View Full Version : Es "O" G double "O" Dee good...
10-08-10, 5:13 pm
So, I come home today and there's a little brown box on my porch... Woo Hoo... It's here!!!!
I am heading down in a bit to train back and bis... It's my first week back since July, so we shall see where this can take me.
Here is my training split. I am going to be taking O primarily on my training days, but would love to throw it in on a cardio day or two ...
Day 1... Chest / Tris
Day 2... Cardio... Abs
Day 3... Back /Bis
Day 4... Cardio... Abs
Day 5... Legs
Day 6... Shoulders... Abs
Day 7... Cardio
If I need a recovery day, I will be taking a rest day on cardio days because I am hitting some type of cardio on training days, just MORE on "off" days....
Will log my session a little later tonight... Bring on the OOOOO........
Mr. Dead
10-08-10, 5:15 pm
In, for this!!!
Hell yeah , lets see what O does here
10-08-10, 6:53 pm
Subbed for this Dee.
So excited, thank you for the opportunity...
__________________________________________________ ________
Down to the last 2 swigs and can feel a little Beta Alanine already.... Woo Hooo... Here we go fellas....
Mr. Dead
10-08-10, 8:54 pm
BTW... Why do I have a craving for KFC, all of a sudden...??? *LOL*
10-08-10, 9:25 pm
BTW... Why do I have a craving for KFC, all of a sudden...??? *LOL*
That commercial comes on every morning during the morning talk show I listen to when I get ready for work... It gets STUCK in my head ALL
10-08-10, 9:35 pm
Let's see... First off, I am used to using much more liquid with my pre-workout drinks, but this the 4-6 oz of water was nice because there wasn't the bloat on the belly. The first thing I noticed was, like I mentioned before, the tingle. As I was heading to the gym it intensified, I coughed and felt it all the way in my
The taste... Let's see, I would describe it as a dried orange peel. Not bitter, but not sweet, orangey but NOT like It's not bad, just not fruity fruity...
The first workout was back and bis...
Did my normal routine
Lat Pulldowns (Wide, narrow, and parallel grips)
Low Rows
Mid Back Machine
One Arm Bent Over Rows
Straight Arm Pressdowns
Alternating standing bi curls
Incline dumbell curls
Preacher Curl on Strive Machine (did not like)
EZ Bar Curls
Hammer Curls
20 minutes of cardio post workout
I was surprised that I was able to do all the volume being that it was my first REAL back session. I feel good, felt the contraction through, and had energy throughout. Could have gone longer, but my meals earlier in the day were not enough to sustain me through the workout.
Anyway, Day 1 down... sOOOOO far, sOOOOO gOOd....
10-08-10, 9:44 pm
Great to see you back, D! Killer first workout too!
congrats on the O Dee and goodluck.....
10-09-10, 1:37 pm
Great to see you back, D! Killer first workout too!
congrats on the O Dee and goodluck.....
Thanks... Glad to be back and especially getting the chance to test the O.... I know the workout that I went through last week, just upper and lower split wasn't much to write home about, so I'm all about seeing what this has to bring!!
I will be training shoulders a little later... More then....
Big Wides
10-09-10, 4:39 pm
There's nothing wrong with Tang, it sends you to the moon
10-09-10, 6:10 pm
There's nothing wrong with Tang, it sends you to the moon
Not hating on the Tang, I used to eat it with a (Now question my
Mixing my O now.... Off for shoulders!!!
10-09-10, 9:01 pm
Cardio Warm up 15 mins treadmill
Bent Over DB Raise
ss. with
Rev. Pec Deck
Seated DB Press
Standing Lateral DB Raise
ss. with
Upright Rows
Seated DB Lateral Raise
Front Raise
Lying Crunches
Post Cardio
20 minutes treadmill
I really like the fact that I am keeping strength and focus through my workout. Went for the burn, got the burn even later in the day. Coming off of a 3 month break, yea my weight is down a bit, but I am able to still work at a decent weight and pace throughout.
So far, so good... I think we are going hiking tomorrow, don't think I am going to use it for that... Who knows, we shall see....
10-12-10, 9:50 pm
Chest and tris....
Stronger than last week, so that's a plus.... I think I may have taken it TOO close to training because I felt the FULL effect toward the end...
I was fueled through the entire workout though, if it was anger OR the O, I'm not sure, but my focus was definitely on my training...
Flat bench warm up
Incline DB press
Pec deck
Incline DB flyes
Tri pressdown (wide and narow grip)
Cable Rope Pressdown
Overhead DB press
Weights all up from last week.... Energy high, focus, and strength throughout... If I had longer, I would have DEFINITELY been able to go longer... I wish I could've stayed, but I need to eat and rest....
Had a grown man up in my face screaming at me DURING a middle school volleyball game AND afterwards. He decided to go down the hall after screaming at me AFTER the game and yell at the lady taking money at the door!!! I'm sure my name is mud all over the place tonight....
Looks like the O is treatin ya good....which is great.
People are assholes......I'm sure if Bodey was there, he wouldn't have said shit!
10-12-10, 11:27 pm
Looks like the O is treatin ya good....which is great.
People are assholes......I'm sure if Bodey was there, he wouldn't have said shit!
I know, he felt bad that he didn't go out... My assistant coach was sick and I told him to go home. There was a high school match AND junior high going at the same time with 2 DIFFERENT schools attending. We only had one AD on duty and there was NO security guard tonight... SOMEONE dropped the ball, and I felt the heat from it....
I don't know if it's the fact that I am so damn competitive that I HATE to lose... I don't WANT to LOSE and maybe I AM wrong, but if YOU had a coach that didn't give to shits about winning, what effort would you show and how hard would you try to win if it didn't make a difference?
10-13-10, 7:16 am
I know, he felt bad that he didn't go out... My assistant coach was sick and I told him to go home. There was a high school match AND junior high going at the same time with 2 DIFFERENT schools attending. We only had one AD on duty and there was NO security guard tonight... SOMEONE dropped the ball, and I felt the heat from it....
I don't know if it's the fact that I am so damn competitive that I HATE to lose... I don't WANT to LOSE and maybe I AM wrong, but if YOU had a coach that didn't give to shits about winning, what effort would you show and how hard would you try to win if it didn't make a difference?
We shall see how this plays out, one of the last things this guy said to me was "I'm going to take this to the Board" (which is our "governing" body) Anyway... Our Super was on the local talk radio station answering a question that was raised about our district "falling to parent involvement in athletics" When a parent calls, are we changing our line ups because someone complained? Well, the Super CLEARLY states THAT does NOT happen within our District....
We shall see....
10-20-10, 10:02 pm
Well, where was I???
The last 2 workouts (shoulders and legs) have been amazing... O taken about 30 minutes prior (I missed the window on the previous workout by taking it TOO close, effects felt FOLLOWING the session....) I have noticed some increased sweating on the past workouts... I naturally lose a lot of water int he summer (WHO DOESN'T AT THE SHOP???) but even at the high school gym, I was sweating like crazy... Not a bad thing at all, just need to make sure I stay hydrated throughout...
I have mixed the O with ummmm... you guessed it... Diet Dew and I love it.... Gives a citrus twist and mixes very well... Remember, I have a STOOPID tolerance to caffeine and stimulants....
10-23-10, 1:51 am
Will be training in the morning with the O!!!! Finished volleyball last night and getting back to a regular training schedule!!! Been training when I can, but will be back on my split Monday....
Overslept 2 HOURS this morning!!! I'm pretty rundown, but all that's about to change...
10-31-10, 10:57 pm
The past couple sessions have been strong... I started taking it along with PUMP and removing the red pill. I have mixed mine with Diet Dew and I like it... I try to put a little more Dew in and it seems to temper the tingles from the Beta alanine... My shoulder workout yesterday was kick ass and I have decided that even though I am not completely done with the "sample" I am definitely adding this to my stack!!!
11-01-10, 9:54 pm
I think I have the RECIPE!!!! I had one helluva workout tonight... I felt STRONG, focused on the push and just kicked my ass.... I did chest and tris and it was probably one of the BEST workouts I have had in months....
What I did different.... I took O and Pump like the last couple sessions, but this time, I waited longer... It was probably an hour before I really got to lift... I didn't feel much of the tingle, but as far as the feel and the strength, I felt MUCH better throughout the workout.... I think that's what I needed to do in the first place, the timing is the key for me, it's the only thing I did differently....
Either way, I'm loving it!!!