View Full Version : PROMO: Get trained by The House at the ABC
09-15-10, 1:54 pm
Here is your chance to get a one on one training session by The House the morning after he makes his Olympia debut.
The House will take you through a workout and show you how an Olympia competitor trains. Pick his brain. Learn from the best.
Eligibility: you must be attending the Olympia weekend and ABC event Sept. 24-26th. 18 years of age and older.
The House will select the winner at The Cage on Saturday Sept. 25th between 12-1pm, you must be there if you apply.
Please post in here what training with The House fresh off of the Olympia stage would mean to you.
Mr. Dead
09-15-10, 2:02 pm
Dayum!!! That's a heck of an opportunity!!! Gettin' trained by an Olympia-level athlete doesn't happen everyday...
09-15-10, 2:07 pm
Fuck I'd be all over that, me and my old man were gonna make the trip, but I can't afford it right now. Does anyone know if you get the show on payperview or online or anything.
Mr. Dead
09-15-10, 3:08 pm
I'm VERY surprised that this isn't flooded with entries...
09-15-10, 3:19 pm
I'm VERY surprised that this isn't flooded with entries...
Shit. I think I'm gonna enter then!
Fuck I'd be all over that, me and my old man were gonna make the trip, but I can't afford it right now. Does anyone know if you get the show on payperview or online or anything.
The Arnold was online on BB i believe as well as the cage is online too for viewing. So i hope they do the show again on BB so i can stream it
09-15-10, 3:27 pm
Fuck I'd be all over that, me and my old man were gonna make the trip, but I can't afford it right now. Does anyone know if you get the show on payperview or online or anything.
Yes will have a live webcast of the Olympia contest, we will have a live webcast from the Cage during Friday and Saturday, it will be on
Mr. Dead
09-15-10, 3:54 pm
Shit. I think I'm gonna enter then!
I know if I was going to be there, I'd have already had my entry in, and a few bribes offered... *LOL*
I know if I was going to be there, I'd have already had my entry in, and a few bribes offered... *LOL*
Bribes Denied as Always
09-15-10, 4:23 pm
wow...amazing opportunity to workout with a beast of a man...and an all around good person...hop in this one fellas...if i was gonna be in town for this...i def. would.
shit id love to do it. ill be out there.. would love to see how a big time bb trains. and itd be a kick in a balls of my normal training... im down.... thats if im eligible haha
09-15-10, 6:23 pm
Oh, THIS is too good to pass up -- mind you, since I'm interning, I probably won't get picked, but I'd love to have the chance to train with the House!
I got to train with House at The Arnold. Man was it awesome, still hard to believe. JUMP ON THIS!
Surprised by the lack of entries. Guess not too many will be making it to the Olympia.
Wish I could go, I would enter.
09-15-10, 10:48 pm
What does training with The House fresh off of the Olympia stage would mean to me?
I will be back home Olympia weekend to see my wife and kids, go to the expo and ABC.
It would be an awesome experience to train with an IFBB pro and Olympia competitor. To go through a workout and pick the brain of an elite athlete such as The House doesn't happen everyday, so this promo would be an experience of a lifetime.
Fearless Rabbit
09-16-10, 8:44 am
Yes will have a live webcast of the Olympia contest, we will have a live webcast from the Cage during Friday and Saturday, it will be on
Hope there will be direct link rather on the Forvm or on the main page.
I'll be there and I'd love a chance to test my legs against those pillars of steel.
09-17-10, 5:02 pm
Hope there will be direct link rather on the Forvm or on the main page.
There will be, it will most likely be posted here on the FORVM on the day of the event
09-20-10, 10:41 am
Great idea for sure!
09-20-10, 11:58 am
I can't believe there aren't more entries than this! Maybe 'cause everyone going to the O doesn't know? Should we put it on the main Olympia events list?
Mr. Dead
09-20-10, 12:28 pm
I can't believe there aren't more entries than this! Maybe 'cause everyone going to the O doesn't know? Should we put it on the main Olympia events list?
Maybe people are a bit "Scared" to train with him... (And, yes, that was a call-out to the people that are going and haven't entered...) *LOL* Seriously, though, this is one heck of an opportunity that shouldn't be passed up...
If you are scared say your scared.
This is an awesome opportunity. I can't wait to see who gets picked. Best of luck to all who apply.
Bard of Rage
09-20-10, 4:15 pm
Hell yeah it scares me but that won’t stop me from entering. So what does getting to train with a post Olympia House mean for me? Well to me it would mean getting to meet a man that has so swiftly done something that many, professional bodybuilder or not, have done. Within three short year's he's gone from being an unknown in the sport to standing on the Olympia stage, quite a rare thing to my knowledge. Hell House is part of the reason I started to use Animal nigh exclusively. A few years ago when I was lifting on and off before I started to get serious I had tried Pak and knew that it was a good product. 2007 after I’d stopped again I saw House on and found out that he was signing up with Animal. I became a fan of his after reading the interview of him and when I started weightlifting again I looked up Animal again I used started using their products too. I’m happy with the gains I’ve gotten but being able to pick the mind and get trained by a professional, let alone meeting him, would be a great opportunity. Now I just need to make sure I don’t make an ass out of myself if I get that chance.
09-21-10, 12:44 am
To train with the House would be so amazing, I cannot conceive of it! LOL Much as I'd love to do it, it should go to a young guy with a big future. I'm 51 and only into this for the last 5 years but pushing mayself hard as I can to see where I can take it. Now 6'-2" 206 12% BF hope to hit 10% and 225 in the next year with some help from my Animal friends...
But maybe I can be on the next bench and absorb thru osmosis!
Rock on House!
Hey guys. I noticed you both aren't on the list for the regional ABC sunday after the O. Assuming you aren't driving/flying out too early, I hope you guys will stop by and crush the iron.
Bard of Rage
09-21-10, 11:17 am
Thought I had, I'll go sign up for it now.
I hope it's not too late to make an entry post here seeing as the guys are already in Vegas and set up.
I got into weightlifting about a year and a half ago and weighed 117lbs, shit I had trouble benching the oly bars so I had to buy a 25lb bar and lift weights in my room at nights. I went into powerlifting but quickly realized competing there wasn't for me. Bodybuilding was where it was at for me, being able to transform how I looked and felt, seeing the control the big dudes had over their body and mind, I was hooked on wanting to compete on a stage one day. Training with house, one of the dudes whos videos ive watched and read about time and time again, well i really can't put it in enough words. It'd be lifechanging for me to get to talk to someone and really get put on the right track for years to come and even become half the bodybuilder he's become. To actually see someones whose physique I want to develop in time to come, that's difficult to even explain. I hope to at least see you this weekend, and given the chance, get trained by you on sunday.
Mr. Dead
09-23-10, 1:04 pm
Uhm... Only 2 pages so far...??? Come on, guys!!! This is a chance to get in a training session with an IFBB pro, who is just coming off of the Olympia... If I was going to be there, I'd be fighting tooth and nail for this...
House will be picking shortly and it'll be live on webcam.
Hell yeah it scares me but that won’t stop me from entering. So what does getting to train with a post Olympia House mean for me? Well to me it would mean getting to meet a man that has so swiftly done something that many, professional bodybuilder or not, have done. Within three short year's he's gone from being an unknown in the sport to standing on the Olympia stage, quite a rare thing to my knowledge. Hell House is part of the reason I started to use Animal nigh exclusively. A few years ago when I was lifting on and off before I started to get serious I had tried Pak and knew that it was a good product. 2007 after I’d stopped again I saw House on and found out that he was signing up with Animal. I became a fan of his after reading the interview of him and when I started weightlifting again I looked up Animal again I used started using their products too. I’m happy with the gains I’ve gotten but being able to pick the mind and get trained by a professional, let alone meeting him, would be a great opportunity. Now I just need to make sure I don’t make an ass out of myself if I get that chance.
Congrats d. House just picked ya to train with him.
Bard of Rage
09-25-10, 3:39 pm
It's an honor to meet the man himself let alone get chosen! I may have to reschedule my flight due to inability to walk though. Sorry for running off right after I'm starving and need to build up my strength for the ABC.
It's an honor to meet the man himself let alone get chosen! I may have to reschedule my flight due to inability to walk though. Sorry for running off right after I'm starving and need to build up my strength for the ABC.
Congrats brother. Looked like you two had a great workout. I had a wonderful time just watching you two hit it.
Bard of Rage
09-27-10, 8:52 pm
Congrats brother. Looked like you two had a great workout. I had a wonderful time just watching you two hit it.
My legs are still sore so I'd have to agree. He'll after he left I finished with some squats and was dieting under a single plate on each side. Good times.
09-28-10, 12:30 am
Congrats brother. Looked like you two had a great workout. I had a wonderful time just watching you two hit it. Yeah x2 for me - great to see the House in action and you really put in 150%!
My legs are still sore so I'd have to agree. He'll after he left I finished with some squats and was dieting under a single plate on each side. Good times.
Glad to hear I'm not the only one hella sore today! Aleve is my new best friend... LOL PM me if you ever come to SF/Oakland, bro.
Bard of Rage
09-28-10, 12:12 pm
Bah sometimes the auto correct on the iPhone is a pain the ass
09-29-10, 10:24 am
Congrats on the win. Huge opportunity for something like that! It looked brutal!
Bard of Rage
09-29-10, 1:21 pm
Going to do legs today with my training partner, and I'm still sore from Sunday. I'm going to make sure he feels my pain bwahaha.
The House
09-30-10, 8:28 pm
It's an honor to meet the man himself let alone get chosen! I may have to reschedule my flight due to inability to walk though. Sorry for running off right after I'm starving and need to build up my strength for the ABC.
awesome bro it was great training with you... i have a ton of respect for you bro... hope you made the flight lol
Bard of Rage
10-04-10, 2:49 pm
awesome bro it was great training with you... i have a ton of respect for you bro... hope you made the flight lol
I did though with no small amount of effort on my part, my legs were sore for a good couple of days. I'm glad I had the chance to meet and train with you, have a good off season and keep faith in yourself.