View Full Version : widdlewade44 teams up with Agent O...
10-05-10, 10:16 pm
Oh yeah, details to follow...
Mr. Dead
10-05-10, 11:27 pm
Subbed, for the ride!!!
In for this Kevin. Looking forward to your thoughts on Agent O.
10-06-10, 10:39 pm
Hell yah man tear it up
10-19-10, 10:24 pm
First off I want to thank J-Dawg, Animal & Universal for giving me this chance to try out and test potential future products.
I have been fortunate enough to participate in ATPs before and I am very excited to help with Agent O.
I feel that this product will be for real and I will put it and myself through the paces, peace.
10-19-10, 10:25 pm
Subbed, for the ride!!!
I am aiming to make this a memorable ride, peace.
10-19-10, 10:26 pm
In for this Kevin. Looking forward to your thoughts on Agent O.
thoughts and data on Agent O will be inbound, stay tuned.
10-19-10, 10:28 pm
Hell yah man tear it up
I intend to dish out some punishment in my team up with Agent O, peace.
10-19-10, 10:57 pm
5/3/1, Wk 1 WO3
BW: 240.0 lbs
30 mins w/o
Jump Rope:
Flat Bench:
1x10 bar
1x5 115lbs
1x5 135lbs
1x5 155lbs
1x11 175lbs
Incline DB Presses:
1x10 60lbs
1x7 60lbs
1x8 55lbs
1x10 55lbs
This was my first workout testing Agent O and it was nice. I was tight on time for my workout but I completed the required work along with half of my supplemental exercises. Agent O kicked in between 10-20 mins & I had a tingling in my arms, neck and jaw. I was certainly more focused and ready to take on my session with higher energy. About 12 hours after taking Agent O I felt a slight level of 'fatigue' but I don't know if this is directly related to Agent O; at the moment I am just making note of it.
My flat bench was solid and I picked up another rep, all sans a spotter, (so mental hurdles are being cleared too). I had a really nice stretch on the DB incline presses. This was a very good session and I am looking forward to more work with Agent O.
10-19-10, 11:14 pm
5/3/1 Wk 1 WO4
BW: 241.3 lbs
30 mins w/o
Jump Rope:
1x3 bar
1x3 135lbs
1x5 215lbs
1x5 245lbs
1x8 280lbs
Leg Press:
2x20 5 PPS
Seated Leg Curl:
1x17 175lbs
2x10 175lbs
Time was tight for today’s workout too; worked late and have to come back in early followed by doctor’s appts for the family. So the team of widdlewade44 & Agent O were tasked with pulling this off; mission accomplished!
Agent O was taken before Shock Therapy to gauge O’s input. I could feel the increase in focus & the tingling in my arms, neck and jaw about 10-20 mins after taking Agent O. I concentrated on using proper form with my squats. I widened my foot placement slightly and kept my upper back tighter. I was able to get 2 more reps with this weight compared to the last time and my torque was definitely higher. I moved on to the leg press and straight up added an additional PPS.
Previously my history with 5 PPS was probably 10-12 reps; PRs were set today with doing 20 reps and this would have been a volume PR too if I had more time for this session. I followed my initial PR up with a second one by cranking out 17 reps on the seated leg curl. So Agent O is the real deal & I am happy this is only my second session because the ww44/Agent O team is going to do some damage!
No fatigue today. I did notice about 4 hours after taking Agent O that my lips were dry. I am consistently drinking between 1-2 gallons of water a day so I think Agent O is the cause of the dryness.
10-21-10, 1:34 am
5/3/1 Wk 2 WO1
BW: 241.2 lbs
55 mins w/o
Jump Rope:
Standing Military Press:
1x10 bar
1x3 85lbs
1x3 95lbs
1x10 110lbs
Seated OH DB Triceps Extensions:
3x15 65lbs
Seated One Arm OH DB Triceps Extensions:
1x4 25lbs
1x7 25lbs
1x6 25lbs
Rear Delt Pec Deck:
1x15 100lbs
1x13 100lbs
1x10 100lbs
2.5 hours of Scottish Country Dancing
This was my third session with Agent O & I am truly loving this product!
I took it after Stak and before ST again to gain insight on O’s abilities for me. Right after the 10 minute mark I had the tingling in my neck & jaw followed about 5 minutes later into my arms. The intense focus and mental clarity (for the workout) was present again too. I warmed up with a third set of jump rope so some of that I attribute to Agent O.
I was warmed up faster then in previous workouts today. I am also giving this credit to Agent O. I have been even more mentally locked into the task at hand since taking O. Today I added in a third supplemental exercise to shoulders because I had ‘more in the tank’ then at the same point of past workouts. I did not really experience any dryness in my lips today & I have consumed the similar amounts of water as on the other training days.
This workout beat the last cycle’s performance across the board so I believe Agent O is helping in my attaining these accomplishments.
10-21-10, 1:52 am
5/3/1 Wk 2 WO2
BW: 239.4 lbs
1.5 hours of yard work
60 mins w/o
Jump Rope:
1x3 115lbs
1x3 185lbs
1x3 240lbs
1x3 270lbs
1x7 305lbs
Lunges (reps/leg):
3x6 60lbs
Decline DB Pullover:
3x15 70lbs
Another solid session with Agent O in the mix. Again I took Stak, then 20 minutes later Agent O & I was working out 20 minutes after taking Agent O. Tingling & focus was present again.
Deads were tonight’s workout and this was a much improved workout for back. I reset each rep of the deadlifts and concentrated on my form. I used a double overhand grip for the warm-up sets and utilized an over/under for the working set. It’s got to be mental, but whatever it is, my grip (giving out) was not an issue and it felt really good to have good pulls with decent weight again. I still had gas in the tank too so I attribute some of that to Agent O.
The lunges were good & supersetted with the DB pullovers. The pullovers were nice and the growth promoting so they will help everything else to increase reps & weight.
Still have some drying in my lips today; not as severe as from session #1 with Agent O.
The smell and taste of Agent O that everyone is trying to identify in their logs is: children’s aspirin (IMO). It is not repulsive to me, but it is not my number one choice in the comparative taste test either, lol.
Agent O is awesome and would be a staple in my arsenal. I am happy to have 10 more sessions with Agent O available…
10-21-10, 2:06 am
5/3/1 Wk 2 WO3
BW: 239.0 lbs
15 mins w/o
Jump Rope:
Flat Bench:
1x5 bar
1x3 95lbs
1x2 135lbs
1x3 145lbs
1x3 165lbs
1x8 185lbs
Incline DB Presses:
2x12 55lbs
Time was beyond tight for this session; I got called back into work last night so when I got up this morning, I was feeling strong and in need of this workout. Couple this with going back to work earlier & working for 8+ hrs straight = Agent O to the rescue!
I took Stak, then Agent O 10 minutes prior to starting my workout. The tingling hit at the 10 minute mark, the focus was present and pointed to the flat bench. I did 100 jump ropes to get warmed up and rolled into the flat bench work.
Al the warm ups were solid & executed with very good form. I had more reps in me but stuck to following the plan today. I did not have a spotter & didn’t feel like asking for one either; I belted out my working set on the flat bench, added a rep from last time and had more in me. I didn’t push beyond without a spotter.
The DB inclines felt great, with a good stretch and strong execution of the movement. I definitely had more for this workout except for time.
Agent O is great, I don’t get the shakes or jittery. I have only felt tingling and an increase of focus.
I would definitely recommend and endorse Agent O. I am honored to be a participant in the Agent O ATP.
12-30-10, 10:29 pm
5/3/1, Wk 2, W/O 4:
Bodyweight (BW): 239.0 lbs
Workout time total: 50 mins
Jump Rope:
1x5 bar
1x5 135lbs
1x3 230lbs
1x3 265lbs
1x4 295lbs
Leg Press:
4x20 5 PPS
Comments: Today was my sixth session with Agent O & I mixed up the order today. I took my last Stak pak 1 hr & 45 mins before Agent O which was taken as soon as I hit the gym floor. I didn’t experience my usual tingling feelings (maybe b/c I was rolling into the heart of the warm-up/workout). I did have the focus and drive from Agent O so that was cool. All of my squat reps had great form & full range of motion. The supplemental leg press work was going to be today’s true work. I was able to roll out another volume PR today on the leg press. The reps were full & I was able to belt out the required work. I ran out of time b/c I was tutoring my son on exercises between my sets. Week 3’s leg session should be monstrous. I need something big in order to kick it and take names. Overall I love Agent O but I did learn today that I prefer to take O in that 20-30 min pre-workout window. I feel it more which I believe helps me mentally to have better/stronger workouts. I felt the lip dryness later today. I would recommend Agent O & will use it if it comes out on the market. Questions and comments are welcome, peace.
12-30-10, 10:48 pm
5/3/1, Wk 3, W/O 1:
Bodyweight (BW): 241.1 lbs
Workout time total: 55 mins
Jump Rope:
Standing Military Press:
1x5 bar
1x5 65lbs
1x5 90lbs
1x3 105lbs
1x9 x1 115/135lbs
Seated OH DB Triceps Extensions:
1x15 65lbs
1x12 65lbs
1x15 65lbs
Rear Delt Pec Deck:
1x15 100lbs
1x13 115lbs
1x10 x7 115/100lbs
Comments: This was my seventh session with Agent O & it was awesome! I also have started my inaugural TEST stak so this ended up being a super team-up. I took TEST 40 mins before the w/o & Agent O in my 10-20 min window prior to working out. At the 10 min mark I had my tingling during my warm-up. The TEST increased my core body temperature too (I was sweating more). I did my jump rope work & rolled into the standing militaries. The form was great and I exploded through that working set of 115lbs for 9 reps, gaining a PR for reps at that weight. I immediately followed this up with a solid rep of 135lbs. The OH triceps extensions were next and I was feeling them in my elbows a little more today. I may have to move to using the cambered bar to find a sweet spot for shoulders/triceps work without stressing out my elbows. The rear delt work was great and I added in 15lbs while cranking out reps in the range of 10-15. I received an awesome pump and was very excited about more PRs with moving decent weight. I did experience the dryness in my lips from Agent O about 2-4 hours after taking O. TEST is the real deal and I am looking forward to kicking things up a few more notches. Questions and comments are welcome, peace.
Are you doing pills or powder O?
12-31-10, 4:53 pm
Are you doing pills or powder O?
This is for Agent O (version one) and was powder.
I am also involved with Agent O II testing and have taken both the powder (version two) and the pills.
And Agent O kicks ass to say the least!
Thanks for checking in, peace.