View Full Version : Beach's Clockwork Agent Orange
First off, Wanted to say and express extreme and sincere thanks for the Guys at Animal allowing me to alpha test Agent O, its a huge honour and a responsibility. Animal has created a supplement prototype which in the end may have a great effect on the quality of our workouts, and in the end our muscular gains, so I see this not only as a huge honour, but a responsibility to log/cover all aspects to best help the guys create a finished product that is killer
In my log, I will cover the following --(1) energy, (2) focus, (3) intensity, (4) performance, (5) fatigue, (6) strength, (7) duration of effects, (8) weight on any exercises, and (8) any personal records if you hit them (9) any other affects or thoughts on the product.
Background - I have been lifting/bodybuilding naturally for the better part of 17 years, and have done several contests over the past 10 years or so. I have not competed in 2 years due to a few injuries, but am currently looking towards next april/may to step on stage again.
Current Weight - 183 lbs, down 13 lbs since the start of September, I have been dieting since then with the goal of getting into contest shape very slowly for next year. I have a very slow metabolism and it takes a long time for me to get into contest shape. As well, by starting this far out my coach has ample time to learn my metabolism and body, and i hope to be well ahead of schedule when contest time comes
Current diet breakdown - daily macros - Protein 210 grams, Carbs 235 grams, Fats 55 grams
Current split - I train everything TWICE a week
mon - Cardio only day
tues - chest n back high rep session
wed - legs high rep session
thursday - shoulders n arms high rep session
friday - cardio only day
sat - Upper body power day
Sunday - Leg power day
I train in a variety of rep ranges, percentages and weights, with my major heavier lifts done on weekends. I will be able to log how Agent O affects my more high endurance high rep weekly workouts and mky low rep power sessions. Agent O say hello to lotsa Volume!
Current supplement protocol - Animal Pak and Jointment Sport, along with 2 g Beta alanine with my breakfast.
- Every 2 hours between meals i take in 5 grams of BCAAS, or UniLiver Pills, Beach is a big believer in aminos
-Preworkout - i have tried every preworkout supp out there, most are loaded with sugars n salts that i found bloated me, left me gassy and running to the bathroom. As well, with all the arginine and sodium the products contained, i found that i was getting huge pumps, but my actual weights werent increasing. I researched the products and have been making my own preworkout concoction to eliminate the unwanted side affects, whats worked best for me over the past 2 yrs has been - 2 g beta alanine, 1 g citrulline, 5 g BCAAS, and 200-400 mg caffeine, while this has worked, it has tasted like ASS. But its worked so i have stuck with it -- In its place I will use AGENT O and see how it stacks up
Post workout - immediately post i take in a Universal Trio of the basics Beta ALa9, ALA and basic Creatine, along with 10 g BCAAS. 40 min- 1 hr later i have a whole food meal. I will continue this protocol.
I will be running this log with the powdered batch i received in the mail and let everyone know how it goes, My first workout with Agent O will be tomorrow
Feel free to ask any questions, sorry for the long read guys
11-14-10, 12:48 am
I'm In.
Knowing you as well as I do, I’ll mention that your attention to detail is a rare & refreshing find which makes this Agent O experiment on you that much more interesting to follow. I couldn’t have requested a better counterpart from our Nation to try this out with - I look forward to checking in.
11-14-10, 9:38 am
Hell yah for this man...u get yours yet?
Hi Guys, I have a two week supply of the powder and ran it for my leg power session tonite
I ate my preworkout meal as per usual, and waited an hour.
Drank 1 scoop of Agent O 20 minutes preworkout in 8 ounces of water. I know its suggested in 4-6, but i am going to play around with it since there have been some complaints on taste, I am also going to play around with the timing of the supplement to find the best timing protocol and mixture protocol.
In 8 ounces of water, i found it to be enjoyable, i liked it, i have seen a lot of complaints in other logs, but i enjoyed the taste, its a bit tart, but if anyones used pure citrulline before, they know how bitter it can be. I also enjoyed how light the supplement was in my stomach, most preworkout mixes these days are a bit heavier and cause me to stop off at the bathroom beforehand, this did not, so thats a def. plus.
Tonites leg power session
Squats 4 sets of 5
Hacks 3 sets of 10 10 8
Leg ext. 3 sets of 8-10
SLDL 4 sets of 5
GHRs 2 sets of 12 and 15
calf raise standing 2 sets of 8
seated raises 3 sets of 8 8 6
cable crunch 5 sets of 10-15
planks 3 sets of 1 min
followed by 20 min foam rolling and stretching
Thoughts so Far:
--(1) energy - it was good, and very even flowed, as compared to taking straight 400 mg of caffeine, i found energy was even and flowed well into my session. Normally taking caffeine, within 10 minutes i am bouncing off the walls and do have trouble focusing on the routine and sticking to whats planned. No problems with Agent O, i did find a bit of a drop off 3/4s through my workout though, so I would go with a 7 out of 10
(2) focus - best part of the supp after day 1, i was totally into my routine and very determined to hammer through, one of the best preworkouts as it gave energy, but not bounce of the walls type of energy, 9 out of 10
(3) intensity - I dont care for doing Legs that much, its always tough to get into, but once i do its like a sickness and i start to love it, O definitely helped out, once Back in Black came on in the IPod as i was warming up, shit was on, 9 out of 10
(4) performance - cannot complain one bit, i really liked how light the product was in my stomach and i did not feel any sluggish effects at all in comparison to other products and my own mixes attimes, 8 out of 10
, (5) fatigue - i would rate it so so, a 7 out of 10, about 3/4 of the way through the workout i felt a little fatigue set in.
(6) strength - No overall change on my lower rep sets noticed, but on sets of 10 reps where i normally stall out on GHRS, calf raises and hack squats, i did feel like i could keep going, i believe the product greatly helped with the higheer rep set endurance which will in time provide greater strength
(7) duration of effects - i noticed an energy dip about 3/4 through my workout, which was about 50 minutes in. After training i had my post workout shake, and an hour later had a meal, and have found that since i have taken in some food, my hunger has subsided and i honestly feel great, like i could train again right now, no muscle soreness or effects of being tired.
(8) weight on any exercises - no huge changes, but endurance on my higher rep sets went up
,(8) any personal records if you hit them - No Prs hit, yet.
(9) any other affects or thoughts on the product. - Where to start, about half way through the workout, i felt reallly hungry and this continued throughout the workout. As well, i sweat a crazy amount, something in O has jacked my metabolism a bit leading to the increase in hunger and sweating.
I had my postworkout shake, and meal and right now i feel very good, not tired or rundown as i usually am, and feel like i could train again - Very good stuff.
Day 1 in the books, very good results
11-16-10, 10:16 pm
Tonites sessions
Chest n back hypertrophy session
pendalay rows 3 speed sets of 10
cable rrows 2sets of 15 and 12, 1 sets of 12+4, 1 set of 10+4
rack chins 12, then 12+4 and 11+4
weighted hangs 1 minute
inc. bench 3 speed sets of 10
hammer inc. press 12, 12, then 12+4 and 12+4
inc. flys 15, 12+4 and 15+4
weighted stretch 1 min
2nd day using Agent O, extremely good results
foam rolling and stretching and done
Used only 4 ounces of water and noticed the taste to be more potent, stronger, but of course it wasnt as diluted as in 8 ounces of water, i guess it all depends on your taste buds. Today i ate my preworkout meal 1.5 hours before training, and drank Agent O 10 minutes before my session
It hit me alot harder today, with more time inbetween my preworkout meal, and less water mixed in, i had the beta alanine tingles in my face and hands right at the start of my session (10 min after drinking it)
i again noticed increased sweating and hunger, and was very thirsty, i would say i drank at least 1 litre more water during my session today than the other day.
There was no drop off in energy at all tonite, and its been 3 hrs since my workout and i still feel a nice, calm flow of positive energy and strength, no jitters or bouncing off the wall but i feel very good
Thoughts so Far:
--(1) energy - it was good, definitely say a 10 outta 10 tonite, still feel energized now, and after eating my postworkout meal, i feel as if i could train again, extremely good
(2) focus - best part of the supp again after day 2 , i was totally into my routine and very determined to hammer through, one of the best preworkouts as it gave energy, but not bounce of the walls type of energy, 9 out of 10
(3) intensity - it brought it tonite, i definitely feel that taking it on an emptier stomach has more benefits, and taking it very close to working out seems to work best so far
(4) performance - Amazing, worked far better on my higher rep sets and my 5 second negatives on my plus 4 sets. Works better so far during my hypertrophy sets than my low rep power sets
, (5) fatigue -12 out of 10 tonite, not tired at all, had amazing endurance during my sets and was able to hammer out a tonne of negatives as well
(6) strength - No huge noticeable increase, although i could feel tingles throughout the body when i get deep into my sets, the amount of energy it provided throughout my sets was extremely good
(7) duration of effects - a couple hours later and still jacked up, it seems to heighten or run a second wind after my postworkout meal, anyone else notice this?
(8) weight on any exercises - no huge changes, but endurance on my higher rep sets went up
,(8) any personal records if you hit them - No Prs hit, yet.
(9) any other affects or thoughts on the product. - increased hunger and thirst, decreased rest time between sets, sweating a lot more, more tingles throughout the body when taken on an emptier stomach,
very light when consumed - no indigestion or stomach pains, no irritability at all
still extremely energized, i seem to get a second wind now when i eat my postworkout meal an hour after my session
Day 2 in the books, i will keep playing a round and note everything
11-17-10, 8:39 am
good stuff in here man...workouts look good, cant wait to try this stuff.
11-17-10, 11:19 pm
Consumed O 2 hours after a preworkout meal, and almost immediately before working out. Had a great session again, the emptier the stomach and the closer to your workout you take it, the better the effect. I mixed it in 3 ounces of water, noticed the taste was thicker and stronger, but i still enjoyed it, for those that dont i would say use 10 ounces of water. Very light product though no stomach irratibility or indigestion
Leg high rep hypertrophy session
squats 3 sets of 10 speed reps
zercher squats 3 sets 12 10 10
Power squat machine 12, 12+4 and 12+3
extensions 15+4, 12+4, 12 last set superset with 10 sissy squats
lunges - 1 giant set across the gym floor
SLDL 3 speed sets of 10
Ham curls 15+4, 12+4, 12+4
standing calf raise 12+4, 12+4, 12+4
seated raises 2 sets of 15
crunches 4 sets of 10
praying crunches 3 sets of 10
hanging leg raise 4 sets of 8-10
2 vacuums
stretching and foam rolling
As u can see, tonnes of volume tonite, i actually added in sets Agent O is really working well
simple notes:
--(1) energy - still feel energized now 4 hours later, and after eating my postworkout meal, i feel as if i could train again, extremely good
(2) focus - on point
(3) intensity - it brought it tonite, i definitely feel that taking it on an emptier stomach has more benefits, and taking it very close to working out seems to work best so far, After 3 workouts I will always wait at least 1.5 hrs from preworkout to taking Agent O the sup works best on an emptier stomach and after drinking O the effects come quickly, all 3 days at around 10-15 min
(4) performance - Amazing, worked far better on my higher rep sets and my 5 second negatives on my plus 4 sets. Works better so far during my hypertrophy sets than my low rep power sets
, (5) fatigue -amazing endurance again, no fatigue
(6) strength - No huge noticeable increase, although i could feel tingles throughout the body when i get deep into my sets, the amount of energy it provided throughout my sets was extremely good
(7) duration of effects - again still jacked after a couple hours
(8) weight on any exercises - no huge changes, but endurance on my higher rep sets went up, and more sets were put in, rest time decreased by quite a bit
,(8) any personal records if you hit them - No Prs hit, yet.
(9) any other affects or thoughts on the product. - A new effect i have noticed is no DOMS or pain the next day or after working out. I have needed less sleep while using the product, and yet feel amazingly well rested when i wake up, every morning i have felt great, I am very impressed with O so far. Still the same effects of increased hunger and thirst, decreased rest time between sets, sweating a lot more, more tingles throughout the body when taken on an emptier stomach,
very light when consumed - no indigestion or stomach pains, no irritability at all
still extremely energized, i seem to get a second wind now when i eat my postworkout meal an hour after my session
Wow, what to say, I really love this product, i do not have much to complain about at all.
I played around with the dosage and timing, and actually used a double dose on my Sunday session, i took one dosage upon waking in the morning, and then ate about 20 minutes after that. Later in the day, 8 hrs after the morning shot, I drank another dose preworkout and had one of the best leg sessions of my life, i could have lifted all nite if i had to, not only did i train for a solid 2 hours on each of my saturday and sunday workouts, but after legs on Sunday I shovelled snow for another 2 hours, and my driveway, yard and road have never been so clean in the winter time!
Heres my Weekend Sessions
Saturday - upper power
pendalay rows 3 sets of 5
machine rows 3 sets of 10 8 8
shrugs 10, 8
inc. bench press 3 sets of 5
flat flys 4 sets of 10
face pulls 12 10 10
reverse shoulder presses 3 sets of 5
barbell curls 3 sets of 8 6 8
skulls 15, 8, 6 and 8
Sunday - Leg Power
squats 3 sets of 5
hacks 3 sets of 8 6 6
leg ext. 2 sets of 10
SLDL 3 sets of 5
GHRs 3 sets of 15 10 7
standing calf raise 2 sets of 8
Seated raises 8, 6 and 8
cable crunches 5 sets 10-15
If i could afford to when it comes out, i would take the supplement twice daily, it produced great results, no PRs but I upped the weight in all exercises over both sessions, and i found that deeper into the sets i could always pound out more reps, the product really works well with higher rep range sets. I also supplemented with 5 grams of BCAAS during my workout and this helped with the hunger issues I have been having while on O part way through the workout
If anything, the only negative i have is that coming down off the product the very next day, i get a headache once in awhile, but that is usually do to caffeine intake, as i cycle my caffeine and have days during the week where i don't take in caffeine, these days i have headaches but it makes using caffeine for my workouts much more effective the next day.
I have been mixing O the past 2 days with 10 ounces of water, and find its still light in my stomach and i enjoy the taste more with more water. The product makes u sweat like a mad man!!!!
One more good side affect, since using O, nothing in my diet or training protocol has changed, and i have actually dropped 2 lbs this week, down to 181 lbs
thats all for now
12-03-10, 10:57 am
Here is my final report on AGENT O, the powdered version, I was posting after every workout, but then i decided to switch things up and vary the way i used the product and for which workouts I used it for
MY findings
- Tastes best in 8-10 ounces of water, if you like the taste, and i really do (i actually prefer it to Citrus Shock) you can use it in 6 ounces, i recommend a little more water because a lot of guys on here have been whining about the taste - they should try taking BCAAs bland and Citrulline, this is heaven compared to that combo!!!!! And what more does everyone want - the Product Works thats the main thing!!
Application - Product worked best when taken 15 minutes before a session, it works and sets in extremely quickly, I wouldnt mind a little more beta alanine in it to notice the tingling effect more, but very quick acting and good. I would recommend eating a preworkout meal at least 1 to 1.5 even 2 hours before using the product, so space meals accordingly and the product will work well.
Also, while using it, it increased my metabolism, my hunger and the amount I would sweat during a session, so i would recommend consuming at least 2 extra litres of water per workout to combat this, and I noticed that taking BCAAs during a workout helped with the hunger and improved the session even more, so an Intra Aid product or Universals new Atomic 7 would definitely be my new workout combo!!!!!! My endurance and strength, even though dieting and down 20 lbs are through the rough!!
Another recommendation - if i had the cash, when the product is released, i would take one serving in the morning, and then one serving preworkout on my workout days - excellent product and beta alanine and citrulline, its main ingredients, can be supplemented several times throughout the day, the days where i tried it twice and kept all other protocols the same, my workout results were the best
Thoughts On Run 1 of AGENT O powder:
--(1) energy - it was good, I would say an 8 out of 10, it lacked that jittery psycho blast of preworkout products past, which i enjoy, but i know it was a very even amount of energy that lasted throguhout with no crash whatsoever like other products have.
(2) focus - best part of the supplement, very focused 10 out of 10
(3) intensity - 7 out of 10, wouldnt mind some of the jitters and a bit more intensity off of the product but this would combat the evenflow of energy, so you win some and lose some you can't have it all
(4) performance - Amazing, worked far better on my higher rep sets and endurance/speed work, as well for supersets and any intesity techniques the beta alanine tingles were there and i never overly felt tired, the prduct really came through, definite 9 out of 10
, (5) fatigue -9 out of 10 tonite, i always felt great with the product, never an offsession or batch, and i could always count on it to pick me up, i found that i could stay energized for a good 4 to 6 hours on the product and that it worked synergistically well with BCAAs and the complex carbs in my diet, after my postworkout oatmeal, i always had a second wind of energy
(6) strength - No huge noticeable increase but slight increases throughout my workouts, decreased set rest times, a higher capacity to handle more volume and supersets etc., i could feel slight tingles throughout the body when i get deep into my sets, the amount of energy it provided throughout my sets was extremely good
(7) duration of effects - a couple hours later and still jacked up, it seems to heighten or run a second wind after my postworkout meal, anyone else notice this? I really enjoyed this fact, i was never drained after a session and it decreased DOMS the next day, usually leg sessions hit me 2 days later, but while using AGent O I felt like i could train legs 3 or 4 times a week, i felt really good
(8) weight on any exercises - no huge changes, but endurance on my sets has increased to the point where i get extra reps on my sets, rest time between sets has decreased, i felt like i could always take on more workload
,(8) any personal records if you hit them - No Prs hit
(9) any other affects or thoughts on the product. - increased hunger and thirst, decreased rest time between sets, sweating a lot more, more tingles throughout the body when taken on an emptier stomach,
very light when consumed - no indigestion or stomach pains, no irritability at all, best product i have ever used for preworkout, no feelings of having to go to the bathroom or anything
10-20 min after consuming you feel refreshed and extremely energized, and i seem to get a second wind now when i eat my postworkout meal an hour after my session which helped with all the snow shovelling i have been having to do
As well during the use of the product I have been dieting, my weight lifting numbers have not dropped, i have increased my carbs daily and have actually lost 3 lbs - Eating more and losing weight is the Holy Grail, definitely Win Win
Final note: love the product, the results and the taste, maybe use a little more Beta alanine, but i wouldnt change a thing. I cant wait till its released in Canada and would prefer the powder version, not a pill fan for preworkout, i just have the psychological need to drink something!
Plan of ATTACK: Run 1 to 2 servings of Agent O on workout days, and use either IntraAId or most likely Atomic 7 during my workout
Thank you once again to the guys at Animal/Universal for allowing me the opportunity and priveledge to beta test this product, its a definite winner and you boys need to get this stuff to market ASAP - maybe at the Arnold?
12-03-10, 12:28 pm
Nice review Beachy. I’ve gotten confirmation…your second round of O (powders and pill) are on their way to you shortly. Enjoy brother!