View Full Version : Agent O & Wendlers 5/3/1
N. Motta
09-28-10, 6:15 pm
First and foremost, my gratitude to JD and any others involved for selecting me to help with some testing. It's an honor.
This ATP will coincide with my 5/3/1 training regimen. Conditioning work, such as hill sprints and weighted sled sprints, will be done 3 days/week. I am very excited to combine this new supplement with this form of training, also relatively new to me.
Current Supplementation
Uni Liver+Beef Aminos
*Agent O*
EAA intra wokrout
2 packs Nitro pwo
Torrent + Ultra Iso Whey
Flex/pwo meal
Uni Liver+Beef Aminos
Omega/Real Gains
Uni Liver+Beef Aminos
meal 4
Uni Liver+Beef Aminos
meal 5
Uni Liver+Beef Aminos
I will note any increases in energy, focus, intensity, performance, fatigue, strength, weight on any exercises, any personal records etc. Detailed reports to begin upon receipt of product...
Universal Rep
09-28-10, 6:16 pm
Sweet. Subbed.
Likin' your supps. Why both 100% Beef Aminos and Uni-Liver?
Awesome brother. I'm in for this.
N. Motta
09-28-10, 6:20 pm
Sweet. Subbed.
Likin' your supps. Why both 100% Beef Aminos and Uni-Liver?
I was intrigued by the thoughts of a few others, that you could ingest a valuable and diverse amino acid profile. Seemed to be a lot of truth to it.
Universal Rep
09-28-10, 6:22 pm
I was intrigued by the thoughts of a few others, that you could ingest a valuable and diverse amino acid profile. Seemed to be a lot of truth to it.
Don't get me wrong, it's a solid combo. As far as I'm concerned, more liver added to 100% Beef Aminos ain't a bad thing. Good luck brother...
Mr. Dead
09-28-10, 6:27 pm
09-28-10, 7:45 pm
this is def one im gonna keep my eye on...i run 531 and am excited to see how agent O helps you keep bringing big numbers each week.
I was intrigued by the thoughts of a few others, that you could ingest a valuable and diverse amino acid profile. Seemed to be a lot of truth to it.
I'm a big fan of this combo. I'm a big believer in amino acid diversification.
N. Motta
09-28-10, 11:39 pm
this is def one im gonna keep my eye on...i run 531 and am excited to see how agent O helps you keep bringing big numbers each week.
Right on man. For better or worse, I have a deload week this upcoming Monday, so I wont be setting any rep records right away. But rest assured, beginning next cycle, I'm gonna be gettin sum.
Solid supplementation. Been wanting to try those beef aminos.
N. Motta
10-08-10, 12:29 pm
Yeesssssss! + Big Fist Pump.
It has arrived.
Going to start this right away since I am on the tail end of getting it. Plan to use it today for my last day of the deload week. As well as conditioning work Saturday and Sunday. I found a BIG grass hill that absolutely owned me on Wednesday. All I could muster on this bastard was 4 measly sprints. Monday I start my next 5/3/1/ cycle, and I plan on breaking some records.
10-08-10, 12:33 pm
5/3/1 is an outstanding program. I've used it in the past and I'm using it again. Keep truckin' bro.
N. Motta
10-08-10, 12:43 pm
5/3/1 is an outstanding program. I've used it in the past and I'm using it again. Keep truckin' bro.
Thanks for stopping in man, thats good to hear. I'm really keeping my mind open to it, having solely trained like a bodybuilder for the past 3 years. I'm extra motivated by a couple of friends I made in the gym that are currently seeing great results with it, world class shot put throwers....
10-08-10, 1:00 pm
im sure ull love 5/3/1 man, i freakin love it. im also testing agent 0 (over on and train 5/3/1, so ill keep an eye on ya in here
N. Motta
10-08-10, 3:36 pm
im sure ull love 5/3/1 man, i freakin love it. im also testing agent 0 (over on and train 5/3/1, so ill keep an eye on ya in here
Right on man, thanks!
Well, on the way to the gym I took after some of the grittier guys on here, and popped the Agent O packet into my mouth and washed it down with some Shock Therapy. About the equivalent of a supplement style, Irish car-bomb. Noticed that I didn't feel nearly as fatigued during my assistance lifts, could have used more weight than I have been. Also it seemed that I was ready to roll sooner than usual, mentally.
Really looking forward to seeing how this stuff works next week with some more challenging weights.
10-08-10, 3:38 pm
sounds awesome man...cant wait to get my hands on it.
N. Motta
10-10-10, 2:07 pm
Just finished some brutal hill sprints. At least a good 60-70 yards long, I dont know the angle of the grade, but its steep. Big and steep enough that at full throttle it takes me about 15 seconds of hard sprinting to reach the top each time.
On to the Agent O, I definitely felt, mentally, fresher and more alert, even while my body, heart and lungs were getting worked. Much more so that previous. I'll attribute the spinning in my head to the hills hahaha.
N. Motta
10-11-10, 3:17 pm
1st day on the second cycle. Added 5 pounds to my training max.
Just barely beat my mark from this day one month ago, nothing to brag about though.
As of today, I can't really say that I feel any physical advantage/edge had by Agent O. Mentally, yes, I think my mind is more alert and focused through the workout. And since we all know most of this game is won or lost between the ears, that may be saying quite a bit.
More to come with some leg work tomorrow.
10-11-10, 3:19 pm
Thanks for stopping in man, thats good to hear. I'm really keeping my mind open to it, having solely trained like a bodybuilder for the past 3 years. I'm extra motivated by a couple of friends I made in the gym that are currently seeing great results with it, world class shot put throwers.
Felt. I was the same way; trained BB'er for about 5 years and stumbled upon this. Its almost like a combo of bodybuilding and powerlifting. Rock it bro.
N. Motta
10-11-10, 3:26 pm
Felt. I was the same way; trained BB'er for about 5 years and stumbled upon this. Its almost like a combo of bodybuilding and powerlifting. Rock it bro.
Since your transition, what has been your experience with breaking some PR's and gaining some tangible, measurable strength while using 5/3/1? Time wise, I mean.
While I am more than content to compete with myself and my own relative strength; aside from my legs, I have never been very strong at all, considering my power to weight ratio.
Never the less, I am dedicated to submersing myself in this training for some time.
10-11-10, 3:41 pm
Since your transition, what has been your experience with breaking some PR's and gaining some tangible, measurable strength while using 5/3/1? Time wise, I mean.
While I am more than content to compete with myself and my own relative strength; aside from my legs, I have never been very strong at all, considering my power to weight ratio.
Never the less, I am dedicated to submersing myself in this training for some time.
Dude I feel you. Its the same exact reason I started the 5/3/1: I was never really 'strong', so I wanted to get jacked up in that area. Its great b/c it does have you pushing some big weight. You'll definitely surprise yourself. The last time I ran it, I did it for 3 cycles worth (3 months). I was dieting down at the time and was still able to add 5-10lbs per cycle and hit/surpass the numbers. This time I'm not necessarily dieting down so we'll see what happens. I expect big things. I'd say going into the 3rd cycle is when you see the weight on the paper and you're like 'damn, OK, I need to do this this week?'. And then the day comes and you just rip it up.
N. Motta
10-11-10, 3:47 pm
Hell yea. That's good to hear, thanks for the experience brother. Little extra motivation. What format of assistance exercises have you felt best benefited your main lifts? I'm using the example triumvirate template.
10-11-10, 3:49 pm
What format of assistance exercises have you felt best benefited your main lifts? I'm using the example triumvirate template.
That MAY be what I'm doing. I forget the actual name.
Squats - Usually 4 sets of a press (hack/leg press/power squat), ~3 sets for hams, calves
Military - Dips and pullups
Deadlift - Good mornings. I also throw in ~6-8 sets for biceps here
Bench Press - ~5 sets of another press (hammer, db, etc) and maybe 2 fly
I know its not to the 'T' of the suggestions, but I mix it up. It worked great last time.
N. Motta
10-13-10, 11:12 am
Trained legs yesterday.
Added 10 pounds to my training max on the Squat, this second cycle through. With the extra 10 pounds I just surpassed my rep record from the previous week, which was 10 pounds lighter. Blasted through 5 sets of quality lunges. Then hit 5 strong sets of glute ham raises, still getting used to these but for those five sets, I never got fewer than 8 reps.
Again, bout the main thing I'm picking up on, is I feel mentally wired with the Agent O. My mind doesn't seem to want to "abandon" me halfway through the workout, when I get really winded or fatigued.
Friggin sore, off to get my 20 hill sprints haha.
10-13-10, 3:56 pm
Friggin sore, off to get my 20 hill sprints haha.
I've yet to incorporate these. I've just been doing 20min worth of cardio postWO. I gotta start doing these.
N. Motta
10-13-10, 4:19 pm
I've yet to incorporate these. I've just been doing 20min worth of cardio postWO. I gotta start doing these.
They can be brutal. I'm really hoping they pay off though. Once you have done them for a couple weeks and gotten warmed up properly, it feels great to just claw your way up that hill as fast as you can and as hard as you can.
It's not fancy, it's not pretty, but by God it's good old fashioned hard work.
10-13-10, 4:19 pm
It's not fancy, it's not pretty, but by God it's good old fashioned hard work.
Hell yeah. And I feel it with translate to better gains in the gym. More conditioning = more reps.
N. Motta
10-13-10, 4:25 pm
Hell yeah. And I feel it with translate to better gains in the gym. More conditioning = more reps.
I hope so. More importantly, to me, it really gets my heart and lungs going. Real similar to when we do drills in the fire academy, with all my gear on, working on controlling my mind, conserving my air and so fourth.
N. Motta
10-19-10, 3:53 pm
Just finished up a pretty intense squat workout.
From the same day, one month ago, I increased the weight by 20 pounds and surpassed the previous mark by 2 reps. Aside from my chest dipping down just a bit on the last couple reps, I felt great as far as quality of the reps go. There was some extra intensity in the gym today, so that combined with the Agent O, I felt a tremendous focus throughout the workout.
N. Motta
10-20-10, 3:59 pm
Just finished some conditioning work. Drove 20 minutes to the "big" hill again.
Cut down my rest time in between the hill sprints, blasted 7 sprints and felt my glutes starting to cramp up. Hell of burn in my heart and lungs.
Agent O had my mind dialed in the whole time.
N. Motta
10-22-10, 4:45 pm
Still finishing my last servings of Agent O...
Had deads today. From this day last month, I added 10 pounds to my deadlift. 3rd set was intended to get at least 3 reps, and the good and the bad, is that I ripped off a great set, yet my training partner and I lost count of how many reps I got. Got into a fucking great rhythm and just went nuts. Lost count after 15 reps. Felt fuckin great. Throwin my hips, driving my glutes, chest was up, butt was down. Fuckin fun.
So I have that to attribute to the progress of this program and to Agent O.