View Full Version : What makes the CAGE different than other "booths"?
Universal Rep
12-12-11, 9:14 am
So if you've ever seen or been to the CAGE, what makes it dif than any other supp company booth you've been to? What makes the Animal experience, well, Animal?
I'm readin' the experience of folks who were Interns in a past CAGE and it really speaks volumes. So that's one diff ain't it? What other supp welcomes consumers and fans into fold and allows 'em to work alongside the staff and athletes? What other company treats its fans as equals?
12-12-11, 9:25 am
What other supp welcomes consumers and fans into fold and allows 'em to work alongside the staff and athletes? What other company treats its fans as equals?
This is the main difference. At other booths, fans form a line that wraps around the expo just to be pushed through to the athlete for a quick handshake and a picture and you're on your way. It happens so fast, you can't even appreciate it. With THE CAGE, you can walk in and shoot the shit with your favorite athlete for a few minutes. You can spit about training, diet, supplementation, or just general bullshit. And then you can stick around to feel the raw power and electricity that is generated by the awesome lifting exhibitions on a daily basis. The CAGE gives off a feeling that is unmatched and indescribable to those who are not in attendance.
Universal Rep
12-12-11, 9:27 am
This is the main difference. At other booths, fans form a line that wraps around the expo just to be pushed through to the athlete for a quick handshake and a picture and you're on your way. It happens so fast, you can't even appreciate it. With THE CAGE, you can walk in and shoot the shit with your favorite athlete for a few minutes. You can spit about training, diet, supplementation, or just general bullshit. And then you can stick around to feel the raw power and electricity that is generated by the awesome lifting exhibitions on a daily basis. The CAGE gives off a feeling that is unmatched and indescribable to those who are not in attendance.
Agreed. Same idea of equality I think... The athletes are there hangin' out in the CAGE and with the fans... They're not up on some "pedestal"...
Mr. Dead
12-12-11, 9:36 am
Simply put... It's like going to see good family...
12-12-11, 9:38 am
This is the main difference. At other booths, fans form a line that wraps around the expo just to be pushed through to the athlete for a quick handshake and a picture and you're on your way. It happens so fast, you can't even appreciate it. With THE CAGE, you can walk in and shoot the shit with your favorite athlete for a few minutes. You can spit about training, diet, supplementation, or just general bullshit. And then you can stick around to feel the raw power and electricity that is generated by the awesome lifting exhibitions on a daily basis. The CAGE gives off a feeling that is unmatched and indescribable to those who are not in attendance.
You took the words rite out of my mouth bro, I couldnt agree more. Too many other booths make it like Disney land where you wait in line to have you picture taken with Mickey. At the Cage you come in and meet whoever you want without having to wait in line. Then another thing I respect the Cage doesnt do is throw random shit into the crowd i.e. t-shirts. People fuckin kill themselves to get a 10$ shirt, I think that shit looks stupid. We have contests where you earn you gear or supps like a true man or even woman.
12-12-11, 10:23 am
Simply put... It's like going to see good family...
Dead hit on the head. I walked in my first year not really knowing anyone and was immediately greeted with introductions and felt like an insider immediately.
12-12-11, 10:27 am
there are other booths at the arnold?
12-12-11, 10:51 am
there are other booths at the arnold?
My thoughts completely....
Equality... Amongst Pros and Bros.... Amongst Men and Women (thank you)... Amongst the Seasoned Athletes and the Beginners... and Amongst the Strong and the not so much (not really sure who THAT is referring
It is REAL... The INFO is REAL... The KNOWLEDGE is REAL ... The PEOPLE are REAL.... The PRODUCTS are REAL ()and speak for themselves... Nothing gimmicky about it... And most of all, FAMILY IS REAL...
12-12-11, 11:26 am
It never changes....
And I don't mean this in a bad way. For all of the reasons mentioned above, and more, it's a solid constant in an industry that's always in flux.
12-12-11, 11:29 am
Its very hard to explain. The best way to describe it, is to witness it first hand.
12-13-11, 3:33 am
I definitely agree with everything that's been said here. I don't really think there's anything I could add that hasn't been said already.
Its very hard to explain. The best way to describe it, is to witness it first hand.
Universal Rep
12-14-11, 10:59 am
It never changes....
And I don't mean this in a bad way. For all of the reasons mentioned above, and more, it's a solid constant in an industry that's always in flux.
A beacon in the nite...
12-14-11, 11:03 am
A beacon in the nite...
Everyone and their mother looks forward to the Cage at the Arnold. It pretty much defines the convention. Those who say otherwise haven't seen it or work for another booth.