View Full Version : Jason G's second go with Agent O

11-10-10, 10:03 pm
Just got my second batch today. Got some powder and 14 days worth of capsules. I tried the powder today. The taste was definitely improved. They did a better job hiding the harsh raws this time. So in other words the flavor was similar but not as bitter if that makes sense. I enjoyed this drink. Mixed it in approximately 5oz of water.

I am currently in the NCO academy in Colorado. I haven't completely acclimated to the elevation and I have mandatory PT. So it kind of sucks having to do cardio before lifting. I'm getting winded pretty quick out here even just lifting so my weights have gone down a bit. I did have a good workout today though. Did shoulders and calves after 40 mins of eliptical. I had a partner and the lifting was pretty fast paced. Got through my routine in about an hour. Same effects as last time. Energy was through the roof. Here's what I did:

Seated smith press 135x15, 185x10, 225x9, 225x5 + 2forced
machine laterals 130x12, 150x10, 170x8, 150x8
reverse pec dec 130x8, 100x10, 100x8, 85x9
db front raises 30x12, 40x8, 35x7, 30x8
bb shrugs 225x12, 315x10, 315x10 (partner wanted to do these, rarely I do them)
leg press calves 250x30, 340x20, 430x18, 430x17
seated calves 165x12, 175x12, 175x11, 165x10
27 sets pretty damn fast.

11-11-10, 3:02 pm
Just took the caps about an hour ago. Didn't hit as fast of course but I'm feeling it now. Feels the same. Going in for an arm session. Will report on how in goes when I come back.

11-11-10, 4:04 pm
Awesome to see you get underway with the caps JG.

11-12-10, 7:08 pm
Didn't have time to update how the arm workout went yesterday. Solid workout despite not feeling completely acclimated to the elevation here. My lifts are coming back up though.

straight bb curls: 45x15,95x10,115x8,126x6 my wrists were screaming on the third set.
db preacher (vertical side): 35x10,40x8,45x8 couple forced reps
cable rope curls: 50x10,70x10,85x8
v bar push downs: 80x18,95x15,115x12,130x8
bb skull crushers: 95x12,115x10,125x7,115x8 haven't done this in awhile
db overhead extensions: 60x12,80x10,100x10,95x10
reverse bb wrist curls: 25x12, 45x8, 35x10 did with ez bar felt awkward
bb wrist curls behind back: 45x15, 95x15, 115x9

took pills well in advance as I pointed out in previous post. Energy lasted through workout.

11-12-10, 7:11 pm
Today just did cardio. Took the pills at 2pm and went to do cardio at 3:30. 45 mins of eliptical. The walk to the gym showed my heart rate was already at 125. They make us wear heart monitors for pt here. Could have been the stress of getting there in time. Had a kick ass cardio session! I was amped! Wanted to go longer but since it's organized I had to stop and do group stretching. No lifting today. Tomorrow is legs.

11-20-10, 11:04 pm
Sorry couldn't get on here everyday. The academy is kicking my ass and taking all my time. I'm done with both the powder and caps. The powder had the same punch and I liked the new taste. I'd give it a 10 now. The caps didn't seem to have that same punch for me unfortunately. I had to do pt after school then I would lift and that sucked big time. I started using shock therapy on those days to get some carbs back in my system after doing cardio. That helped with my strength. Hopefully this product hits the shelf soon!