View Full Version : Nck219 meets agent O 2.0...

11-11-10, 2:31 pm
Still awaiting my package but I figured I'd go ahead and get my log started. Here's a lil rundown on me... I'm 24 years old. 5'10, 208lbs at about 9% bodyfat. I've been cutting for the past 6 weeks, down from about 13%. I train 5-6 days a week with AM cardio 6 days a week.

Day 1- chest
Day 2- back
Day 3- rest
Day 4- shoulders
Day 5-arms
Day 6- legs

Definitely looking forward to some PRs with agent O. I normally don't include weight #s in my log but for comparisons sake I'll be throwing some in there once I get started. I've got shoulders and traps on the menu today, hoping there will be a package waiting for me when I get home.

11-11-10, 4:05 pm
Awesome Nick. Looking forward to seeing how Agent O works for ya.

11-20-10, 6:17 pm
Finally got my agent o in the mail yesterday after some mix ups! I gotta say i was a lil disappointed to see only pills in the container as I am a much bigger fan of powder than pills. About 25 min preworkout I popped 4 pills and emptied the other 3 in my mouth ( comparable to battery acid). Within about half an hour I could feel it comin on strong. I killed my quad workout and had an insane pump from the start. Very potent stuff, and this is coming from a caffiene addict. I'm normally not a fan of takin pills but I loved this shit. Energy, focus, pump; it was all there. Fired up to hit chest with this shit on Monday...

11-21-10, 8:32 am
i like how you opened up a few of the caps to get that instant burst from the powder. good idea.

11-24-10, 10:36 am
I hit back on Monday and chest yesterday evening with my agent O. I took 4 of the pills about 35-40 minutes pre workout, and the other 3 I opened up about 10minutes preworkout. I'm loving this timing schedule. By the time I get there I'm ready to kill some weights and the energy and drive lasts all the way through. I'm feeling stronger on everything, but especially the first exercise. I've been dieting and have been on pretty low carbs for a bit so I'm not necassarily setting PR's but I'm using weights I would use in the offseason. I hit 315x8 on barbell rows and 120sx12 on incline db presses on 150 grams of carbs a day (extremely low for me). The pumps this week haven't been to crazy but I think that's just bc of the lower carbs. Diet ends tomorrow for thanksgiving. Doing legs that morning and then I'm gonna gorge so it's safe to say the pumps should be ridiculous for arms and shoulders.

12-04-10, 11:56 pm
Another week of training with Agent O. Still loving this stuff. Tried taking it without opening up the caps last week. It definitely doesn't hit your system as fast, but about 40-45 min preworkout worked well. I felt strong as hell and lots of focus and energy all week. Work was pretty tough and stressful this week so I was pleased with the extra energy. Hit a PR on flat DB presses on Tuesday with 130s x 10 reps and matched a pr on close grip bench that I haven't gotten close to in quite awhile. I work outside and it's been very cold here this week. I've felt like shit everyday after work, pop my agent O, and once I get started I'm ready to rock and roll. Extremely pumped for this stuff to hit the market.

12-05-10, 2:21 am
Sounds like it works well for ya man. I too opened 3 caps up but i just poured em' into my shock therapy mix.