was watching mcfly and bobby fields deadlift...this was after bobby put on a great bench display. Machine was out of commission for the contest so bobby stepped in...between mcfly and bobby, they put on a hell of a show, tearing up rep after rep of 450...but some idiot in the crowd thought he could one up them...well lets just say that did not sit to well with the animal deadlift specialist...sgt. Rock...without even so much as a warm up, he stood over that weight and grinded out rep after rep of 450 and shut that person up, he said no one comes into our Cage and our house and disrespects it! What a great moment of last years experience, its not about watching the big dogs throw around a shitload of weight...dont get me wrong that is awesome to witness, but its the commradary and family atmosphere that make my cage experiences what it is....its awesome and if you havent experienced got to.
18 reps, hook grip, no warmup, no belt, with dickies on, but whos counting lol! Thanks for bringing that up bro, that was a great moment worth the severe asthma attack it triggered and caused me to see the paramedics, no shit....It was MORE than worth it! No one disrespects the CAGE.
Semper Fi
02-12-10, 10:14 pm
Im looking forward to the mongolian grill and seeing just how much we can run that place out of meat and rice.. who's in?
02-13-10, 10:01 am
PLUS... You have to be my GPS!!!! Don't fall asleep this time, okay????
haha i will have too many carbs still at that point to fall asleep
Hey I`m famous!!! lol Far left with Deb in front holding camera
The cage, an electric atmosphere that I`ll remember for the rest of my life, so many things why I remember The Cage, meeting Vinny at Metro for the first time and training with him, the whole black out scene, the box, all the banners, seeing the cage for the first time, Eric giving me one of his t-shirts (of which I still train in) the stand being worked by the pros and all and meeting all the other animals, all who made me and Deb very very welcome and I thank you all.
Meeting up with Big Al, McFly and Big Ant at the airport and hanging out with them.
But if I had to sum the Cage up why I remember it so much it would have to be the "All For One, One For All" attitude which is an unspoken code really, everyone knows and understands why ANIMAL is top of the list in every way,shape and form but nobody has to say it, its just family, something that can not be bought, priceless
Last year was my first time at the Cage. I had gotten into the Forvm and Animal's supplements in November of 2008, and from the short time from November to the end of February, I had read the Journey, gotten up to speed on what Animal is all about, and it had completely revolutionized my outlook. When I stepped into the Expo on Thursday, I immediately looked at the ceiling and scanned for the giant "A" Animal banner. The moment I found it, I made a beeline for the Cage, practically dragging my dad who had made the trip with me. I was really unsure when I first walked up, and didn't even redeem my form to enter the Cage for about half an hour because all I could think was "There is absolutely no way i can just be allowed in that thing..." Once I got the cojones to actually enter the Cage, I immediately walked up to who I recognized as G Diesel, and introduced myself as one of his picks for "Train with the Pros." He welcomed me like an old friend and I got a pic with him, thus acheiving my first goal at the Cage: a pic with G himself. The rest of the weekend almost felt like a dream by the end. The Box, being able to just grab a Universal shaker and mix something up free of charge, then just kick it and watch the events front and center. It also meant alot to me that my dad, who is not even that into weightlifting, was welcomed into the Cage just as readily as anyone else. As Vinny said many times as MC during events, "this is a family thing," and being able to have my dad there to experience everything with me made it that much more incredible.
The seminars were another crucial and memorable part of my Cage experience. My fondest memory is of G's and Frank's seminar, I believe on training, when G was asked a question about volume, and said "take Alex over here, I trained chest with him, and as we finished he was going to go finish up with some flyes, because for him, more is always better, which isn't always the case." NEVER have I ever been happier to be critically called out like that lol.
I could go on all day about my Animal Arnold experience. From the dinner at Max and Erma's discussing contest prep with RJ, to running out of Men's finals early for the National ABC. But this is about the Cage itself. Animal made the Arnold what it was for me, and I look forward to another fantastic experience this year..i just hope i'll have the grapes to actually enter a lifting contest this year!
Vinny G
02-14-10, 10:59 am (¤t=MOV00479.flv)
Sgt Rock
02-14-10, 2:19 pm
Hey Vinny......Im going to miss you bro, say hi to the rest of the old schoolers for me.
Semper Fi
02-15-10, 9:29 am (¤t=MOV00479.flv)
great pic thats me in the background with my mouth funny shit
Vinny G
02-15-10, 12:30 pm
Hey Vinny......Im going to miss you bro, say hi to the rest of the old schoolers for me.
Semper Fi
your going to be missed bro.....
Vinny G
02-15-10, 12:30 pm
great pic thats me in the background with my mouth funny shit
awesome, but click on's a video
02-16-10, 8:19 am
What memories will be burned into our minds this year? Which feat of strength, pearl of wisdom, or chance encounter will change the way we think and hold us over until next year?
02-16-10, 8:28 am
What memories will be burned into our minds this year? Which feat of strength, pearl of wisdom, or chance encounter will change the way we think and hold us over until next year?
Im sure as like the years in the past, this year will bring a ton more memorable experiences...looking forward to em.
Lets get some more stories on here...even if you dont want to enter the promo, lets hear some good ones.
02-18-10, 10:33 am
email received...
:waits for thread to explode like it should have a long time ago:
Mr. Dead
02-18-10, 2:08 pm
email received...
:waits for thread to explode like it should have a long time ago:
My thoughts exactly....I smell conspiracy. lol
02-18-10, 2:33 pm
My thoughts exactly....I smell conspiracy. lol
not sure what a conspiracy smells
Ragin Asian
02-18-10, 3:24 pm
No entry here but boy do we have a lot of stories for all of our Cage experiences! By far, last year was our favorite time in the Cage and I don't know how it can be outdone, but I'm sure the Animals and the Animal fans will be able to do so this year.
Sad to say, but Bobby (Powerswitch) and I will have to be there in spirit this year. We want to go so badly, however, I have not completed my kidney treatments and Bobby still has a lot of training and recovery to do with his shoulder. After benching 800 for a double last year, he doesn't want to do anything less and feels he would be letting the fans down with just what he's able to do now. It has been a long road since his surgery, but he has managed to make the orthopods eat their words and continues to make great strides each workout. With the time under the radar, we hope to come back next year with greater achievements and Bobby looks forward to bringing back more than just a great bench - he's also focusing on his squat and pull. So watch out when we get all the pieces of the puzzle back together!!!
We will be thinking of you all and know you will rock the house this year!!! We hope everyone has a great time and come home with more great Animal memories!!
Lift Big and Stay strong!!!
Ragin Asian and Powerswitch
02-18-10, 4:58 pm
you and bobby are def. gonna be missed...his bench exhibition was awesome last year.
02-18-10, 5:59 pm
I'll certainly miss both of you -- Bobby's lifting, and your help with my back pain!
I sympathize with kidney issues -- I've been having lots of problems with scar tissue from old stones.
02-18-10, 6:17 pm
Awww... Hate to hear that you guys aren't going to make it, but I sure do understand... We had such a great time at dinner last year, was hoping to get tot "catch up" a bit... You two take care and get yourselves well!!!
Universal Rep
02-19-10, 1:50 pm
Check the latest post on the Animal myspace page... I think it was the same as the email.
Mr. Dead
02-19-10, 1:52 pm
Check the latest post on the Animal myspace page... I think it was the same as the email.
Ah... I'll re-check that, tonight...
Universal Rep
02-19-10, 1:56 pm
Ah... I'll re-check that, tonight...
Wasn't a conspiracy. I got the email too. I just can't believe Animal would send an email like that...
Mr. Dead
02-19-10, 1:58 pm
Wasn't a conspiracy. I got the email too. I just can't believe Animal would send an email like that...
You truly love to torture me, don't you...??? *LOL*
Universal Rep
02-19-10, 1:59 pm
You truly love to torture me, don't you...??? *LOL*
And you are?
02-19-10, 2:00 pm
The Cage
My first experience to the Arnold Classic was pretty overwhelming. There is so much to see and so many different venders. As I was walking around taking it all in, I saw from afar this chain linked area in the middle of the Expo. It looked like something you would find in a boiler room. Just racks, benches, dumbbells, a few black “A” banners on the cage walls, and chalk everywhere. As I approached the energy around the place was electric as I realized that the Animal and the Cage was nothing like all the other venders there. There were no hot women in tight bikinis, no free samples being handed out, no free t-shirts being tossed into the crowd, no stars charging fans for autographs, no bullshit. As I finally made my way to it, I could see these massive human beings throwing around heavy-ass weights. And then it clicked. This is the fucking Arnold Classic, one of the biggest bodybuilding events in the country. Why aren’t all the vendors actually lifting? Even the main stage didn’t have people doing any lifting, there were two guys playing table tennis. It was like a breath of fresh air in a large stuffy room with a million meatheads in it. And then I heard Vinny jump on the mic and start pumping up the crowd as the Animal of a human being demonstrated Sumo Squats. The place went nuts. I started getting chills down my spine. Even huge stars like Triple H from the WWE looked over from his company’s booth. I have never seen anything like it. I spent quite awhile watching the Animals demonstrate lifting, doing competitions against each other, and pumping up people attending the expo as they were brought one by one into the Cage to show their stuff. It was like a family of people, both the Animal Crew and the fans. I learned more valuable things about lifting, the mental attitude needed, and the inspiration to push myself to new limits in that short time than I did in the few years of going to the local gym and lifting on my own.
As I got home and took everything in, I spent some time analyzing myself and what I wanted to get out of lifting. The thing that kept popping back into my mind was THE CAGE. I try to take this atmosphere mentally with me every time I head to the gym.
I cannot wait to head back to the Arnold this year. I have been looking forward to it since what feels like forever. I will be down there for all three days this year. I hope to spend some quality time in The Box, The Cage, and the National ABC Saturday night. I look forward to meeting the Animals and other FORVM brothers.
02-22-10, 4:03 pm
bump....lets get a few more memorable stories on here....gotta be some more entries!
The Guardian
02-23-10, 1:33 am
Looking back at those pictures is great, nice to see progress since that group picture. I remember lifting at the ABC and it being as hot, if not hotter than, a few layers of hell. Sweat filled the floor like a flood had erupted. Mirrors and glass became useless as the breathe of the Animals filled the place. But did this slow anyones pace? Hell no. It was at a fever pitch. You could hear the iron clanging, moaning and groaning as if it were the one training its balls off. Everyone was digging deep, pounding away rep after rep, set after set. It started off like a symphony...but ending up sounding like a war had erupting against iron and flesh. No matter where you turned, whether it was the guys in the back grippin and rippin to those going ass to grass squats right along side of them, everyone was just flat out gettin it. The amount of beef in one place was of epic proportions. Reading these stories reminds me of how great it is training with those of a similiar mindset, to become more than just mere mortals, but to become something of legend. Can't wait to see what this year holds.
02-23-10, 8:01 pm
Now THAT was a good tale!
02-23-10, 9:02 pm
there we another one.
This opportunity was too good to pass up ......I've taken a couple weeks to jot some things down and gather what I wanted to say before I just threw something together.
My first year at the Arnold was 2004. I went down with a couple guys from my gym and walked the expo several times. I guess I thought free samples were cool back that would be the last reason I go down there. I saw the Cage then but didn't know much about it. Each year after that I tried to spend more time around the Cage....until finally last year I spent my entire trip there pretty much. What struck me the most? I guess the "realness" factor. Real guys....real weights....real heart and passion for what they do. I don't think you can say that about any other company/booth. Sure, every company wants to make money.....but what other company actually would treat me as one of its own? I can't think of any.
The Cage means a lot to me....I'm proud that my home state can host such an event as the Arnold Classic. I take a lot of pride in that. But it's much more than's the intangables....the countless lifetime friends I've met through the company....some which I only get to see once a year at the Cage, many others I train with throughout the year. Supplements and supplement companies come and go....but it's the FRIENDS and memories with those individuals that I will always have. All of that comes together in the Cage. In my opinion the sponsored athletes and Forvm members all have one unique thing that brings us all together.....CHARACTER. The world is full of shady, untrusting people and I don't see any of that in the Cage. I feel right at home.
The Arnold would definately not be as special if the Cage wasn't fact, I doubt I would even have the desire to go. I get anxious around big crowds anyway. But it's so worth it. Each year I take something new away with me....and this year I expect no different. It made it extra special for me when I was asked to compete in the Pros/Bros contest last year. Hell, it wasn't about winning or losing which I've said several was such an honor to be asked to do I kind of made a name for myself. But don't think for a minute I wouldn't trade places with Ox, he is the man and future of this sport. This guy is a future Mr. Olympia and I can someday say I got to step in the same ring as him.
In summary, I take a lot of pride saying I'm "affiliated" with Universal/Animal. I feel they care about me, so I care about them. The Cage gets better every year, and in 10 days I'll be rocking out in Columbus with the many friends I've met through this Web site and Animal Barbell sessions. For me, that's what counts the most.
02-23-10, 10:44 pm
nice big C...way to add a little something to this thread....
02-24-10, 12:51 am
Big C sums it all up. He's got my vote.
Universal Rep
02-25-10, 2:08 pm
Promo is winding down...
Some VERY solid entries in here....
02-25-10, 6:04 pm
Promo is winding down...
some cool stories in here...but got a feeling there are still a few more coming.....
02-26-10, 8:39 am
This will be my 5th year at the Cage... this year as an internist. There have been alot of good stories posted and memories posted. I've decided to add mine.
The Cage to put it simply is home. Kinda like when you grow up and move out on your own, and have your own family, once you step back into your parents house.. your home. Instantly comfortable, part of the family, welcomed. I've made friends over the years that I see once a year at the Cage, others I see every month or so at an ABC, others I text or call daily or weekly. Animal is more then just the best supps on the market, its a brotherhood. The Cage is always busy, always full of people. From the new guy struggling to bench his bodyweight, to the iron warriors who have been in the game for decades, along with the many Pros... shoulder to shoulder talking to each other man to man, no one above or better then anyone else. The Cage is the center of the Arnold Expo universe.
So.. my favorite memory from the Cage. There are too many to mention. The smiles and hand shakes from old friends. The nod and hellos from House or Vinny ... Pros I have actually talked to, not just the typcial 'Hi.. can I get a pic' you have at most booths with their pros, but real conversations. And once in a while.. real workouts. Talking, sweating, training right beside guys you see in the magazines, watch and cheer for at the shows. The Cage brings all that together. It brings the Animal Brotherhood .. together.
02-26-10, 4:04 pm
glad to see you jumped in man....great story
One thing I can't believe i forgot in my original entry: When ARNIE passed the Cage!!!
It's all gravy for us Animals to recognize the Cage as a stand-alone force at the Arnold, but it brought it above and beyond when Arnold Schwarzeneggar himself walked by the Cage, looked in, and said something along the lines of "What are you doing in there?!" (this was reported to me as a third party, so it could be wrong). Regardless of the accuracy of the quote though, the fact that Arnold himself took a minute to acknowledge the Cage brought the "holy s#!+" factor of the event to a whole new level.
Less than a week until we make a whole new weekend of memories!
02-28-10, 10:26 pm
Figured i would jump in on this one. I don't post a lot on here but i do read a lot and the stories of trial and triumph on here are amazing. I have been going to the arnold for 6 years and every year i make a point to spend time at the cage. I will admit i make my way around to the rest of the booths as i am a free stuff whore so i cant miss the opportunity. My fondest memories of the cage have come from the casual conversations i have had with the athletes there, here are these men who are competitve bodybuilders and powerlifters and they sit and talk with you as if they have known you for years. Back a few years ago "rhino" sat and talked with me for almost an hour and then a year later i went back and he was no longer with animal but a different company and he picked me out of the crowd because he remembered me and wanted to talk to me about my progress and what i had been up to, this showed me that he actually paid attention and had a genuine concern for the people he had talked to, see if that happens anywhere else with the "other" guys. So although this may not seem like a hugely memorable experience it was for me and i still remember it and thik about it. So i have seen the cage from its early beginnings in a 10x10 space to what it has grown into now, and will continue to stick by them to see the immense growth it will continue to see in the year sto come. thanks for reading and i will see you all at the cage!!
03-01-10, 8:34 am
time is winding down on this one fellas, so if you got a cool story...or damn a story for that matter, toss it in may end up with a cool ass prize.
03-03-10, 2:33 pm
Some people say that when a part of you're life ends, a new one begins. In 2003 I was trying to find my place in this world. It was a time in my life where "things" were being lost and my purpose in life was nowhere to be found.....that is, until I found the cage in 2004. I have never been more speechless in my life. Words could not describe my amazement to what my eyes were seeing. Something just fealt right. Not sure what it was, but it fealt good. There was this cage, and inside this cage was a world...a life that I wanted. A secret place that only the elite in the world were a part of. At the time, I had no idea how to obtain it, all I knew was that it was for me. But how? As I ventured around the expo, I found myself gravitating to a place I had been in a few times before.... Outside this steel structure. Nothing was able to hold my attention like this place. NOTHING! Every year has brought a new excitement. Not because of what it is, but because of what it has done for me. The cage is life that has been given back. Not just to me but to so many people. It has provided me with inspiration in a world that most of the time is inspiration-less. It has given my life a new meaning. In the real world, my name is Josh. In here, my name is Survivor831. 8-31 for the day and month that it happened, and Survivor because of what I have overcome.....for those of you that know me, you know what this is For those of you that don't, you soon will. You might be asking yourself how this is important and why I am telling you this. Because of The Cage, I have been able to find a new strength. I have been able to find motivation to wake up every morning and look at the world in a positive light. It is freedom, it is encouragement and it is hope. Every year, the cage brings us all together to relive our first moments... to remind us that we do have a purpose, and that we do matter. On here, I am just another name, but at The Cage, I am Alive. We are all equal in a since that we all share in a common goal. And that goal is to find that Animal within. So for those of you that have never been, and those of you that have. I hope that you too will find your inspiration.....I DID! Thank you Animal for what you do, who you are, what you stand for, and most of all what you've done for me. ANIMAL FOR LIFE!
03-03-10, 3:03 pm
I'm looking forward to meeting you in the Cage, brother Survivor! This family has some of the most AMAZING people in it! I'll be the grey-haired, balding old phart pretending to be a bodybuilder <grin>.
03-03-10, 3:05 pm
This opportunity was too good to pass up ......I've taken a couple weeks to jot some things down and gather what I wanted to say before I just threw something together.
My first year at the Arnold was 2004. I went down with a couple guys from my gym and walked the expo several times. I guess I thought free samples were cool back that would be the last reason I go down there. I saw the Cage then but didn't know much about it. Each year after that I tried to spend more time around the Cage....until finally last year I spent my entire trip there pretty much. What struck me the most? I guess the "realness" factor. Real guys....real weights....real heart and passion for what they do. I don't think you can say that about any other company/booth. Sure, every company wants to make money.....but what other company actually would treat me as one of its own? I can't think of any.
The Cage means a lot to me....I'm proud that my home state can host such an event as the Arnold Classic. I take a lot of pride in that. But it's much more than's the intangables....the countless lifetime friends I've met through the company....some which I only get to see once a year at the Cage, many others I train with throughout the year. Supplements and supplement companies come and go....but it's the FRIENDS and memories with those individuals that I will always have. All of that comes together in the Cage. In my opinion the sponsored athletes and Forvm members all have one unique thing that brings us all together.....CHARACTER. The world is full of shady, untrusting people and I don't see any of that in the Cage. I feel right at home.
The Arnold would definately not be as special if the Cage wasn't fact, I doubt I would even have the desire to go. I get anxious around big crowds anyway. But it's so worth it. Each year I take something new away with me....and this year I expect no different. It made it extra special for me when I was asked to compete in the Pros/Bros contest last year. Hell, it wasn't about winning or losing which I've said several was such an honor to be asked to do I kind of made a name for myself. But don't think for a minute I wouldn't trade places with Ox, he is the man and future of this sport. This guy is a future Mr. Olympia and I can someday say I got to step in the same ring as him.
In summary, I take a lot of pride saying I'm "affiliated" with Universal/Animal. I feel they care about me, so I care about them. The Cage gets better every year, and in 10 days I'll be rocking out in Columbus with the many friends I've met through this Web site and Animal Barbell sessions. For me, that's what counts the most.damn, you gotta love Big C's entry.
this is a brother who truly lives Animal.
C, for what it's worth, you got my vote.
03-03-10, 4:59 pm
Cmon keep em coming the cage is coming!
03-03-10, 8:07 pm
I'm looking forward to meeting you in the Cage, brother Survivor! This family has some of the most AMAZING people in it! I'll be the grey-haired, balding old phart pretending to be a bodybuilder <grin>.
I am nobody of importance. But on here, we are all equal. This place brings peace to my life. I too am looking forward to the introduction. I will see you there.
03-08-10, 8:59 am
Hey Forum Family, Just wanted to get on quickly and say thanks to Universal and the crew for picking me for this promo. It was a great promo and another great Arnold Classic weekend at the cage.
I'll post up some pics of the bag and goodies later today.
Thanks again,
Jeremy (shortstack)
03-08-10, 9:01 am
Hey Forum Family, Just wanted to get on quickly and say thanks to Universal and the crew for picking me for this promo. It was a great promo and another great Arnold Classic weekend at the cage.
I'll post up some pics of the bag and goodies later today.
Thanks again,
Jeremy (shortstack)
congrats on winning one of those bags man...some great stuff filled in there.
03-08-10, 6:18 pm
Here's all the goods.
Me and the goods
The baby didn't come with the bag but she seemed to like it.
Once again I want to say thanks to Universal and all the Animals in the cage for a great weekend.
03-08-10, 10:42 pm
Damn that is one hell of a prize Shortstack. I re-read your definitely earned it brother!
03-08-10, 11:00 pm
Congrats to all the winners.
Awesome promo!
03-09-10, 11:32 am
Damn that is one hell of a prize Shortstack. I re-read your definitely earned it brother!
Thanks SB. It should keep me going for a while.
03-09-10, 2:16 pm
Congrats Shortstack. That was a great entry.
It was good to see you again.
03-09-10, 3:45 pm
Yeah I wanna say a HUGE THANKS Animal for picking me also. I did not expect to win and man that was awesome. I got my Bag with me right now ready to hit the gym. Also this was the Best Cage to date. Awesome events, talks, and the box-bigger and better. Thanks Animal for a great weekend and exceeding the previous years!