View Full Version : Agent O and Sheiko
09-28-10, 10:17 pm
I am trying out the Sheiko method for the next 4 or 5 weeks. Never tried it before so I am interested to see how AO takes me to the next level. Did the first workout tonight and can't wait to tear shit up on AO!!!!! Buckle your belts, fellas.....this is gonna be a fuckin' ride.....
09-28-10, 11:42 pm
I am trying out the Sheiko method for the next 4 or 5 weeks. Never tried it before so I am interested to see how AO takes me to the next level. Did the first workout tonight and can't wait to tear shit up on AO!!!!! Buckle your belts, fellas.....this is gonna be a fuckin' ride.....
Which Sheiko set up/program are you going to be running?
Mr. Dead
09-29-10, 1:17 am
You KNOW I ain't missin' this!!!
Hmm have no idea what Shieko is. Can't wait to see what unfolds!
09-29-10, 7:23 am
Which Sheiko set up/program are you going to be running?
Just running the begining one right now. Since I have never done it, I will do this for 4 or 5 weeks then change it up.
09-29-10, 7:25 am
You KNOW I ain't missin' this!!!
Thanks, Mr D....I will swing by your in a few!
Hmm have no idea what Shieko is. Can't wait to see what unfolds!
Sheiko is just a different training method. Search Boris Sheiko and you will find tons of info.
Just running the begining one right now. Since I have never done it, I will do this for 4 or 5 weeks then change it up.
Actually, Sheiko is meant to be used in cycles. There are a number of different numbers of Sheiko routines...Most people start out with #29, go to #37, then #32.
09-29-10, 11:39 am
Actually, Sheiko is meant to be used in cycles. There are a number of different numbers of Sheiko routines...Most people start out with #29, go to #37, then #32.
Correct. I am starting with #29.
10-04-10, 10:19 pm
OKay, day one is in the books. Took it about 20 minutes prior to lifting. But I think I took it too close to my last meal. Definitely felt some intensity from it. Wednesday I will eat earlier and make sure to space it out from my last meal. Just the way today worked out. The taste will definitely wake ya up!!!!!
T. Kemble
10-05-10, 1:36 am
i made the same mistake man, i took it too close after a shake and it had a diminished effect.
im following ur log tho bro keep up the work
10-05-10, 7:32 am
i made the same mistake man, i took it too close after a shake and it had a diminished effect.
im following ur log tho bro keep up the work
thanks, bro....appreciate it!!
OKay, day one is in the books. Took it about 20 minutes prior to lifting. But I think I took it too close to my last meal. Definitely felt some intensity from it. Wednesday I will eat earlier and make sure to space it out from my last meal. Just the way today worked out. The taste will definitely wake ya up!!!!!
i made the same mistake man, i took it too close after a shake and it had a diminished effect.
im following ur log tho bro keep up the work
Ideally try take and take it 10-15 min prior to the meal. Let the ingredients kick in on an empty stomach when possible.
In for more updates MM.
10-06-10, 10:29 pm
Took it on empty stomach and already pissed off. Walked into the gym and TORE SHIT UP!!! It look less than 10 minutes to get from warmup to 315 in rack pulls! Shit was intense as hell. This is definitely a kick in the nuts. Took it like Big D and others....just toss that shit in your mouth, swish some H20 and you are good to go!!!!! Can't wait for Saturday and squats....
10-06-10, 10:37 pm
In for the ride Bob...I like what I'm reading
10-08-10, 9:33 pm
Took another dose today. Had a 2 hour drive to my parents place. Short night last night and I was beat from work. Tossed it straight in the mouth, swish some water and down it went. Empty stomach this time as well. Let's just say that the big daddy diesel Ram was wantin' to push people outta that way so I could keep on truckin'!! Definitely feel it more when I take it with less water. Training tomorrow at a gym near my parents house. So, definitely looking forward to it.
Taste - to me it is like a "sour" orange if that makes sense. Actuall like the taste pretty well.
Energy - Off the HOOK!!!
Focus - Like a razor. I have one thing on my mind. GET WORK DONE!!!!!
Will post up again tomorrow.
10-09-10, 7:55 pm
Dose 3 and a half! today pre workout. Small gym near my parents place in Hillsdale. Nothing great, but got a little work in.
Same results are the last dose. Enery and focus was great. Don't really notice any strength gains but didn't really expect it. Found it hard to quite lifting again today.
I would say O is legit!!!!!
10-12-10, 3:02 pm
So far so good!! Love the results from O so far. I will say, as does Big D, if you are already in a shitty mood, have an empty stomach and toss down O....beware!!!!! For me this stuff takes me over the edge and then some. I get to the gym and I am ready to tear shit up. I get done and still feel like I could keep going. I have had 1 workout when this all fell into place and it was CRAZY!!!!
I will, however, be looking forward to getting O in a tub. The packets are kind of a pain to take while driving. I don't normally do it, but somtimes in my rush to get out of the house, I end up taking it in the truck.
So far, I would rate Agent O 10/10. Great product with a free kick in the nuts!
10-13-10, 3:10 pm
Will be hitting up another dose (or dose and a half!!) this evening for squats. So far, the only complaint is getting the O out of the little baggies! I hear some got a mini tub. Sounds easier that the zip lock bags!! But, no worries, I get it out and pretty much lick the inside of the baggie as to NOT waste any!!
10-19-10, 12:42 pm
Agent O is sill kickin'.....wish I had more!!! Have been playing around with dosing...some worked and some worked a little too much!!!! All in all, a great product. Can't wait for it to hit the shelves so I can get more.
Will be hitting up another dose (or dose and a half!!) this evening for squats. So far, the only complaint is getting the O out of the little baggies! I hear some got a mini tub. Sounds easier that the zip lock bags!! But, no worries, I get it out and pretty much lick the inside of the baggie as to NOT waste any!!
10-23-10, 1:48 pm
Okay, down to 1 dose left (BOOOOO!). I have played around with the dosing and have found that I REALLY like taking 2 doses. One on the way to the gym then another about an hour in. Did that today and damn, it was intense! I am not real sensitive to stims so for me this works great. It may be too much for others. I KNOW I will be picking up some of this once it hits the stores.