View Full Version : The CAGE Event: "Hell Raiser Training" (HRT)
09-06-10, 3:38 am
*I'm gonna start this thread for Rage since I know he has got to be exhausted from kicking so much ass this past weekend*
I am honored once again to stand side by side with the mad-man himself, RAGE, to discuss his awesome method known as HRT. But this time, we are in my backyard, so I better represent! We had a blast talking about it at the Arnold, but that was then; we've got TONS of more shit to hit you guys with this time around. Hope you're ready for it....
Tune it on Friday @ 3pm at the Cage, Olympia 2010...... LAS VEGAS!!
09-06-10, 3:47 am
For some reason, I can't put the title in all caps (H R T)......
09-07-10, 10:21 am
Looking forward to it Rev. You two have a lot to share with some of us young bucks.
Friday September 24th 2010 at 3:00 P.M. with Rage and Rev8ball. Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced HRT.
Mr. Dead
09-09-10, 6:47 pm
Sweet!!! Somebody better get video of this!!!
09-09-10, 6:59 pm
Complete Video. This sounds like a big deal. Huge potential for the guys that can't make it!
09-10-10, 9:18 am
Hell yea, looking forward to seeing it more in depth!
Mr. Dead
09-10-10, 4:41 pm
Will this also be covering diet, supplements, and theory...???
G Diesel
09-10-10, 4:48 pm
Really enjoyed this seminar at The Cage at the Arnold. Looking forward to new and updated theory.
Peace, G
09-11-10, 3:06 am
Will this also be covering diet, supplements, and theory...???
And then some....... *evil scientist laugh*
09-11-10, 3:07 am
I am honored once again to stand side by side with the mad-man himself, RAGE, to discuss his awesome method known as HRT. But this time, we are in my backyard, so I better represent! We had a blast talking about it at the Arnold, but that was then; we've got TONS of more shit to hit you guys with this time around. Hope you're ready for it....
Tune it on Friday @ 3pm at the Cage, Olympia 2010...... LAS VEGAS!!
09-14-10, 3:03 pm
Def some more great stuff planned....
I may even bring some of the instruments outta my torture chamber to hook up to anyone willing to made a lab rat.....
Mr. Dead
09-14-10, 3:04 pm
Def some more great stuff planned....
I may even bring some of the instruments outta my torture chamber to hook up to anyone willing to made a lab rat.....
Damn!!! If I was going to be there, I'd be the first in line!!!
09-14-10, 3:38 pm
def. gonna be tuning in over the web for this one...
Mr. Dead
09-14-10, 3:50 pm
I think Rage and Firedrake volunteered to be guinea pigs... And, ghost, too...
i think rage and firedrake volunteered to be guinea pigs... And, ghost, too...
bwahahah... Nice!!
09-14-10, 4:15 pm
I think Rage and Firedrake volunteered to be guinea pigs... And, ghost, too...
That'll depend on whether or not Ghost and I can get out from behind the tables, where we'll be interning! <grin> No, I'm not chickening out -- I've DONE HRT with Rage, thanks -- benching that way is positively scary.
Mr. Dead
09-14-10, 4:16 pm
That'll depend on whether or not Ghost and I can get out from behind the tables, where we'll be interning! <grin> No, I'm not chickening out -- I've DONE HRT with Rage, thanks -- benching that way is positively scary.
But... You haven't done it with rev and Rage tormenting you at the same time... *LOL*
09-14-10, 4:19 pm
But... You haven't done it with rev and Rage tormenting you at the same time... *LOL*
Gee, that really makes things . . . attractive. <grin>
It was bad enough with Higamonster pressing down on that bar . . .
Mr. Dead
09-14-10, 4:19 pm
Gee, that really makes things . . . attractive. <grin>
It was bad enough with Higamonster pressing down on that bar . . .
HIGA will be tormenting me, this weekend...
09-14-10, 4:21 pm
HIGA will be tormenting me, this weekend...
Oh, good -- and I won't be there to distract him from paying attention to YOU! <grin>
09-14-10, 4:49 pm
Just the right forum and what the world of weight lifting needed to keep getting stronger, fuel for the heart
09-14-10, 4:53 pm
Just the right forum and what the world of weight lifting needed to keep getting stronger, fuel for the heart
Welcome! HRT is one helluva technique, and NOT for the faint of heart!
haha. toss my name in the hat like it's a challenge. im down.
Mr. Dead
09-14-10, 10:19 pm
haha. toss my name in the hat like it's a challenge. im down.
See... I knew you would be...
09-15-10, 11:36 am
Here is a video of me after reading the posts for all of these victims, er, I mean, volunteers, jumping in line for some HRT:
Mr. Dead
09-15-10, 1:11 pm
Will there be live pain and suffering on display...???
This is going to be good--Rev and Rage know their shit about training, esp. HRT style.
Here is a video of me after reading the posts for all of these victims, er, I mean, volunteers, jumping in line for some HRT:
lol....we're lining them up this year...
Will there be live pain and suffering on display...???
Here is a video of me after reading the posts for all of these victims, er, I mean, volunteers, jumping in line for some HRT:
This makes me think yes...
Mr. Dead
09-20-10, 3:50 pm
I'll still be with patients at the time this is going, so I won't be able to catch the webcast... I REALLY hope someone videotapes this!!!
Mr. Dead
09-20-10, 4:55 pm
BTW... Will this be a B.Y.O.B.B. affair...???
09-20-10, 5:51 pm
BTW... Will this be a B.Y.O.B.B. affair...???
Lol! Maybe the webcast should be in 3-D for all of the projectiley goodness...
09-20-10, 6:22 pm
Def some more great stuff planned....
I may even bring some of the instruments outta my torture chamber to hook up to anyone willing to made a lab rat.....
I'd like to see this torture chamber! :) ...cuz I believe you have one lol ...I'll just sit back and watch the rats and have my "evil laugh" LOL ...and YOU know I will!
Mr. Dead
09-24-10, 5:42 pm
Gettin' closer to the time this is supposed to start...
It's happening now in real time:
Mr. Dead
09-24-10, 6:21 pm
It's happening now in real time:
I wish this wasn't blocked, at work...
Hey can anyone Pm me when the Kuclo seminar is uploaded somewhere so i can watch it!
Mr. Dead
09-27-10, 12:46 pm
*Is sad that he wasn't able to catch this...*
*Is sad that he wasn't able to catch this...*
Mr. Dead, did ya check the replays?
Mr. Dead
09-27-10, 2:13 pm
Mr. Dead, did ya check the replays?
Not yet... Blocked here, at the hospital...