View Full Version : Agent O. ATP: Operation Overkill
09-29-10, 1:35 am
Hey Bro's and Gals,
I was recently chosen to be apart of the ATP for Agent O. I must first thank all of the people at Animal for making this possible. It's not everyday that you find a company who values the feedback of their customers and allows them to truly put their products to the test. Since this task has been given to us, the Dirty 30, we will do our best to run Agent O. through the Gauntlet. We will test it's metal and give an honest review of our findings.
Now we were told to keep the ingredients under lock and key, but I can tell you that they look solid. If I were to concoct my own supp (and I have) I would be proud to put my name on this stuff.
I follow Dorian Yates H.I.T. also known as Blood N' Guts training. It requires determination and testicular fortitude. I have vomited on multiple occasions, in fact if I don't come close to throwing I would consider the session a waste. I believe that this type of training will really test A.O.'s potency.
I am a 28yr old male, 5'9" 207lbs, BF% is unknown.
My Split:
Chest & Bi's
Back & Rear Delts
Shoulders, Traps, & Tri's
Now I have been running the same program and logging it on here and will continue to do so through out the ATP but will focus alot more on A.O. here and how it is affecting my workouts.
I am open to suggestions on what ya'll want to see but will most likely stick to my current training plan so that I can gauge the differences between A.O. and my former routine. Of course I am toying with the idea of throwing up a max day pre and post A.O. with the second being on the stuff, but I haven't decided yet.
I am extremely pumped about running this and will do my best to represent the Legion.
-In Iron
Mr. Dead
09-29-10, 6:54 pm
10-01-10, 2:10 am
Can't sleep I am so excited to start the ATP! Figured I would list my current supp's. I run the Pak, it's number one no excuses not to dish out for that. I have recently converted over to blended proteins instead of just Whey so I can get a longer absorbtion window. I run Animal Pump before a workout but am gonna drop that for the Agent O. the first week then probably take out the Red pill and run it alongside the A.O. to see how sick that is! Running Animal Flex for my joints, they get pretty beat up on the H.I.T. training along with my just below maintenance calorie diet. I also like BCAA's in there but am almost out of my stuff so it probably won't make the cut. Finish that off with plenty of Fish Oil, calcium, and Vitamin D.
My diet consists of around 300 Pro, 200-250 Carbs, and 60 Fats. Most fats come from Egg Yolks Fish Oils and when I am lucky or have the money, Steak! mmmmm.... steak...
I may boost my calories to just above maintenance while I run A.O. and see if I can boost my strength even more. All will come from carbs, most likely sweet P's and Oats.
Can't wait to get this thing going, I check my door at least five times a day hoping A.O. is here!
I'm here for the overkill. Subbed.
10-06-10, 10:43 pm
I just got home from work and was greeted by a nice little package at my door! I am pumped and can't wait to train in the morning. I got lucky and am starting my split over tom. so it is perfect timing. Guess it was meant to be! Like I said I will probably run straight O for my first split then switch it over to A.O. with Pump minus the Red Pill for my next two splits. This way I can let everyone know exactly how well it works with and or without being stacked with Pump.
I popped open my can and have to admit it was hard not to just down one right away. It smells nice and orangey. Lets hope I can sleep tonight! See you on the "Other Side"!
10-07-10, 12:24 pm
Alright guys, the long awaited first dose was taken this morning at 8:28am. I want to state that I had a really awful night of sleep, I woke at 2am and didn't get back to sleep until after 4am. Needless to say I was really tired this morning and wasn't even interested in the gym until I saw A.O. sitting on my counter. Basically I will do my best to describe my first use but I believe that it will be much better with a full nights rest which is actually kind of scary do to the whoopin I put on the Iron earlier.
Agent O. is a concentrated shot of Madness. I like the fact that you mix it with 4oz of water and shoot it down, don't have to take your time killing 20 oz of shitty fruit punch flavored chalk water. Thats just me, the reason I like the Paks I can just throw em down and get to business.
Flavor is good, Orange flavored (shocker!) which is my personal favorite. It isn't going to taste like a sugary dessert like some of those others. I don't want to get a cavity drinking my Pre W.O. so this really works for me.
So I downed this and was afraid that I wasn't giving it a fair chance b/c I was so tired! I mean wow was I wrong. The first thing that comes to mind was how focused on my Workout I was. I mean I was just mentally on that shit today. The Iron was moving and I was able to find a little extra every time I needed it. Heres the thing though, although it gave me the energy boost I was looking for it wasn't just like the normal Caffiene high you tend to get with a Pre W.O. It was more than that, it was like I was on a mission, I had that drive behind my workouts to get that extra rep from each exercise to beat the workout from the week before. If A.O. keeps this up I will be waiting in line for this stuff on it's release.
I am still feeling extremely focused and have an elevated mood, like I said mentally with it so far and it's almost 3hrs later and after a gruelling Workout. I am gonna keep track of my energy levels and focus throughout the day to see if I crash or anything later which wouldn't surprise me after the night I had. I am extremely excited about this product.
Know that I am already a fanboy of Animal and push their products at work, but thats b/c they are a solid company and the products really work, this just proves they haven't deviated from the plan and continue to do what they do.
10-07-10, 12:38 pm
OK today was the beginning of my split, perfect timing btw Animal. I do H.I.T. Blood N' Guts style training and the goal is to improve on every exercise every week if possible. I was having trouble keeping that up lately which is normally a sign of my overtraining and needing a week off or some less intense workouts.
A.O. helped me immensely and I was able to improve on almost all my exercises!
Today was Chest & Bi's:
Inc. DB: Warm Up-50's/70's/100's, Working Set- 115's X 7 (switched from Inc. Smith so no improvement notes)
Decline Hammer Strength: WU- 3plates a side, WS- (4 plates plus 10's) X 8+3 rest pause + 1 r.p. *up one initial rep and one rest pause rep*
Inc. DB Flyes: WU-50's, WS-70's X 12 *up one rep*
Inc. DB Curls: WU-25's/32.5's, WS-42.5 X 7 *up one rep*
1arm M. Preacher Curls: WU-30, WS-50 X 8+ 4 Forced Negatives *up 2 reps*
BBell Curls: WU-60, WS- 80X 8+2 FN *up 2 reps*
all in all it was a fantastic workout and I was making better improvements than normal, Biceps really improved too when I am normally extra tired already. can't wait to put A.O. to the test when I do legs next!
10-08-10, 1:08 am
Awsome bro. Can't wait to train and see the A.O. in action.
10-08-10, 11:00 am
Awsome bro. Can't wait to train and see the A.O. in action.
Get ready bro, it is a little scary! People have been staring at me like I can't see them lol. Which in turn motivates me to Train even harder.
10-08-10, 11:16 am
I finally got a good nights rest, I got up and barely got down my shake before mixing up my A.O. I will admit to not letting my shake sit long enough and not waiting 30 minutes after taking A.O. before hitting the Iron. But I feel this stuff in 5 and can't wait any longer.
I thought I was focused yesterday but man o man I was in a whole different World this morning. I absolutely trashed my legs, kept finding more and more in the tank. People were staring more than usual but I was zero'ed in on destroying my previous marks so it only fueled the fire. I probably won't be able to resist adding Pump for another two training sessions and not taking this stuff on my off day tom. might be impossible too. Think I might have become addicted after the first dose. I spent most of the day yesterday reliving my training session and getting excited about today. I felt like a kid on Christmas waking up before my alarm to scamper down and take A.O. in the morning.
Legs today:
Leg Extensions: WU-70/110/140 WS-180 X 8 + 4 rest pause *up in poundage and reps!
Leg Press: WU-6 plates a side WS- 8p + 25's X 8 *up in reps
Leg Press Calves: 8p +25's X14
Hack Squats: WU-2p/3p WS-4p+20 X 9+2(rp) * up in weight* I had to walk out of the machine due to failure.
Lying Leg Curls: WU-95/125 WS-140X 8+1(partial) *up in reps
RDL's: WU-135/225 WS-295X9 *went up by 3 reps!!!
Standing calves: 270 X 7+4(partials) *up in weight
Seated Calves: 3p+25 X 8+10(P) * don't know where I got the extra partials from but killed it.
10-11-10, 5:54 pm
Had some internet issues but got em fixed!!
We finally got together for my first ABC and even though there were only three of us we wrecked the Iron. Nothing like a few like minded bro's to really help ratchet up the intensity. A.O. seems to just get better and better. Super focused and motivated without that nervous jittery energy from most Pre w.O.
Ab. Machine Pullovers: (you drop the seat to the lowest setting, get an ab foam pad and use it to give you distance from the head rest and do it like a Lat Pullover machine) WU-65/95/125 WS-150 X 10+3(ForcedNegatives)
Hammer Strength Pulldowns: WU-1p/2p WS-(2p+35) X 9+4(Forced Negatives)
BBell Rows: WU-135/225 WS-295X 8+4 (Partials)
DB Rows: 120 X 10
Hammer Rows: (elbows high focusing on upper back) WU-3p WS- 4pX 8+3(FN)
Wide Cable Rows: WU-135 WS-205 X 9+3(P)
Reverse Pec Dec: WU-130 WS-170 X 12
DB Rear Laterals: 50's X 10
Rack Deadlifts: WU-225/315 WS-405 X 5
10-11-10, 7:00 pm
Man I was really feeling this stuff today! I had a little more time between my Pre W.O. meal and the time that I took A.O. and I would suggest everyone do it. I was flushed and feeling the ingredients more. Serious Drive just wanted to punish the Iron. I can't say enough about this product! I am also extremely stoked to be done with the solo testing, I am now going to stack it with PUMP (minus the red pill) and can only guess at how that is going to work, can't wait.
DB Overhead: WU-50/70 WS-100's X 7 *plus one rep
M. Shoulder Press: WU-100/145 WS-175 X 9+4(RP) *plus 1 rep
Incline DB Lateral: WU-20 WS- 30 X 6 *replaced standing DB laterals
Cable Laterals: WU- 25 WS- 40 X 10+4(FN) *plus 1 rep
Hammer Shrugs: 3p+25's X 9+5(RP) *plus one rep
DB shrugs: 120 X 20 *switching to bbell shrugs
Skullcrushers: WU-cambered with 25's WS- 35's X 8*new exercise
Close Grip Bench: WU-135/225 WS-275 X 3 *dropping the weight next time to 255 or 260
Over Head Cable Ext: WU-70/100 WS-130 X7 *up 1 rep
1 Arm Reverse P.Down: WU-30 WS-60 X 10+5 (FN) *up 2 reps!
10-13-10, 10:10 pm
Heads up ya'll! Tommorow I stack Pump w/ A.O. and can't wait to see what happens. My Chest and Bi's are in for a treat from what I have heard.
see you on the other side!
-In Iron
10-21-10, 12:24 pm
Hey Legion-
Due to the forvm being down I haven't posted but don't fret I logged it all and will post it tom. on my day off from work. Just so you know A.O. stacked with Pump is Amazing! Best stack I have ever used!
-In Iron
10-24-10, 10:22 pm
I am gonna post a ton tonight, first time I could post since the Forvm has been back up.
10/14/10 Chest & Bi's
Inc. DB Press: WU- 50/70/90 WS-115's X 8
Decline Hammer: WU- 3p WS- 4p+10 X 6+1(RP)
DB Inc. Flyes: WU- 50 WS- 75's X 8
Inc. DB Curls: WU- 22.5/32.5 WS-42.5 X 8
M. Preacher Curls: 55X 6+4(FN)
BBell Curls: 80 X 9+2(FN)
10/15/10 Legs
Leg Ext: WU-70/110/150 WS- 185 X 9+3(RP)
Leg Press: WU-5p/6p WS- 8p+30 X 9
Hack Squats: WU- 3p WS- 4p+25's X 9 (failed on the 10th)
Lying Leg Curls: WU-95/125 WS- 140 X 9+2(P)
RDL's: WU-135/225 WS-305 X 7
Standing Calves: 270 X 12 + 5(P)
Seated Calves: (3p+25's) X 9+4(P)
10/17/10 Back & Rear Delts
Ab. M. Pullovers: WU- 95/125 WS- 155 X 6+3 (P)
H.S. Pulldowns: WU- 1p/2p WS- 2p+35's X10+2(RP)
BBell Rows: WU-225/255 WS-295 X 9+3(P)
DB Rows: WS- 120's X 10
Hammer Rows: WS-3p X 10 (Elbows High)
W. Cable Rows: WU- 150 WS- 210X 8
Reverse Pec Dec: WU-120 WS-165 X 8
Rear DB Laterals: 50's X 10
10/18/10 Shoulders, Tri's, & Traps
DB Over Head: WU-50/70 WS- 100's X 7
M. Shoulder Press: WU- 145 WS-175 X 11+4(RP)
Lying Inc. Laterals: WU-20's WS- 27.5 X 8+1(P)
Cable Laterals: 45 X 7+4(FN)
BBell Shrugs: WU-315 WS-365 X 10
DB Shrugs: 120 X 15
Cable Press Downs: WU-130 WS-205 X 6
Skull Crushers (Cambered Bar): WU-25's WS-35's X 7+1(FN)
1 Arm Rev. PressDown: 65 X 8+5(FN)
Agent O. has really boosted my performance and focus. Love This stuff!! Post the rest later.
10-25-10, 12:42 pm
10/21/10 Chest & Bi's
Inc. DB Curls: WU-70/90 WS- 115 X 9
Decline Hammer: WU- 3p WS- 4p+10's X 8+1(RP)+1(P)
Inc. Flyes: WU-50 WS- 75's X 9
*Pec Dec Deep Stretch x 30sec
Inc. DB Curls: WU-25/35 WS- 42.5 X 8
M. Preacher Curls: 55 X 8+3(FN)
BBell Curls: 85 X 8 +2(FN)
*Smith Bicep stretch X 30sec
10/22/10 Legs
Leg. Ext: WU-70/110/150 WS- 190 X 10
Leg Press: WU-4p/5p/6p WS- 8p+30's X 9 *closer foot placement to work on my sweep.
Hack Squats: WU- 3p WS- 4p+25's X 8 *failed on the 9th and had a closer foot placement for Outer sweep.
* Quad Stretch on Hamstring Curl Machine x 30sec*
Lying Leg Curls: WU- 110 WS- 145 X 9 +1(P)
RDL's: WU- 135/225/250 WS- 305 X 9
Standing Calf Raises: WU- 180 WS- 285X 7 + 4(P)
Seated Calf Raises: 4p X 5+5(P)
10/25/10 Back & Rear Delts
Ab Pullovers: WU- 95/125 WS- 155 X 7+3(P)
H. Pulldowns: WU-2p WS-3p's X 6+ 3(RP)
BBEll Rows: WU-225 WS- 305 X 6+2(P)
W. Cable Rows: WU-160 WS-215 X 8+2(P)
Hammer Rows: 3p+10's X 11 (Elbows high and wide)
Rear Hammer Laterals: 50 X 9
Rear DB Laterals: 52.5's X 10
Partial Deads: WU- 315 WS-405 X 4
Back Ext: WS-45 X 8
10-29-10, 7:59 pm
Bro, with your Chest and Bi on 10/21 and the first entry did you mean DB In. Bench? IF not damn, curlin 115s!
10/21/10 Chest & Bi's
Inc. DB Curls: WU-70/90 WS- 115 X 9
Decline Hammer: WU- 3p WS- 4p+10's X 8+1(RP)+1(P)
Inc. Flyes: WU-50 WS- 75's X 9
*Pec Dec Deep Stretch x 30sec
Inc. DB Curls: WU-25/35 WS- 42.5 X 8
M. Preacher Curls: 55 X 8+3(FN)
BBell Curls: 85 X 8 +2(FN)
*Smith Bicep stretch X 30sec
10/22/10 Legs
Leg. Ext: WU-70/110/150 WS- 190 X 10
Leg Press: WU-4p/5p/6p WS- 8p+30's X 9 *closer foot placement to work on my sweep.
Hack Squats: WU- 3p WS- 4p+25's X 8 *failed on the 9th and had a closer foot placement for Outer sweep.
* Quad Stretch on Hamstring Curl Machine x 30sec*
Lying Leg Curls: WU- 110 WS- 145 X 9 +1(P)
RDL's: WU- 135/225/250 WS- 305 X 9
Standing Calf Raises: WU- 180 WS- 285X 7 + 4(P)
Seated Calf Raises: 4p X 5+5(P)
10/25/10 Back & Rear Delts
Ab Pullovers: WU- 95/125 WS- 155 X 7+3(P)
H. Pulldowns: WU-2p WS-3p's X 6+ 3(RP)
BBEll Rows: WU-225 WS- 305 X 6+2(P)
W. Cable Rows: WU-160 WS-215 X 8+2(P)
Hammer Rows: 3p+10's X 11 (Elbows high and wide)
Rear Hammer Laterals: 50 X 9
Rear DB Laterals: 52.5's X 10
Partial Deads: WU- 315 WS-405 X 4
Back Ext: WS-45 X 8
10-30-10, 10:55 am
HaHA yeah Bro I meant Inc DB Bench, 115's would just dislocate my elbows if I tried to curl them!