View Full Version : swoleberry: Dr. H.I.T. prescribed agent o
09-28-10, 10:55 pm
This is my agent o log for when i receive it.
I train high intensity with a yates split. Everything is done one set to failure and then another four or five added forced reps from my spotter. 8-10 rep warmup before each exercise workouts generally take 25-35min.
Monday-Delts, Traps, Tri's
Seated DB Press
Cable Lateral
Skull Crushers
One arm EXT
Tues-Back, Rear Delts, Abs
Barbell Rows
DB Rows
Seated Row
Rear Fly Machine
Bent Lateral Raises
Hanging Leg Raises
Crunch Machine
Wed-Rest and/or Cardio
Thurs-Chest and Bi's
Incline Bench
DB Fly
Cable Cross
Incline DB Curl
Barbell Curl
Preacher Curl
Fri-Legs, Abs
Leg Ext
Leg Press
Hack Squats
Leg Curls
Stiff Leg Deads
Standing Claf Raises
Seated Calf Raises
Hanging Leg Raises
Crunch Machine
Diet right now is about 425-475g carbs 200-225g protein 75-85g fats
trying to bulk up for first show by may. just a little hole in the wall show nothing major
Mr. Dead
09-29-10, 1:18 am
I'm in for this!!!
Definitely in for some low volume/high intensity. Hows this working for you?
09-29-10, 8:17 am
Definitely in for some low volume/high intensity. Hows this working for you?
Works great. Been doing H.I.T. for about 3 years started out doing Mike Mentzer's Heavy Duty workout. Then did some other forms of H.I.T. that he created. About 8 months ago started the Dorian Yates approach to H.I.T.
It definitely brings the pain. I improve in reps and/or weight in atleast a few exercises every workout so I'm super pumped to see what agent o will do for it.
09-29-10, 2:35 pm
I'm so pumped and waiting on pins and needles for this to arrive. So pumped im posting on my own alpha thread.
10-01-10, 11:01 pm
Still waiting for agent o, so I tested the waters on my PRs.
barely slid by into the 1200 club
10-05-10, 1:01 pm
Today I finally got to use my agent since i received it late yesterday evening after I had already lifted.
Initial assesment---
Only four ounces of water is a big plus
Taste not bad like a bitter tang
Felt it's effects within ten minutes of consuming
Todays workout
DB Pullovers-95-7reps with 4 assisted reps
Yates Rows 200-8reps with 3 assisted
DB Rows-90-6 reps each arm with 5assisted
Seated Rows-195-6 reps with 3 assisted
Rear Fly Machine-135-6reps 4assisted
Bentover cable laterals-40-5 reps 6 assisted
Deadlift-350-7reps two assisted//ten sec rest 375-3more reps
Notes--- Increased my pullovers by ten pounds and 1 rep
Yates Rows increased two reps
Deadlift- didnt do the extra 375 set last week
10-07-10, 8:51 pm
Today was day two of agent o usage.
Today it was incorporated with chest and bi's
Incline Bench-195-6 with two assists
Fly Machine-200with two assists
Cable Cross-60-with two assists
Barbell Curls-110-4 with 4 assists
Incline Curls-30-5 with three assists
Machine Preacher Curl-85-4 with 2assists
hanging leg raises-15, 15, 20
machine crunches-15, 15, 20
increased my reps on all exersizes except for barbell curls and machine preachers,but for those two i increased the weight from last week.
i can feel the effects of agent o well after my workout.
the orange is giving me animosity that i don't typically have in the gym
PS-leg day tommorrow, the true test for agent o
10-08-10, 2:34 pm
okay animals, today was my third day with the o and my first day using it with legs. legs day is typically my most intense day so a combo of that and agent o was total leg destruction.
Leg Ext-300-6 and 4 assists
Seated Leg Press(there isn't a 45 degree available at the college)-the stack-9 and 3 assists
Hack squats-205-8 and 4 assists
Leg Curls-210-6 and 2 assists
Stiff Leg Deads-225- 8 and 2 assists
Seated Calf Raises-215- 6 and 4 assists
Standing Calf Raises-230-12 no assists
***Anything with 6 reps is an increased weight from last week
***All other exercises 8+ reps increase in reps from last week's 4, 5, or 6 reps
I'm sure legs are cursing at the AgentO right now.
Next lift is monday---Shoulders, Traps, Tri's
10-12-10, 11:10 am
Okay this is a day late, but after lifting yesterday i stayed busy and didn't get a chance to post monday's workout.
So yesterday was shoulders traps and tris.
Machine Shoulder Press-150---12 with 2 assists
Laterals-35---5 with 2 assists
One Arm Cable Laterals-30---6 with 3 assists
DB Shrugs-95---6 with 3 assists
Tri Ext-175---9 with 2 assists
Dips-45lb plate---5 with 2 assists
One Arm Tri Ext-65---5 with 4 assists
Hanging Leg Raises-25, 25
Crunch Machine-20,20
feeling the intensity from the O really well, so much focus feels like I wanna just lift the whole gym and carry it on my shoulders. fucking loving it
10-12-10, 1:09 pm
DB Pullovers-90-7reps with 4 assisted reps
Yates Rows 200-8reps with 3 assisted
DB Rows-90-6 reps each arm with 5assisted
Seated Rows-180-6 reps with 3 assisted
Rear Fly Machine-135-6reps 4assisted
Bentover cable laterals-40-5 reps 6 assisted
Deadlift-350-7reps two assisted//ten sec rest 375-3more reps
Today did this back and rear delt workout again
DB Pullover-90- 10 with 2 assists
Yates Rows-200- 11 with 2 assists
DB Rows-90 7 with 3 assists
Seated Row-180- 6 with 3 assists
Rear Fly Machine-135 6 with 4 assists
Bent Cable Laterals-40- 5 with 5 assists
Deads-375-6reps dropset w/350-3 reps
got stonger on a few lifts after only one week. once again can not give all credit to the O but it does make me have more drvie and focus especially when squeezing out those last few reps.
10-19-10, 3:31 pm
Incline Bench-195-6 with two assists
Fly Machine-200with two assists
Cable Cross-60-with two assists
Barbell Curls-110-4 with 4 assists
Incline Curls-30-5 with three assists
Preacher Curl-85-4 with 2assists
hanging leg raises-15, 15, 20
machine crunches-15, 15, 20
Day 6 on Agent O
Chest and back again today guys.
Loving this stuff
Every workout is better and better and the O is making kick my own ass harder than ever.
Incline Bench-195--- 1 rep increase
Fly Machine-200--- 1 rep increase
Cable Cross-60--- 1 rep increase
Barbell Curl-110--- 3 rep increase
Incline Curl-30--- 2 rep increase
Preacher Curl-85--- 2 rep increase
10-19-10, 4:07 pm
Leg Ext-300-6 and 4 assists
Seated Leg Press(there isn't a 45 degree available at the college)-the stack-9 and 3 assists
Hack squats-205-8 and 4 assists
Leg Curls-210-6 and 2 assists
Stiff Leg Deads-225- 8 and 2 assists
Seated Calf Raises-215- 6 and 4 assists
Standing Calf Raises-230-12 no assists
Leg Ext-300-3 rep increase
Seated Leg Press-Stack plus 10lb plate-8 with 2 assisted (10lbs more)
Hack Squats-205-1 rep increase
Leg Curls-210-1 rep increase
Stiff Leg Deads-245-5 with 2 assisted (20lbs more)
Seated Calf-215-1 rep increase
Standing Calf-270-10 with 2 assisted (30lbs more)
once again the O made me mad at my legs and I in turn assaulted them.
this is some shit hot stuff
10-19-10, 4:13 pm
Machine Shoulder Press-150---12 with 2 assists
Laterals-35---5 with 2 assists
One Arm Cable Laterals-30---6 with 3 assists
DB Shrugs-95---6 with 3 assists
Tri Ext-175---9 with 2 assists
Dips-45lb plate---5 with 2 assists
One Arm Tri Ext-65---5 with 4 assists
Hanging Leg Raises-25, 25
Crunch Machine-20,20
Machine Shoulder Press-170-7 reps 2 assists (20lbs more)
Laterals-35-2 rep increase
One Arm Cable Laterals-30-1 rep increase
DB Shrugs-95-1 rep increase
Tri Ext-175-1 rep increase
Dips-45-1 rep increase
One Arm Tri Ext-65-1 rep increase
No huge increase but any increase is a notable one. The O is still doing the job and some.
10-19-10, 11:35 pm
DB Pullover-90- 10 with 2 assists
Yates Rows-200- 11 with 2 assists
DB Rows-90 7 with 3 assists
Seated Row-180- 6 with 3 assists
Rear Fly Machine-135 6 with 4 assists
Bent Cable Laterals-40- 5 with 5 assists
Deads-375-6reps dropset w/350-3 reps
Today was Day 9 and the third back and rear delts workout. My favorite one because I love doing deadswith the O.
DB Pullover-100-5 reps with 2 assists
Yates Rows-225-6 reps with 2 assists
DB Row-90-1 rep increase
Seated Row-180-no change
Standing Rear Cable Fly-60 each arm-5 with 2 assists
Bent Cable Lateral-40-no change
DEADS!!!-1 rep increase----no change on drop set
Loving the intensity especially when doing deads really helps me pull it like never before.
10-23-10, 2:16 pm
Day 6 on Agent O
Incline Bench-195--- 1 rep increase
Fly Machine-200--- 1 rep increase
Cable Cross-60--- 1 rep increase
Barbell Curl-110--- 3 rep increase
Incline Curl-30--- 2 rep increase
Preacher Curl-85--- 2 rep increase
Okay this the third time I've done chest and bi's with agent orange and it is not slowing down. I once again have increased on every exercise. Agent O is relentless with helping me increase my working weights.
Incline Bench-195---1 rep increase
Fly Machine-200---1 rep increase
Cable Cross-60---1 rep increase
Barbell Curl-110---1 rep increase
Incline Curl-30---2 rep increase
Preacher Curl-85---2 rep increase
ABS---same workout
I am loving the O I am gaining in strength as you can see every workout.
10-23-10, 2:21 pm
Today I changed it up a little bit with my leg workout. I decided to try and do 20 rep breather squats with Agent O. Needless to say I almost lost my agent o in the squat rack afterwards.
Squats-315---20 reps Drop Set-225---10 reps
Seated Calf Raises-215---2 rep increase
Standing Calf Raises-270---2 rep increase
After the dropset I was on the brink of vomitting.....Good Shit!
10-25-10, 10:27 pm
Machine Shoulder Press-170-7 reps 2 assists (20lbs more)
Laterals-35-2 rep increase
One Arm Cable Laterals-30-1 rep increase
DB Shrugs-95-1 rep increase
Tri Ext-175-1 rep increase
Dips-45-1 rep increase
One Arm Tri Ext-65-1 rep increase
No huge increase but any increase is a notable one. The O is still doing the job and some.
The Agent O is still kicking my ass with more increases every workout big increase on the shrugs today 3 reps more than last time. The O was digging the traps today. This is my last shoulder, trap, tri workout of the alpha test.
Shoulder Press- 2 rep increase
Laterals-35- 1 rep increase
One Arm Cable Laterals-30-2 rep increase
DB Shrugs-95-3 rep increase
Tri EXT-1 rep increase
Dips 45- no increase
One Arm Tri-1 rep increase
ABS Same
10-26-10, 3:58 pm
DB Pullover-100-5 reps with 2 assists
Yates Rows-225-6 reps with 2 assists
DB Row-90-1 rep increase
Seated Row-180-no change
Standing Rear Cable Fly-60 each arm-5 with 2 assists
Bent Cable Lateral-40-no change
DEADS!!!-1 rep increase----no change on drop set
Loving the intensity especially when doing deads really helps me pull it like never before.
Another day of back and rear delts comes another day of agent o and pulls. Doing deadlifts with the O has been the best and this is my last back and rear delt for alpha testing.
DB Pullover-100-2 rep increase
Yates Rows-225-2 rep increase
DB Row-90-1 rep increase
Seated Row 180-1 rep increase
Standing Rear Cable Fly-60-1 rep increase
Bent Cable Laterals-40-1 rep increase
Deads-1 rep increase-and two rep increase on dropset
Pulls were intense as always loving the O with deads
10-28-10, 2:41 pm
Incline Bench-195---1 rep increase
Fly Machine-200---1 rep increase
Cable Cross-60---1 rep increase
Barbell Curl-110---1 rep increase
Incline Curl-30---2 rep increase
Preacher Curl-85---2 rep increase
ABS---same workout
I am loving the O I am gaining in strength as you can see every workout.
Incline Bench-195---2 rep increase
Fly Machine-215---7 with 2 assisted
Cable Cross-60---1 rep increase
Barbell Curl-110---2 rep increase
Incline Curl-30--- no increase
preacher curl-85--- no increase
Good increases as usual it has been awesome blasting the pecs with agent o now the time has come for my final review.