View Full Version : Making the O Face...
My container of Agent O just came in. Looking to start this off right first thing on Monday... I've heard great stuff already and can't wait to see the effects I'll encounter. I'll be posting up my thoughts on everything in these regards.
10-08-10, 9:21 am
very cool cant wait to see what ya think man.
10-08-10, 10:58 am
In for the win
Mr. Dead
10-08-10, 11:04 am
Subbed to see results...
In for this B.
very cool cant wait to see what ya think man.
In for the win
Subbed to see results...
Thanks fellas and glad to see ya aboard.
Initial Impressions
-Today was my official first dose of Agent O. For some damn reason, I wasn't thinking when I took it. Give me a break it was around 12 till 5 AM. What I mean is I'm in the routine of waking up, taking out my dog, and then mixing up some Shock Therapy. Today was no different. After taking out the dog, I immediately mixed up some ST in my shaker added some water and then said well it's time to add Agent O to the mix. That's right. I pour the Agent O on top of the ST. Needless to say WOW-- I will NEVER combine these two again and I HIGHLY advise against combining the two. That is unless you need something equivalent to cocaine or meth to get your stims going....
Energy I was AMPED up. The combo of ST and Agent O was just waaaay too much. I was bouncing around like no other in the weight room. Relentless. I was STILL hype several hours later until around 4:30ish PM. WOW. Waaaaay too many stims. I've been increasing my water intake today to help me as well.
Pump VERY intense pump in my arms. I've never had such a great arm pump--I couldn't bend my arms at one point to adjust my iPod. I had trouble moving my arms at one moment due to the pump. Just crazy intense. I cannot describe how full and thick my arms were. They were loaded.
Sweat I was and still am sweating my ass off. Yes it could be all the stim overload speaking but damn my shirts were soaked and even hours later my dress shirt is soaked. Crazy sweat-- no me gusta.
This was just a few things I observed from my first dose. No fucking way am I running it with Shock Therapy again... but some things you just gotta learn through trial and error. The pumps from the combo was just crazy intense so it may have been well worth it for at least a one time affair.
More to come as I try my 2nd dose...
Wow, intense! I won't be mixing Shock and Agent O anytime soon. But you have me amped up about my first dose here in about an hour.
Wow, intense! I won't be mixing Shock and Agent O anytime soon. But you have me amped up about my first dose here in about an hour.
No doubt it was death by stims... haha
Day Dos
-Today was my official 2nd dose of Agent O. I took it solo this AM so I could really get a feel for it on its own.
Taste Not bad. Not crazy good either. I think a lot of this will depend on how much water you are mixing with it though. Either way it's not a bad tasting supp but it's not anything I crave flavor wise either (for the record I do crave some of that blue raspberry Storm or watermelon EAAs or Torrent). So yeah as the use continues I'm sure I'll have a better grasp as to flavor and so forth.
Energy/Focus I was good today--nothing as strong as yesterday's accidental mixing of Shock Therapy but still a pretty good effect. I didn't feel "hyped up" but I did feel a good mind/muscle mental connection brewing.
Complaint The trial size of my Agent O container is around 6 inches tall (just a rough estimate) however the scooper inside of the container is around 8 inches long (just a rough estimate). Needless to say I can't get the damn lid to close on the sample b/c the scooper extends beyond the container... I've tried moving the powder around, shifting the scooper around, etc... no bueno. I have managed to force the scooper to bend while forcifully putting the cap back on. Maybe I'm just incompetent with this scooper/bottle combo but by bending the scooper that's the only way I've managed to put it all back together.
Sweat Definitely not sweating like I was yesterday but I still feel as though I was sweating a good amount throughout my workout and a few hours post workout. More so than normal.
Glad to know I wasn't the only one getting the mystery super sweat.
10-12-10, 3:00 pm
Needless to say WOW-- I will NEVER combine these two again and I HIGHLY advise against combining the two. That is unless you need something equivalent to cocaine
... in?
Hahaha, I'm still laughing!
Glad to know I wasn't the only one getting the mystery super sweat.
Haha yeah man I sweat my ass off on this stuff. Prob a great recomp/cutting supp IMHO.
... in?
You know you like it. It's a hell of a ride... or as Chappelle says, it's a hell of a drug Charlie Murphy!
Hahaha, I'm still laughing!
Haha you were laughing last night when I told you haha
Duuuuuuuuuuude......u idiot crazy stim mixer.
I'm in for dis. I got the sweats too on it ....pretty cool.
Duuuuuuuuuuude......u idiot crazy stim mixer.
I'm in for dis. I got the sweats too on it ....pretty cool.
Dude I wasn't even thinking... lol it's by habit at that time in the AM. Oh wells. It was a CRAZY rush and I was sweating my ass off all day. I was hype till after 5 PM... haha
Day 3... more of the same. Nothing new to report... I do feel as though my endurance and stamina may be on the rise as I was running through my workout like a mad man. I got it done quicker than I thought... it was like using the "grueling" pace on that old school game, Oregon Trail.
The mental image of you trying to close the lid on top of the too-long scooper is killing me right now
The mental image of you trying to close the lid on top of the too-long scooper is killing me right now
Hahaha thanks. The damn thing pissed me off... I was struggling to close it... haha I think I lost a serving or at least half a serving trying to get it work. A ziplock bag now rests over it to keep it somewhat protected.
Am I the only one with this issue?
10-13-10, 5:28 pm
Complaint The trial size of my Agent O container is around 6 inches tall (just a rough estimate) however the scooper inside of the container is around 8 inches long (just a rough estimate). Needless to say I can't get the damn lid to close on the sample b/c the scooper extends beyond the container... I've tried moving the powder around, shifting the scooper around, etc... no bueno. I have managed to force the scooper to bend while forcifully putting the cap back on. Maybe I'm just incompetent with this scooper/bottle combo but by bending the scooper that's the only way I've managed to put it all back together.
Did you put the handle end into the powder and then the actual scoop part at the top? That worked for me .. also you can just cut half of the handle off so it fits.
Hahaha thanks. The damn thing pissed me off... I was struggling to close it... haha I think I lost a serving or at least half a serving trying to get it work. A ziplock bag now rests over it to keep it somewhat protected.
Am I the only one with this issue?
Mine are in pack form. I got a can with 20ish little ziplocks each with one serving.
Did you put the handle end into the powder and then the actual scoop part at the top? That worked for me .. also you can just cut half of the handle off so it fits.
Dude that involved too much thinking haha. That early in the AM I'm just looking to down my supps and head to the gym. I honestly just broke the handle in two. It was pissing me off and I was making a mess every time I was trying to close it or get a serving out. Haha.
Oh well.
Mine are in pack form. I got a can with 20ish little ziplocks each with one serving.
Your Agent O is in a pack? Niiiice. Or did you make your own?
I'll have a few more updates coming soon... Glad to see the Forvm back up and running... I've been keeping my own "log book" on O with my workout journal so yeah I got a few more observations to add.
-Here's a few key observations I've noticed over the past few workouts I've done since the Forvm's been down until today....
Sweat I don't know what's in Agent O that causes me to sweat my ass off... but damn. I'm seriously spending half the day re-applying deodorant, wiping myself off, and trying not to stink. It looks like I've been running marathons some days... It's crazy....
Focus Off the charts. I'm determined and focused every time I step foot in the gym. It's been really intense and this is by far the single most feature I've constantly noticed about Agent O. I really cannot describe it... it's just the "time to put in work" mentality...
Pumps I've noticed I've also gotten better pumps from Agent O. Not sure if its the enhanced mental focus or better mind-muscle connection but whatever it is my pumps have been fuller, harder, and longer lasting (I know that sounds like a Viagra commercial)... whatever the case may be I love it. As Arnold says... "the greatest feeling you can get in the gym is the pump..... it's like coming...."
Endurance/Stamina I've noticed this is one of the more pronounced effects of Agent O. I'm experiencing shorter rest periods and constant movement during my gym sessions. I've been supersetting like crazy and just lifting like a man possessed in there. I love this as I feel I would be crunched for time otherwise. I've been churning out strenous sessions like nothing...
Taste Eh... still nothing major to report taste wise. It's not terrible tasting... does have a hint of citrus/orange to it though.
Strength Though I have increased the weight on my lifts, I don't know how much to credit to Agent O alone or to the hyper/power split that I've started doing. Regardless, I have increased the amount of weights I'm moving on a weekly basis by at least 5 - 10 lbs per lift or I'm getting the same weight for more reps since starting the hyper/power and Agent O. Good stuff.
Your Agent O is in a pack? Niiiice. Or did you make your own?
Came that way. I think they just stuffed the can w/ extra samples from the Olympia.
Came that way. I think they just stuffed the can w/ extra samples from the Olympia.
Nice. I bet it's a bit more convenient that way as well.
-I've been using Agent O pretty steady now with every workout session for the past few weeks.... here's the main points I've noticed....
Strength Week by week I'm slowly gaining strength in every lift... whether I'm doing more reps or adding 5 to 10 lbs on each lift... I'm progressing and really putting in work. Feels very good.
Sweat Whatever's in this stuff has me sweating like a mule constantly. Seriously. Whether I'm in the gym or out of the gym I'm sweating like a whore in church.... This effect is by far one of the most noticeable effects of this product. The sweating continues for several hours post workout and finally begins to subside around 11 AM to Noon (keep in mind I lift at 5 AM).
Focus/Mentality This is another prevelant factor that I've noticed as I've continued taking Agent O. I'm focused and driven in the gym... I can really connect mentality with my mind/muscles and really feel the movements. I'm very motivated to go in there and just destroy some weights. I'll readily admit some days when your lifting at 5 AM you just don't feel good to go mentality in the gym... however I have yet to have this problem while supplementing with O. I've just been on a "DO WORK" mentality... which has resulted in great workouts and killer pumps.
Endurance In addition to the focus, I would also contend that I've been able to run the gauntlet several days in the gym as well thanks to O. My rest periods have been cut in half and I've even been super setting, drop setting, and just lifting like a mad man on some days in there. That's been a HUGE bonus for me.
Though I've noticed a few other things here and there, these four items are the only constants that continue to stand out for me. As the workouts continue and my O sadly begins to run out I'll continue to post whatever else I notice....