View Full Version : Kolb and Agent O
10-01-10, 12:58 am
I cant be more greatfull to have been excepted to try this new product. Being a powerlifter, i have different goals in the gym than a bodybuilder would. A good pre-workout would be one that will help increase strength as much as possible on "the big 3". This sounds like the real deal, and i cant wait to start. Follow my workouts as i test this new shit, and watch the madness grow. Insane poundages are what await....
10-01-10, 8:22 am
I am interested in your results
Universal Rep
10-01-10, 10:18 am
I cant be more greatfull to have been excepted to try this new product. Being a powerlifter, i have different goals in the gym than a bodybuilder would. A good pre-workout would be one that will help increase strength as much as possible on "the big 3". This sounds like the real deal, and i cant wait to start. Follow my workouts as i test this new shit, and watch the madness grow. Insane poundages are what await....
Subscribed and waitin'... Good luck, K.
Hell yeah bro, glad you get to try this stuff out.
I wanna see some PR's on those monster bench, dead and squat numbers of yours!!!
Mr. Dead
10-01-10, 10:55 am
In, for this!!!
10-01-10, 12:41 pm
Subscribed for this one.
thank you all for the comments. i am very excited for this. i even have a thought....if this stuff is for real, then i am concidering using it during my competition. becuase my deadlift sucks so much ass, especially at the end of a full power meet, i might try taking it before i deadlift. maybe it will help with it?
Jim I think that is a great idea, but maybe not right before you deadlift....try 20 minutes before so it will kick in. And if a 650 deadlift is weak, then I'm a pussy for sure! LOL.
Since we live close I'll be we will be getting the Agent 0 on Monday or Tuesday.
Good luck can't wait to hear your thoughts...
Subbed Kolb. Let's see how Agent O treats ya.
10-04-10, 6:32 pm
definitely in to witness. 650 dead? weak my ass hahaha.
10-05-10, 10:17 am
i recieved my servings of Agent O yesterday early afternoon...the little black container looks quite intimidating. just a little sticker that says "Agent O Serving size one scoop"...nothing else. i cannot wait to try it today. i have heavy, full geared squats, and things are going to get fuckin crazy. stay tuned.
10-05-10, 10:59 pm
tried agent O for today's workout. had heavy ass squats, getting ready for the lexen extreme competition. i took it a little early i think, as the effects wore off about half way through my workout...but the effects on the ride in were amazing. i felt severely focused, and i got a cooling, tingling sensation in my arms and legs. my heart wasnt racing, but it was definately up there. the workout went pretty good, a step forward, but still need some adjustments on technique.
Kolb, how was the flavor/mixability?
10-06-10, 11:16 pm
the flavor is not the best thing i have ever tasted to be honest. and it mixes ok, but it still a bit chalky...i tried it out again today for my raw D.E bench day, and i really didnt feel much effect from it.....i hope i am not used to it yet. i will try it again tomorow for my upper back day.
Hey Jim, how long are you training after taking Agent 0?
I know you have a long drive to your gym.....ever think of taking it on the way there in your car?
ya, the first time i took it before i left, and it kinda wore off about when i got to the gym. but yesterday zach drove us and i took it more than half way there.....i just didnt feel anything with it.
10-09-10, 10:21 am
i took agent O again for my last workout a day ago or so. the supplement again had no effect on me...i dont know what the deal is. i will continue to take it, trying different times before my workouts. i hope others are getting better outputs than me. peace.
what a cool date. tried agent O for today's bench workout, which went great! the pre workout has not had the same effect on me that it did on the first day..i think it is just the way i train. i dont go for a pump in the gym, and my workouts are between 3-4 hours long.