View Full Version : What lifters would ya'll like to see?
Universal Rep
12-01-11, 3:05 pm
Can be powerlifters from the past or brand new faces... Let's take stock of The CAGE.
12-01-11, 4:37 pm
Sam Byrd. Dude is a freak.
Mr. Dead
12-01-11, 4:42 pm
The Seattle Crew (HIGA MONSTER, Seath308, and Big Ben) and SGT Rock...
The Seattle Crew (HIGA MONSTER, Seath308, and Big Ben) and SGT Rock...
12-01-11, 4:45 pm
Would love to see:
Richard Hawthorne
Stan Efferding
Sam Byrd
Hoss Cartwright
Tiny Meeker
Big D
Big Ben
Sgt Rock
Some possible matchups that have been brewing for awhile:
Higa vs Seath
NG vs J-Dawg
All the above!
NG vs J-Dawg is a must!
Mr. Dead
12-02-11, 11:48 am
A lot of great names, mentioned in here...!!!
Universal Rep
12-02-11, 11:52 am
Any new names?
Any new names?
Universal athlete-wise or anyone in general?
Big Wides
12-02-11, 12:53 pm
Powerswitch and Kathy Fields
Skiba's Crew
Seattle Animal Crew
Universal Rep
12-02-11, 1:00 pm
Universal athlete-wise or anyone in general?
Anyone who hasn't lifted in the CAGE before, ever...
12-02-11, 1:30 pm
Anyone who hasn't lifted in the CAGE before, ever...
NG vs J-Dawg :-)
12-02-11, 1:30 pm
Powerswitch and Kathy Fields
Skiba's Crew
Seattle Animal Crew
Poundstone would be awesome
Universal Rep
12-02-11, 1:34 pm
Poundstone would be awesome
Haha, just messin'. Not a bad suggestion...
Mr. Dead
12-02-11, 1:35 pm
Haha, just messin'. Not a bad suggestion...
Sad... Only because you beat me to it... *LOL*
Mr. Dead
12-02-11, 1:36 pm
Alison McWeeny...
Universal Rep
12-02-11, 1:36 pm
Alison McWeeny...
Pics or vids or the inspiration didn't happen...
Universal Rep
12-02-11, 1:37 pm
Sad... Only because you beat me to it... *LOL*
Ya gotta wake up pretty early in the mornin' to get one over old U-Rep...
Mr. Dead
12-02-11, 1:42 pm
Pics or vids or the inspiration didn't happen...
Universal Rep
12-02-11, 1:43 pm
Oh dang. That IS inspirational...
Mr. Dead
12-02-11, 1:46 pm
Oh dang. That IS inspirational...
Yep... And a heck of a nice girl with an attitude beyond words...
12-02-11, 3:11 pm
The U Crew- myself, G Disel, Aggression, C. Coronato, J-Dawg, and NG
12-02-11, 5:56 pm
Powerswitch and Kathy Fields
Skiba's Crew
Seattle Animal Crew
Poundstone would be awesome
Poudstone will be competing in the Arnold Strongman contest that weekend, so I don't think it could happen.
Alison McWeeny...
Oh dang. That IS inspirational...
I am actually seeing her at my Powerlifting contest tomorrow. Its at her alma mater, Fife High School.
She competed in this meet last year. Here is a video of her deadlifting:
And when she came to the Warehouse to workout with us for her first Strongman workout since the accident:
Saved to my phone, specifically for a chap at my gym, typical bicep boy in so much that he wants mass but trains biceps & chest for 2 hours a day, 3 - 4 times a week.
I tell him to train legs, he always says he can't cos his job means standing up for 8 hour shifts, & he has "sore knees" as a result...
...Said chap is getting shown this picture in the very near future...
Brick By Brick
12-02-11, 7:43 pm
Have to throw in a vote for myself.
Big Byrd
12-04-11, 2:45 pm
Sam Byrd. Dude is a freak.
Thats what she said! haha
Thanks C. Finally got some consistent training and momentum built; Arnold expo is gonna be off the charts!
Big Byrd
12-04-11, 2:48 pm
Anyone who hasn't lifted in the CAGE before, ever...
oh let me give this some thought! There are plenty of "no-names" out there who are about to make some big noise. Ill get back to this one
Big Byrd
12-04-11, 2:48 pm
Poundstone would be awesome
Poundstone is with MHP. Prolly wont happen
12-04-11, 3:20 pm
BIG D is my Boy I would love to see him take on Eric in a Raw Deadlift Competition!!!
Big Byrd
12-04-11, 3:32 pm
BIG D is my Boy I would love to see him take on Eric in a Raw Deadlift Competition!!!
lilliebridge would be stout.
Brandon cass just pulled a raw 848 at 220 but he is w MHP i believe.
Candian lifter Jay Nera is a force in PL at 220 (1901 raw no knee wrap total ranked #1 in North America at 220). Has an olympic weightlifting background and was a member of the Canadian national bobsled team.
He beat me at the Raw Unity Meet last year and we will be goin at it head to head again in Jan.
Would like to see Big Mike Van Wyck!
12-10-11, 11:50 pm
Any new names?
Universal athlete-wise or anyone in general?
Anyone who hasn't lifted in the CAGE before, ever...
Nix0r, I'm calling you out. Squatting 315 for the Cage itself if the powers that be will allow it. A Chi-town showdown, if you will. You in?
Nix0r, I'm calling you out. Squatting 315 for the Cage itself if the powers that be will allow it. A Chi-town showdown, if you will. You in?
Chi-town. Brodown. Showdown.
12-11-11, 12:35 am
Chi-town. Brodown. Showdown.
Hell yeah.
Would like to see someone go for Tom Platz 500lbs for 23!
been said in here before but im gonna vote again for lilliebridge
dudes fucking nuts
12-11-11, 11:59 am
Would like to see Big Mike Van Wyck!
I would to see everyone & run hrt with mike van wyke! Also, roll with all animals to tear ohio up!
12-12-11, 12:06 am
Would like to see someone go for Tom Platz 500lbs for 23!
This is a great idea. What an honor if someone does this.
Would like to see someone go for Tom Platz 500lbs for 23!
Pretty sure Carrnage can do this.
At least he will say he can!
12-12-11, 2:12 pm
If this is done the Reps will have to be ATG! NO HIGH SQUATS! If we have someone Beat Tom with high Squats that will be very Negative for Animal.
Maybe not to do a lift...but it would be great just to see MACHINE back in the Cage like old times...
This guy wouldn't even have to put on a show his presence would be inspiring enough.
If this is done the Reps will have to be ATG! NO HIGH SQUATS! If we have someone Beat Tom with high Squats that will be very Negative for Animal. Seath, I agree, would not want it any other way. Tom always went deep for his squats.
12-12-11, 11:58 pm
If this is done the Reps will have to be ATG! NO HIGH SQUATS! If we have someone Beat Tom with high Squats that will be very Negative for Animal.
Seath, I agree, would not want it any other way. Tom always went deep for his squats.
No bullshit. Ass to grass the way Platz did it. If not, your wasting the Cage's time.
12-15-11, 7:28 pm
Would love to see:
NG vs J-Dawg
All the above!
NG vs J-Dawg is a must!
NG vs J-Dawg :-)
We have been flirting with this for several years but honestly J and I are not in the same league as these guys, maybe in a Pros vs Bros event
Alison McWeeny...
Truly inspirational
Not a lift off, but I would love to see Higa and Seath diet down and have a pose down. Animal could also install a pole and seath could do his pole dance routine for donations to a charity...
12-15-11, 11:27 pm
Not a lift off, but I would love to see Higa and Seath diet down and have a pose down. Animal could also install a pole and seath could do his pole dance routine for donations to a charity...
Well I think we have a WINNER!! LOL
12-15-11, 11:40 pm
Not a lift off, but I would love to see Higa and Seath diet down and have a pose down. Animal could also install a pole and seath could do his pole dance routine for donations to a charity...
Well I think we have a WINNER!! LOL
I concede the win to Seath. He can have the glory...for all his glory hole.
Back To Basics
12-17-11, 11:03 pm
Would like to see someone go for Tom Platz 500lbs for 23!
Hell yeah, that would be crazy.
12-21-11, 2:51 am
A guy I want to see in the cage is Justin Randal!!! I saw him rep 405 on bench 7 times at a body weight of 250ish and that was a bad day! He is on bad mofo! He would fit in perfectly in the cage and I know he would draw a crowd!!!
Big Byrd
12-23-11, 3:23 pm
was that before or after the purple pec?
12-24-11, 2:40 pm
was that before or after the purple pec?
Yeah that was after his purple moob he did it at a ABC in october. Before his pec tear his best was 10or 11
Big Byrd
12-27-11, 9:27 am
I would like to see the guy from do a session on prehab/rehab for common injuries and immobilities.
P Diesel
12-28-11, 12:22 am
HIGA, Seath, Byrd, Hawthorne, Big D
Back To Basics
12-28-11, 4:50 am
I would like to see the guy from do a session on prehab/rehab for common injuries and immobilities.
YES, THIS is very important and a lot of times overlooked by people.
HIGA, Seath, Byrd, Hawthorne, Big D
Dont forget that guy PDiesel!
Mr. Dead
12-28-11, 11:08 am
Alison McWeeny...
Pure inspiration...
P Diesel
12-28-11, 12:39 pm
Dont forget that guy PDiesel!
GUNS, what up bro. ur too kind. u gna b there homey?
P Diesel
12-28-11, 12:42 pm
Alison McWeeny...
Pure inspiration...
Alison McWeeny gets my vote for sure. i dnt need many words for this one. all the sudden our struggles pale in comparison. im not often inspired by others but WOW, lets get her out there.
GUNS, what up bro. ur too kind. u gna b there homey?
I don't think so. As of right now. I have about 8=9 months left on deployment. I think Im gonna plan for Vegas though.
12-30-11, 12:35 pm
HIGA, Seath, Byrd, Hawthorne, Big D
Hey Seath,
You notice that P Diesel listed my name first?
YOU BETTER RECOGNIZE MOTHER FUCKA! Bow to a ganstah when you see one Seath308. That includes bowing to P Diesel because he drinks water outta the men's bathroom for his Atomic 7.
12-30-11, 1:58 pm
Anyone interested in seeing some world record holders in the bench from Westside lift in The Cage?
Solid Dreams
12-30-11, 2:01 pm
Anyone interested in seeing some world record holders in the bench from Westside lift in The Cage?
Yah, is Tiny gonna be at the Cage this year?
12-30-11, 2:04 pm
Yah, is Tiny gonna be at the Cage this year?
I think so
Big Byrd
12-30-11, 5:36 pm
Anyone interested in seeing some world record holders in the bench from Westside lift in The Cage?
which world record benchers are at westside?
Agree about Alison McWeeny , respect to girl
Would like to see also Stan Rhino Efferding and Big Byrd
If he is in the states and can get to the event, I would love to see Higamonsters Friend and world class powerlifter Tony Harris lift, I think he could be an incredible motivator/influence for Higa and the 2 Bens to push/pull/squat more weight. He will also interest/motivate all over 40 lifters inside and outside of the cage.
Kill i oughtta
01-02-12, 2:24 pm
Byrd and Stan Efferding
01-04-12, 12:15 am
If he is in the states and can get to the event, I would love to see Higamonsters Friend and world class powerlifter Tony Harris lift, I think he could be an incredible motivator/influence for Higa and the 2 Bens to push/pull/squat more weight. He will also interest/motivate all over 40 lifters inside and outside of the cage.
This will not happen.
Tony is in Kuwait for a year deployment. He and his crew are breaking down the USA equipment for the troops pullout of Iraq.
This will not happen.
Tony is in Kuwait for a year deployment. He and his crew are breaking down the USA equipment for the troops pullout of Iraq.
Shit! I had no idea, I hope he is safe.
Kuwait is safe. Higa, you know what base he is at? Can PM me if you dont want to post it. My training partner is headed over there for a month. Would be cool to hook him up.
Kuwait is safe. Higa, you know what base he is at? Can PM me if you dont want to post it. My training partner is headed over there for a month. Would be cool to hook him up.
good to hear. If Higa hooks it up your partner should definitely seize the opportunity, Tony Harris is an awesome guy, and strong as fuck!
01-04-12, 1:12 pm
Kuwait is safe. Higa, you know what base he is at? Can PM me if you dont want to post it. My training partner is headed over there for a month. Would be cool to hook him up.
good to hear. If Higa hooks it up your partner should definitely seize the opportunity, Tony Harris is an awesome guy, and strong as fuck!
I have no idea what base he is at. They kept that on the down low.
Email access is limited for him too. He's one of the top officers in charge of a boat that hauls equipment for the military. You can fit the fuselage of a plane on the deck of this boat.
01-05-12, 8:17 pm
Would love to see:
Richard Hawthorne
Stan Efferding
Sam Byrd
Hoss Cartwright
Tiny Meeker
Big D
Big Ben
Sgt Rock
Some possible matchups that have been brewing for awhile:
Higa vs Seath
NG vs J-Dawg
Thanks you for the post.
watch free movies online (
Big Byrd
01-07-12, 8:27 pm
Thanks you for the post.
watch free movies online (
how does someone get banned after just 1 post?
Solid Dreams
01-07-12, 8:39 pm
how does someone get banned after just 1 post?
Spam bot, quoted someone with a link to a movie download site in its sig.
01-15-12, 10:04 pm
i am hoping for a chance to meet rhino. also plan on meeting wedge and machineman from TEAM TAXATION.
Mr. Dead
01-17-12, 2:37 pm
i am hoping for a chance to meet rhino. also plan on meeting wedge and machineman from TEAM TAXATION.
G Diesel
01-17-12, 2:43 pm
If we have someone Beat Tom with high Squats that will be very Negative for Animal.
The brand may never recover. Haha.
Maybe not to do a lift...but it would be great just to see MACHINE back in the Cage like old times...
This guy wouldn't even have to put on a show his presence would be inspiring enough.
Word. Machine is an Animal ICON.
Hey Seath,
That includes bowing to P Diesel because he drinks water outta the men's bathroom for his Atomic 7.
Truth. That shit was gangsta.
Peace, G
P Diesel
01-19-12, 12:54 am
[QUOTE=G Diesel
Truth. That shit was gangsta.
Peace, G[/QUOTE]
hahahaha, HIGA will never let me live that down ... if u thought that was gangsta just wait for Columbus