View Full Version : The Cage, The Aftermath...
Universal Rep
09-28-10, 5:39 pm
For those who attended The Cage in Vegas only...
What could Corporate have done to make the overall experience better? Was something missing? Did something fall flat? Be honest. Corporate is lookin' for constructive criticism... Thanks fellas.
09-29-10, 10:39 am
I found those pop up ads on the live stream really annoying.
I found those pop up ads on the live stream really annoying.
that was ustream. not us.
I read somewhere that if you run Firefox with Adblock Plus, you won't have to deal with the ads.
09-29-10, 10:49 am
that was ustream. not us.
Duh. I realize that.
09-29-10, 10:50 am
I read somewhere that if you run Firefox with Adblock Plus, you won't have to deal with the ads.
Thanks, this is helpful. Perhaps Animal can consider hosting it elsewhere so that people don't have to deal with pop up ads, like their own site, for example. That would be cool.
Duh. I realize that.
for the arnold, ill personally go in front of the webcam every, 30 seconds or so, and hold ads up. ;) haha.
09-29-10, 10:51 am
for the arnold, ill personally go in front of the webcam every, 30 seconds or so, and hold ads up. ;) haha.
Yes, I bet you would.
09-29-10, 11:27 am
We definitely need to bring more gear to the shop. Lots of saddened fans on Saturday when they found out we were sold out of the LE T's. We only had mediums and 2X's for most of the day Saturday. I know I had to break the bad news to a lot of 'em.
Maybe better placement with the camera? I had a friend watching Tiny when he benched. She said the spotters blocked the view of Tiny benching.
Maybe better placement with the camera? I had a friend watching Tiny when he benched. She said the spotters blocked the view of Tiny benching.
you sayin i gotta big ass? lol!
09-29-10, 11:40 am
I would have liked to hear what everyone was saying, especially for things like Big D and sgt rock deadlift match. Other than that, watching the live stream was great and you guys did a great job making us feel like we were there too.
09-29-10, 11:44 am
Maybe a wider or better camera? I feel after watching a small amount of it, It could be more clear? not sure if thats an option or not ..
Also yes, more LE Gear, hats, shirts. Your Journey books.
Maybe a poster with all three Animal athletes, so they all can sign something, instead of OX or Wrath signing a poster of House?
09-29-10, 11:44 am
you sayin i gotta big ass? lol!
lol yes, i am.
lol yes, i am.
oh............... :'(
09-29-10, 12:46 pm
1. Alot of people were asking for Journey books.
2. Sell more Limited Edition shirts. IMO, we could have sold another 100 of those.
3. Seems like we only sold Animal Pak, not the other products as much. We sold out of Pak and more people were asking for them. Maybe, less of the other products can come and more Pak? I had sold 8 cans of Pak at one point to a UK guy cause its cheaper for him to buy it in Vegas than in the UK he said.
4. More 3xl shirts. Maybe another 30 could have been sold in the Limited?
5. The tank tops didn't seem to sell as much as the Red & Yellow Iconic shirts.
6. Hats were a HIT. Especially with the hat/shirt combo price of $20. Can we please make some hats that are XXL? I was sick that I couldn't bring one of those hats home...I wear a 7 7/8" flexfit thats why.
7. Rules for the bench press for reps need to be CLEAR. As a former Powerlifter, it was killing me to see all these guys that would not touch their chest and then walk out of the Cage like they were the King of Benching. Me and Ghost were ready to fuckin rage seeing that shit. Some guys were walking outta there strutting their stuff cause they pressed 20 or more "half-reps".
8. Rubber bands. The posters were HOT and alot of people asked if we had rubber bands so that they could roll up House's poster and not damage it.
9. Sell the Shaker bottles. Alot of guys asked me if we were selling them.
10. Have Big Al stop hogging up all the room in the Group pictures...his wide body kept most of us out of all the pictures cause he wanted to show off his bracelet and "cherry fruit tattoo" on his trigger finger. (G Diesel, that was for you bro!)
A fuckin blast for me other than that!
for the arnold, ill personally go in front of the webcam every, 30 seconds or so, and hold ads up. ;) haha.
As long as they are animal ads, im cool with it. Should also get an actual camera man instead of mounting the camera, that way you can get close ups, on the events and ghosts ads.
09-29-10, 2:08 pm
Thanks for the feedback fellas, we are always striving to improve things. This webcam was an improvement since the Arnold and the next Arnold should be better.
Thanks for the feedback fellas, we are always striving to improve things. This webcam was an improvement since the Arnold and the next Arnold should be better.
Allow consumers to take "control" of the camera for 15 seconds from time to time. Zoom, maybe?
09-29-10, 2:23 pm
Allow consumers to take "control" of the camera for 15 seconds from time to time. Zoom, maybe?
Not sure how well that would work as everyone may want to see something different. We positioned the camera so you could see everything in the gym and all the events. Where would you have moved it if you had control?
09-29-10, 2:31 pm
1. Alot of people were asking for Journey books.
2. Sell more Limited Edition shirts. IMO, we could have sold another 100 of those.
3. Seems like we only sold Animal Pak, not the other products as much. We sold out of Pak and more people were asking for them. Maybe, less of the other products can come and more Pak? I had sold 8 cans of Pak at one point to a UK guy cause its cheaper for him to buy it in Vegas than in the UK he said.
4. More 3xl shirts. Maybe another 30 could have been sold in the Limited?
5. The tank tops didn't seem to sell as much as the Red & Yellow Iconic shirts.
6. Hats were a HIT. Especially with the hat/shirt combo price of $20. Can we please make some hats that are XXL? I was sick that I couldn't bring one of those hats home...I wear a 7 7/8" flexfit thats why.
7. Rules for the bench press for reps need to be CLEAR. As a former Powerlifter, it was killing me to see all these guys that would not touch their chest and then walk out of the Cage like they were the King of Benching. Me and Ghost were ready to fuckin rage seeing that shit. Some guys were walking outta there strutting their stuff cause they pressed 20 or more "half-reps".
8. Rubber bands. The posters were HOT and alot of people asked if we had rubber bands so that they could roll up House's poster and not damage it.
9. Sell the Shaker bottles. Alot of guys asked me if we were selling them.
10. Have Big Al stop hogging up all the room in the Group pictures...his wide body kept most of us out of all the pictures cause he wanted to show off his bracelet and "cherry fruit tattoo" on his trigger finger. (G Diesel, that was for you bro!)
A fuckin blast for me other than that!
Thanks Higa! We will def keep these notes in mind when planning future Cages!
Not sure how well that would work as everyone may want to see something different. We positioned the camera so you could see everything in the gym and all the events. Where would you have moved it if you had control?
For the majority of the time, the person in The Cage would control the camera. Maybe during downtime, you'd give up the control and let viewers control for short periods of time. Viewers could choose to do this or not, and if they did, they enter a queue. With the ability to zoom and pan the camera, you could focus in on whatever you wanted. It's about the freedom to see exactly what you want to see, which I thin would be really cool. You can do it right now with many public cameras located around the world.
09-29-10, 2:49 pm
For the majority of the time, the person in The Cage would control the camera. Maybe during downtime, you'd give up the control and let viewers control for short periods of time. Viewers could choose to do this or not, and if they did, they enter a queue. With the ability to zoom and pan the camera, you could focus in on whatever you wanted. It's about the freedom to see exactly what you want to see, which I thin would be really cool. You can do it right now with many public cameras located around the world.
I don't believe our current camera can do that but we will definitely take it into consideration and look into other options.
Universal Repstress
09-29-10, 2:49 pm
Thanks Higa! We will def keep these notes in mind when planning future Cages!
# 10 is especially useful
I don't believe our current camera can do that but we will definitely take it into consideration and look into other options.
Here's an example of Tucson, Arizona--Presidio Park:
There are literally hundreds of cameras like this around the world that you can control.
We could have zoomed in on the Agent O samples, for example, lol.
09-29-10, 3:11 pm
Here's an example of Tucson, Arizona--Presidio Park:
There are literally hundreds of cameras like this around the world that you can control.
We could have zoomed in on the Agent O samples, for example, lol.
How much does one of those bad boys cost?
Universal Rep
09-29-10, 3:11 pm
Thanks for the constructive criticism fellas, keep 'em coming...
Thanks for the constructive criticism fellas, keep 'em coming...
We would also like to see U-REP attend so everyone can put a face to the name for the 1st time
Universal Rep
09-29-10, 3:22 pm
We would also like to see U-REP attend so everyone can put a face to the name for the 1st time
I stopped by briefly. You didn't meet me?
A lot of Higa's suggestions are gold, I helped out on Saturday. I noted some of the guys saying Columbus as Compared to Vegas is a diff. atmosphere.
The deadlift comp. on friday was cool, my girlfriend thought the guys were definitely gonna go, which was kinda funny but i think the big lifts draw people and when theres a competition involved it helps bring in more folks. Nick's Squats, Higa's Lift and Tiny benching were all amazing, i still (a half a week later) can't believe what i saw and the amount of weight moved by these guys, and i kinda felt for them--they did draw a crowd but for what those men did, the crowd should have been bigger and given more back to the guys for their efforts.
Maybe next time have competitons not only for deads, but on the bench and on the squat as well, people love and want to see the big lifts, and they love the back and forth of competition, maybe not quite as much drama and back forth as on the deads, but a little cant hurt.
A lot of people asked me about the schedule and what was going on next, is there any way they could do up big signs that could be hung on the outside of the cage to promote the days events, instead of the little paper handouts with the days sched? The signs could even include the lift offs and the poundages being attempted
More LE hats, more LE shirts-everyone wanted them although a lot of people asked for them for free, and even though its an Animal Cage - it would have been great to see more Universal Gear and supps available, or possible a seperate booth or section for Universal as well
The bench your weight for reps - very good idea, getting the crowd involved and into it is always good and will keep em coming in, As Higa said their needs to be set rules on going to the chest on presses, as well as what each one gets for the amount of reps hit. Lots of people came in asking to do the event as it was going on but had to be turned away as they didnt sign up earlier, maybe more time allowed for this and a clearer way of signing up?
Very cool atmosphere, very aggressive and in your face as compared to last years Compound, maybe a bit too aggressive at times as you want to bring in a crowd that is more laid back than that of Columbus, Although I am not sure how you would tone that down (or if youd want to as it distinguishes Animal from everyone else). The vegas crowd at the expo seemed to need constant stimulus, as when there wasnt an event going down, the cage seemed to slow down - so maybe more events are needed, or the length of each event needs to be stretched to bring in people and keep em there longer
Other than that- a bigger cage, more seats, more audience involvement, maybe the cage could have three sides set up, and an entire open wall on one side to allow more crowd movement throughout? just throwing out ideas here
Just my 2 cents on everthing that went down, i just sat and took it all in as it was a huge sensory overload- i havent experienced anything like it, i still cant believe some of the lifts i witnessed
Universal Rep
09-29-10, 3:40 pm
A lot of Higa's suggestions are gold, I helped out on Saturday. I noted some of the guys saying Columbus as Compared to Vegas is a diff. atmosphere.
The deadlift comp. on friday was cool, my girlfriend thought the guys were definitely gonna go, which was kinda funny but i think the big lifts draw people and when theres a competition involved it helps bring in more folks. Nick's Squats, Higa's Lift and Tiny benching were all amazing, i still (a half a week later) can't believe what i saw and the amount of weight moved by these guys, and i kinda felt for them--they did draw a crowd but for what those men did, the crowd should have been bigger and given more back to the guys for their efforts.
Maybe next time have competitons not only for deads, but on the bench and on the squat as well, people love and want to see the big lifts, and they love the back and forth of competition, maybe not quite as much drama and back forth as on the deads, but a little cant hurt.
A lot of people asked me about the schedule and what was going on next, is there any way they could do up big signs that could be hung on the outside of the cage to promote the days events, instead of the little paper handouts with the days sched? The signs could even include the lift offs and the poundages being attempted
More LE hats, more LE shirts-everyone wanted them although a lot of people asked for them for free, and even though its an Animal Cage - it would have been great to see more Universal Gear and supps available, or possible a seperate booth or section for Universal as well
The bench your weight for reps - very good idea, getting the crowd involved and into it is always good and will keep em coming in, As Higa said their needs to be set rules on going to the chest on presses, as well as what each one gets for the amount of reps hit. Lots of people came in asking to do the event as it was going on but had to be turned away as they didnt sign up earlier, maybe more time allowed for this and a clearer way of signing up?
Very cool atmosphere, very aggressive and in your face as compared to last years Compound, maybe a bit too aggressive at times as you want to bring in a crowd that is more laid back than that of Columbus, Although I am not sure how you would tone that down (or if youd want to as it distinguishes Animal from everyone else). The vegas crowd at the expo seemed to need constant stimulus, as when there wasnt an event going down, the cage seemed to slow down - so maybe more events are needed, or the length of each event needs to be stretched to bring in people and keep em there longer
Other than that- a bigger cage, more seats, more audience involvement, maybe the cage could have three sides set up, and an entire open wall on one side to allow more crowd movement throughout? just throwing out ideas here
Just my 2 cents on everthing that went down, i just sat and took it all in as it was a huge sensory overload- i havent experienced anything like it, i still cant believe some of the lifts i witnessed
Ima thinkin' there's a reason Corporate has been bringin' on a lot of young, up and coming powerlifters lately... The Cage? Who knows. That's a logical fit...
I like ur idea about a big sign that changes every day, so everyone can see it.
Yeah, yeah... More LE items, hahaha. Who doesn't want that?
09-29-10, 10:58 pm
Beach91 has a great idea.
A "schedule" of events at the entrance of the CAGE would help alot.
The rubber bands are a minor thing...we can buy a bag for less than a buck.
My point on that was that as a fan of the killer posters that Corporate has been making, you don't want that poster to get all fucked up in your bag while roaming the Expo and stuffing other shit in there.
You can ask the other Pros...I fuckin hand carried my "You are your maker" poster in a bag to the Sin City ABC cause I didn't want it to get bent or torn. It was in the Animal Roadtrip van with all the baggage and shit, and I was fuckin worried!
I asked House to autograph mine so that I could bring it back to Seattle and hang it in my garage gym!
I am still kicking myself in the ass for not have Ox autograph a "Be proud of who you are" poster at the Arnold.
I was afraid I would fuck it up cause I didn't have a poster tube or rubber band, and thats a bad ass poster.
Even as a Pro, I'm still a fan.
Beach91 has a great idea.
A "schedule" of events at the entrance of the CAGE would help alot.
The rubber bands are a minor thing...we can buy a bag for less than a buck.
My point on that was that as a fan of the killer posters that Corporate has been making, you don't want that poster to get all fucked up in your bag while roaming the Expo and stuffing other shit in there.
You can ask the other Pros...I fuckin hand carried my "You are your maker" poster in a bag to the Sin City ABC cause I didn't want it to get bent or torn. It was in the Animal Roadtrip van with all the baggage and shit, and I was fuckin worried!
I asked House to autograph mine so that I could bring it back to Seattle and hang it in my garage gym!
I am still kicking myself in the ass for not have Ox autograph a "Be proud of who you are" poster at the Arnold.
I was afraid I would fuck it up cause I didn't have a poster tube or rubber band, and thats a bad ass poster.
Even as a Pro, I'm still a fan.
I definitely agree about the rubber bands, i coudlnt have house sign one for me because it would have been DESTROYED on the flight home.....
09-30-10, 12:22 pm
I had several people suggest having a large copy of the Cage schedule posted on each side of the Cage so people that just wonder up in the middle of a seminar will know what is going on....
for the arnold, ill personally go in front of the webcam every, 30 seconds or so, and hold ads up. ;) haha.
hahaha guess that leaves me to be DJ next year then huh? :)