View Full Version : Round 2...going 5-3-1

11-12-10, 9:52 am
So, round 2 started on Tuesday. Got the powder and I do like the changes in the taste. Effectiveness has NOT diminished in the slightest!! I have changed my routine to a 5-3-1 with the boring but big assistance approach. Guess we will find out how this goes!

11-12-10, 10:03 am
Awesome machineman. Do you prefer the taste of the new powder vs. the old one? What would you say is the difference?

11-12-10, 10:22 am

11-12-10, 11:24 am
Subbed for the ride bro!

11-12-10, 1:05 pm
Awesome machineman. Do you prefer the taste of the new powder vs. the old one? What would you say is the difference?

The taste of the old powder wasn't that bad! This new one, thought is a bit easier as I just toss the scoop in my mouth and have a drink of water. It is not as harsh as the old one, so that is good. I love the intensity this product provides. It does not go well when my workouts get interupted for whiney kids, though!

11-12-10, 1:06 pm

Subbed for the ride bro!

Thanks, fellas. Going to be a real treat hittin up this new routine with some go-get'em juice!